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Korra: 1
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The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 16290 Raphael (Mirage) vs. Terry Bogard

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The drone flew through the moist air of the tunnels with Terry Bogard following not too far off, his only means of light being provided by the remote controlled aerial camera. He hadn’t intended for the battle to take a turn like this, and he could only blame himself for this. He hadn’t expected the fight with one of the Turtle fighters to go that far and he had unleashed a burst of power which caved in the street. Now here he was, running through the sewer as he was in search of Mai and the enraged Turtle. He had been hoping that nothing too serious had occurred, and he knew that Mai was especially a tough opponent despite her rather beautiful appearance.

He breathed steadily, inhaling through his nose and exhaling from his mouth as he kept the pace. Terry moved down very long corridors, splashing as his feet crashed through the ankle level water. He listened for the sounds of fighting, and in these vast tunnels— it was difficult. Sounds were bouncing everywhere, and Terry made many turns only to find himself getting further lost in these tunnels.

And with how dark these tunnels happened to be, Terry couldn’t help but feel that he could spend potentially minutes or even hours down here before he would have to look for a way back up to the surface and making his way back to the spot where the street caved in with some help in getting directions. Terry watched as the drone moved on ahead and the light illuminated the dark tunnels… He couldn’t help but shake his head and proceed on after the aerial remote controlled unit, only to push himself to run faster and put his faith in his sense of hearing and sense of direction. He clenched his fists, and the Southtown Lone Wolf hoped Mai would hold out.

Mai Shiranui just widened her eyes as soon as a fist had impacted her right in the mid-section, and she had never felt a blow like that moving into her. She couldn’t help but wrap her arms around her body and lurch forward as she gasped out, taking in the musty and moist air of the sewer tunnel all around. Compared to the blow which she experienced, the minor inconvenience of smelling the odor from the tunnel was a small price to pay in order to regain her breath. Raphael quickly spun down to a crouched position as he immediately then had swung his right leg across to the left, moving his foot for Mai’s ankles, sweeping the Kunoichi off from her feet. Mai hit the ground on her side, splashing into the pungent water before hitting hard concrete. There was no time to express her disgust, as Mai suddenly found herself on the defensive once more as Raphael turned with his hips, thrusting his sai as he aimed them out for what seemingly intended to be her face.

Reacting, Mai reached to her now soaking obi sash with her right hand and drew out a steel fan. She scrambled to her feet, and swung her weapon across from right to left, using the weapon to block away at the incoming sai. As Raphael thrust one more time with his pronged weapon, Mai flicked her hand and opened the fan and moved it outward. She gasped as the red masked hot-head’s weapon punched through the fan. Quickly, she closed the fan, and worked to pull Raphael to the side but the mutant Red Ear Slider responded by snapping his left leg out, firmly impacting it against’s Mai’s mid-section, pushing her back.


Mai turned in a spin and she threw her damaged fan as she took aim for her opponent’s  chest region. Raphael twirled his sai within his right hand, and swung his sai across— the sai struck the fan, knocking the weapon away and the red masked Turtle continued to rush right in for his opponent, his ire focused directly on her. He immediately thrust his left arm forward and out as he aimed for the Japanese woman’s chest, but Mai swerved to the right and managed to evade the stabbing thrust. Missing his mark, Raphael followed up by leaning with his weight and he’d swing his right arm across and bent his elbow out as he aimed to strike Mai firmly across the head. Mai had raised her left arm and clenched it firmly, taking the blow with her forearm and bicep but was staggering as she dropped against the grime layered stone wall.

But Raphael wasn’t finished. He made a mad rush right in for the Shiranui-ryu Kunoichi, and pushed himself up with his legs and immediately thrust both his feet forward, firmly impacting them into Mai’s chest. Wincing in discomfort and pain, feeling her air being pushed out from her, Mai stumbled back only to then be met with a cascade of water splashing down on her as she fell through a waterfall.

Mai looked down to her attire, realizing that her beautiful Shiranui Kunoichi uniform which she wore so proudly… was defiled, desecrated by the grime from fighting in the sewer and it was wet. A sense of anger now entered into her mind, and this fire burned brightly within her. Quickly, she moved her hands to her bosom, now drawing out two more fans in preparation for her adversary. As soon as he came bursting from the shower of water, Raphael pounced for the attack.


Mai quickly dashed away from the red masked Turtle, only to tense up her leg muscles and she leapt towards the nearest wall. Taking to the air about six feet and several feet ahead, she then had placed her feet to the surface and rebounded only to somersault over Raphael and immediately landed feet first onto the moist ground. Taking this moment, Mai turned and swung her obi tails across, intending on distracting Raphael with it. The red masked ninja soon found himself being socked across the head with the hardened plastic ball of her sash. Mai quickly then swung her right arm across, smacking her fan firmly across the Turtle’s face. Taking this opening, Mai then thrust her other fan in hand outward, jabbing the blunt end firmly into her opponent’s forehead. Mai immediately dashed in for the mutant Red Ear Slider, turning in a spin as she swung her fans across.

Multiple impacts struck Raphael, and while the blows were discomforting— he fought through them. He had taken worse in his life form, and with the adrenaline burst which he was going through— powering through would be no problem. He watched as the red clad Kunoichi continued with the motion, took to the air and swung her right leg across horizontally as she intended to go for his head again. Raphael immediately hunched down and he dove in for the Japanese woman’s legs, curling and wrapping his arms around them as she was about to descend and tackled her to the water layered concrete once more.

“THIS IS FOR MIKEY!” Raphael shouted.

Without hesitation, Raphael had changed his grip on his sai, the blunt ends tucked in his palms and between his fingers, protruding outward and he set his sights on Mai’s face only to being thrust his fist down and repeatedly pummeled away at Mai’s face. Mai Shiranui’s head rang with an intense pain like no other and she moved her hands up to shield her face from the Turtle’s blows. And each time she tried to defend, it felt like as if he was about to crush through. And she couldn’t keep this up forever.

Quickly thinking, Mai directed her energy to flow through herself and channeled it to her arms and hands, now moving it to her fans. As soon as she felt that burst of energy within, she willed the flow to interact with the musty air all around herself, and combust. Immediately, Mai’s fans bursts in flames. Startled, Raphael widened his eyes as he removed himself from Mai, but instinctively now swung his right leg outward— firmly striking his foot into her mid-section, causing her to gasp out and forced her to roll away, clutching at her mid-section and coughed. She pushed herself to stand, and shakily managed to accomplish so.

Mai thrust her left arm out with the fan extended for the Turtle’s face, but Raphael leaned back away from the strike. None the less, Mai Shiranui would swing her fan across from right to left, striking the red masked hot-head twice and she quickly turned in a spin and then swung her other fan in a downward motion, impacting Raphael firmly onto his head. Pushing herself up, Mai then swung her right leg across in a jumping inside outside crescent kick, striking her opponent firmly across the face. Raphael stumbled, momentarily taken aback by the strike but Mai capitalized as she immediately turned and swung her left leg across, again striking Raphael and continued with the motion to bring her right leg back across as she performed a spinning heel kick.

“HMPH!” Raphael stumbled to the side as he hit the wall, shaking his head to power through the discomfort.

The Japanese Kunoichi then dashed ahead, zeroing in on the mutant Terrapin and she threw her weight forward while pushing herself upward, cartwheeling herself forward as she then landed feet first onto the moist ground of the tunnel. Then, she pounced forward and clasped her hands together, moving her right arm’s elbow out.


“RRRGHHAAA!!” Raphael roared in fury.

Quickly, he leaned forward and shifted his weight ahead— rolling underneath Mai as she soared above him, effectively making her miss her target now. As he splashed along the water layered ground, Raphael then set himself up to stand, only to then reach out with his arms and firmly wrap them around Mai’s mid-section. He squeezed with his adrenaline fueled might, causing the Japanese beauty to gasp out for air as she felt the compression. But Raphael took things further as he then threw his weight upwards and leaned back with his legs, only to hoist Mai further up and drop her back first into the water layered floor.

Mai felt a wash of pain now moving down her back, and she gasped out once more for air as water cascaded all around her before dropping back. She slumped and winced her eyes in extreme displeasure and discomfort. This was not at all like fighting the wily Turtle, and whatever she had done— it was clear to her that this opponent was PISSED. But Mai didn’t have much of a chance to reflect on what she could have done, as she slumped onto her belly and was forced to stare up.

What she saw caused her to now force herself to move, as she shifted her weight to the right.

Raphael came down like a meteor, his twin sai gripped firmly in both hands and as he plummeted in towards her, he thrust his sai down for her back but missed as he struck nothing but the ground. He twirled his weapons as he slowly stood to his full stature, shooting a glare at the Japanese woman.

Mai gasped, forcing herself to rise once more as he now gripped her fans firmly in hand. At this moment, she had no idea how long she could keep this up, or how she was able to keep this going. Perhaps it was instinctual self-preservation keeping her going. But she couldn’t help but shudder from feeling the anger of her opponent. None the less, she was a ninja of the Shiranui clan— and she wouldn’t give up without a fight.

Raphael and Mai glared to one another, now rushing in as fast as they could to one another. The Turtle would thrust his sai in both hands forward and out, but Mai countered as she would use her fans to block or intercept and divert the weapons away, preventing them from striking at her. In return, she would swing her fan in her left hand downward for Raphael’s head, but the red masked Turtle would position his twin sai overhead and block the strikes. Mai took aim for the red masked ninja’s neck, aiming for the throat as she would thrust a fan out. Raphael growled as he saw this, and he thrust his sai in his right hand forward, now catching Mai’s fan and pushed it away as he twisted the sai in his grasp to further force the fan away. Raphael then swung his right leg back across, performing a reversal crescent kick. Mai leaned back away from the incoming foot, and once more aimed to go onto the offensive.

Quickly, Mai mentally attuned herself to the energy which was within herself and as soon as she felt that energy she channeled it through her body. She quickly turned and then aimed to swing the tail ends of her Kunoichi attire for Raphael, as she focused on having her energy combust into flames…


But… to Mai’s horror, no flames erupted and her tail ends were too heavy… They were water bogged and the balls attached only made them to heavy for her to move effectively in. The water soaking her prevented the flames from being produced from her own energy, and she realized what the opponent had done… but by the time it had come to her, Raphael rushed in as he swung his right leg across to the left, impacting Mai’s mid-section with a solid roundhouse and then ran in once more only to lean out with his right shoulder effectively ramming into Mai. But then he continued to run forward as he wrapped his arms around her, now lifting her off her feet. Raphael ran down the tunnel, and he would crash through more falling water.

Mai looked back and widened her eyes…

With the woman in his arms, Raphael plunged himself forward and leapt off from the ledge as he dove forward. What seemed to be a large drop came to an abrupt end as soon as the Shiranui ninja and the Turtle crashed through water, and sunk to the bottom. There would be no movement within the water…

The surface broke, and Raphael would be the first to rise as he swam up with Mai slung over his shoulder— the red clad Kunoichi now unconscious from the battle. A sense of satisfaction now entered Raphael’s mind, but that would immediately be kicked out from his mind as soon as he heard a familiar noise. He looked up and saw the drone hovering and he heard a voice in the distance…

“Mai! Mai!”

It was the last opponent… Raphael quickly kicked his legs, and swam over towards the nearest solid ground which he could find, and as he found himself in shallow waters, Raphael stood and pulled Mai along and rested her onto the ground. He placed a finger on her neck, feeling for a pulse— there was one, still very strong. So she was alive after all… Well, that was good on his part, he figured.. But he needed to get a move on.

But then something came to Raphael’s mind. What would Leonardo do?

Quickly, Raphael stood and looked all around himself— and darted off to one of the many tunnels. He knew the subterranean world under New York well enough. After all, the sewers were his home.

Terry arrived to where he had heard the noise, and he immediately noticed Mai resting along the ground. She was soaking wet, and covered in grime. And given from the bruises which she had on herself, it seemed as if her opponent had given her one hell of a fight. The Lone Wolf had moved his right hand down to her neck, and immediately felt a pulse. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Terry looked all around but so no sign of the mutant reptile.

“Didn’t think a group of cosplayers would give us this much trouble.” He spoke with a sigh.

There was a sudden movement coming across the air, and Terry noticed it from the corner of his eyes and he leaned to his left, evading whatever was coming his way. He looked to see what it was as it struck the brick wall nearest to him and widened his eyes as a set of three shurikens had embedded themselves in. Quickly turning to face whoever or whatever had thrown them, Terry glared at the shape in the tunnel.

It was the Turtle.

Swiftly, Terry took off in the direction from where the throwing stars had moved from and trailed down the tunnel. Raphael slunk further into the darkness, and Terry had no choice but to follow after. His footsteps splashed through the water which flowed along the ground, and he could see a dim light at the end of the tunnel. When he had passed through, there was no sign of his opponent. Terry blinked, and moved his sights all around.

He was in a different area of the sewer. There were plenty of ladders, lots of tunnels and platforms and large bodies of water which were probably quite deep. The opponent could be anywhere and he just blinked at the sudden realization of this. Suddenly, a noise was made— as if something had dropped. Something heavy. And it sounded like it had come from one of the high platforms.

Terry ran towards the nearest ladder and climbed quickly, now scrambling to the top as he stood on the platform. He proceeded to move on ahead now. He paused for a moment, noticing that there were some large pipes which he needed to cross. Slowly, Terry placed a foot down and proceeded to trek on ahead.

However what Terry had failed to notice what was under the pipes which he had been moving on. A hand moved up and slowly positioned itself up top, and Raphael slowly climbed around and up onto the pipes as he now stared to Terry from behind. Raph moved a hand to his utility belt, and began to slowly and silent feel around for whatever tool he needed. And as soon as he felt it, he took hold of it and then aimed it for Terry’s feet. With a flick of his hand, and a release, the mutant Red Ear Slider tossed the smoke bomb and watched as it hit the pipe.

Terry turned and immediately gasped as his vision was briefly obscured by the smoke.

Without any hesitation, Raphael pounced and tackled Terry with his adrenaline infused strength and pounced from the pipes as he now allowed himself and his opponent to plunge to the waters below. With a splash, both the Lone Wolf and the Turtle crashed into the water.

The outcome between the Turtles against Team Fatal Fury now rested on it’s last remaining active members…

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The next match in my Mirage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles storyline finally brings us to the climax between the TMNT and Team Fatal Fury! This one was relatively easy to write up because I had already in mind on how to present the recap between Raphael and Mai Shiranui from my last match up and also I kind of had an idea on how I wanted to present this one. I kind of wanted to add something a little bit of a scary element with Raphael here and how he intended to use the tunnels, so I kind of had to tap into a little bit of horror here and there but not too much where he comes off as a slasher character, but someone who definitely knows how to use the shadows. Like my last match up, environment is definitely something to take into consideration here as I feel that environment is just as important as skills and abilities.

Also, I would like to state that the Fatal Fury OVAs are not to be considered here as they are NON-CANON in either Fatal Fury or KOF continuities, and SNK has not commented on their placement in either series.

For new readers who are just hopping onto this storyline here, I suggest you look at the Mirage TMNT Respect Thread to see what the Mirage Turtles are more than capable of.


Raphael is low tier superhuman in terms of physicals. Think Above Peak Human due to his mutation.

Raphael is on an Adrenaline Burst.

Raphael possesses his Twin Sai, Shurikens, Smoke Bombs and Kunai.


Terry Bogard is in Peak Human Conditioning due to his Training.

Terry Bogard possess all of this move set from the Fatal Fury and KOF series.


Battle Environment and Layout


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Another great set-up and recap, Rakai! The recap with Raph and Mai was quite appropriately intense and exciting! 

As for the match, ... gotta think on it for a bit. Terry's fresher, but Raph is still in his element and apparently ready to think a bit more tactically than usual here.

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28 minutes ago, DSkillz said:

Another great set-up and recap, Rakai! The recap with Raph and Mai was quite appropriately intense and exciting! 

As for the match, ... gotta think on it for a bit. Terry's fresher, but Raph is still in his element and apparently ready to think a bit more tactically than usual here.

I wouldn't think that Terry is as fresh as one might think, considering that he's been running through the sewer tunnels looking for Mai as she's been fighting Raphael. Also consider that Raphael is still in that adrenaline burst and he just took Terry underwater.

As a mutant Turtle, Raphael is still adapted to the water and can hold his breath for lengthy periods of time. Something that Terry isn't adapted for and may not be able to do if the fight is underwater for a long period of time.

There's also ladders and platforms to he used here as well and waterfalls and currents to be considered. 

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Given the setting, I think this match falls in Raphael's favor. Terry is more skilled as a fighter but I'm in TMNT corner.

Nice recap too, Rakai. My favorite bits of your set-ups.

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5 minutes ago, SSJRuss said:

Given the setting, I think this match falls in Raphael's favor. Terry is more skilled as a fighter but I'm in TMNT corner.

Nice recap too, Rakai. My favorite bits of your set-ups.

Well, everything is now on Raphael's shoulders. I mean seeing his brothers getting beaten is something he isn't going to take sitting down. I didn't even think it would get escalated to this point.

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I really like what you've done here Rakai, as you really are doing well at conveying the sense of emotion, particularly distress and fear from both parties, as well as passion and rage from Raphael specifically. The fight between him and Mai was pretty exciting to me too, and I like how you've portrayed Raph as a fighter who uses not only strength and speed, but strategy and tactics as well, as it really shows how Raph has grown as a character, and learned from both Master Splinter and his other brothers as well, in comparison to how most see Raphael operating. Your descriptions of his reactions to Mai's status, and the approach of Terry at this point, work well here too, as it shows that while enraged, he hasn't lost his humility or his focus, important elements to Raphael's character that most people seem to miss when trying to characterize him as a person.

Terry is no doubt a tougher fighter then Mai, but I'm thinking that even after being weathered from his fights previously, Raphael could still win here, as he is in his element, thinking and acting strategically and logically, as opposed to just attacking with pure rage, and has watched Terry's previous fight with Leonardo, and likely analyzed and assessed where his brother failed in that match, enabling him to find a more effective counter if and when Terry tries to use the same tactics against him,

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10 minutes ago, Z451 said:

I really like what you've done here Rakai, as you really are doing well at conveying the sense of emotion, particularly distress and fear from both parties, as well as passion and rage from Raphael specifically. The fight between him and Mai was pretty exciting to me too, and I like how you've portrayed Raph as a fighter who uses not only strength and speed, but strategy and tactics as well, as it really shows how Raph has grown as a character, and learned from both Master Splinter and his other brothers as well, in comparison to how most see Raphael operating. Your descriptions of his reactions to Mai's status, and the approach of Terry at this point, work well here too, as it shows that while enraged, he hasn't lost his humility or his focus, important elements to Raphael's character that most people seem to miss when trying to characterize him as a person.

Thank you for the comments on this, Z451! I really wanted to convey a sense of heaviness which was coming from both sides here and I think I did a good enough job there although I felt like when it came to the recap fight, I didn't convey enough as to how the adrenaline burst was affecting Raphael. None the less I do think that Raphael learned from his mistakes early on in his career as far as the Mirage comics go, and he's even admitted that his rage often gets him in a lot of trouble and he's worked to mellow out a little bit, and even addressed the cause of why he's so angry. But he also realizes that this anger, while dangerous if uncontrolled, can be very effective when it is quite controlled and used in a manner where it's an advantage more than a liability.

I wanted to convey a sense of impending fear from Mai, that she realizes that she shouldn't hve turned her nose up at the Turtles despite their unusual appearance and that they are more ninja which she had originally given them credit for. Raphael, has always been protective about his brothers-- especially Michelangelo, and even in the original Mirage comics, he's noted that had Michelangelo ever gotten hurt-- he would black out and often go into a berserker rage. Thankfully, this isn't the case but he didn't really like the idea that all of that training and fighting, that it could've meant they were coming up short. So everything falls on him.

A lot of people tend to believe that Raphael is this very hot-headed character, and while that's true-- he's mellowed out some. He's still the most dangerous and violent of the Turtles of course. Leonardo being second only to Raphael in terms of readiness for lethality.

16 minutes ago, Z451 said:

Terry is no doubt a tougher fighter then Mai, but I'm thinking that even after being weathered from his fights previously, Raphael could still win here, as he is in his element, thinking and acting strategically and logically, as opposed to just attacking with pure rage, and has watched Terry's previous fight with Leonardo, and likely analyzed and assessed where his brother failed in that match, enabling him to find a more effective counter if and when Terry tries to use the same tactics against him,

There is no doubt that Terry is tougher than Mai Shiranui, that's just a straight up fact as Terry has a lot of raw power and more explosive Ki based ability. But Raphael saw how he fought Leonardo, and he knows what techniques to avoid from Terry and possibly... quite possibly... how to make Terry deplete his energy reserves if he thinks well enough. Raphael knows the sewers of NYC pretty well, as he and his brothers grew up with them. And also, one key part of ninjutsu it utilization of the environment. There are eighteen disciplines in ninjutsu, and this is even extended to real life ninjutsu, at least as far as actual clans like the Iga and Koga are concerned, so it's likely that the Foot and by extention, the Turtles know these eighteen paths-- and one of them being Chimon (Geography), Shinobi-Iri (Stealth), Intonjutsu (Escape and Concealment), and Bo-ryaku (Strategy). Raphael has already shown that he can run, have Terry follow and use the tunnels to get around, lose Terry off from his trail, and maybe even find a different angle to get at him through. And then there's the ladders for climbing, water for swimming or dragging Terry through.

But Terry's definitely someone for Raphael to keep on his toes with. Raphael still has to deal with that explosive Ki power which he has, and hopefully he's learned to adapt to this and calm enough to realize that before he truly unleashes his anger.

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I will have to think about this one for a bit, it's honestly hard to be completely objective for a couple of reasons.

1.) I can feel the narrative disadvantage that Terry is in, like he is being set up to lose which kind of makes me want to vote for him.

2.) But I want Raphael to win because he is my favorite turtle and because his defeat would likely mean the end of the arc which is not what I want.

I will do my best to ignore those two things with my vote. As for the fight setup itself, it is great as always Rakai. As mentioned before, your fight recaps are really well done.


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33 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

I will have to think about this one for a bit, it's honestly hard to be completely objective for a couple of reasons.

1.) I can feel the narrative disadvantage that Terry is in, like he is being set up to lose which kind of makes me want to vote for him.

2.) But I want Raphael to win because he is my favorite turtle and because his defeat would likely mean the end of the arc which is not what I want.

I will do my best to ignore those two things with my vote. As for the fight setup itself, it is great as always Rakai. As mentioned before, your fight recaps are really well done.

I can understand your apprehensiveness but here's something which I feel like needs to be addressed.

If it feels like there's a narrative disadvantage which Terry is in, it's not meant to be presented in this manner. You have to remember that in terms of abilities, Terry has a lot more explosive power than Raphael, especially considering that he can use his Ki to produce explosive techniques like the Power Wave, Ground Wave, Power Geyser and Buster Wolf. This is something which Raphael definitely lack. So, there needs to be some kind of equalizer going on here.

It's kind of like Godzilla vs Kong, in that Godzilla has more power and ability than Kong, but he's slower on land where as Kong is faster and can use buildings to get around. It's a similar situation here. Terry has power which Raphael doesn't, so Raphael needs something of to balance that out and the environment is that.

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Huh, voting's not up yet? 

But yeah, I went ahead and voted for Raphael last night. He's a little more "battle ready" in this scenario than Terry and has a bit of a home field advantage.

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3 minutes ago, DSkillz said:

Huh, voting's not up yet? 

But yeah, I went ahead and voted for Raphael last night. He's a little more "battle ready" in this scenario than Terry and has a bit of a home field advantage.

Yeah, I thought it would be done today since I submitted Sunday at 11:00 AM.

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8 minutes ago, JohnnyChany said:

Unless my math is off voting should end Friday mid day.

More than likely it will.

I'll be checking from my phone, as I will be out getting the second COVID vaccination and looking at a house later on.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Z451
4.40 - SSJRuss
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.40 Total Combined Score
19.40 / 4 = 4.85 Final Rating on the match

Raphael (Mirage): 5
Terry Bogard: 2

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Writing the recap for this is probably going to be interesting. Now I need to figure out who the Turtles are going to go up against next.

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