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Match 18751 Brother Voodoo vs. Vecna (Stranger Things)


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Prt. II 

Kneeling down on the snow-covered ground, Kate held her throbbing side. Pain and adrenaline ran through her body after the battle that she had against the Black Captain. She pushed the palm of her hand against the cold ground beneath her and rose to her feet. With a steady walk to the edge of the cliff, she gazed down below. While gasping the cold winter air in an attempt to catch her breath, she looked over the world below in search of the wicked creature that she had defeated. Her mind raced while she recounted the clash between her and the Witch-king of Angmar. There was no sign of the wicked creature as she looked over the river below. The young archer glanced back at where the battle at occurred. While turning her attention back down upon the river below the cliff, the young Avenger realized that the Black Captain must have fallen down into the icy water below and carried away. 

Kate sighed while shaking her head. Her thoughts were still focused on the battIe against this evil fiend. Throughout the battle, there was a sense of dread that she had not felt since that night in the Central Park all those years ago. With a glance, she saw a tree that the Witch-king had tossed her against. With a single blow from his horrifying flail, the Lord of the Nazgul tore through the snow-covered tree that he had thrown the young archer against. In a split second, Kate was able to dodge the deadly attack. Flakes of snow and bark had rained over the young Hawkeye while she rolled to her feet. The young Avenger walked through the snow and looked over the broken arrows that she had shot into her foe. With deafening cries, the Witch-king broke the arrows out of his long black robes and tossed them aside. Kate shook her head in disbelief while sauntering through the snow. She had faced a great many enemies during her time as an Avenger, but there was something different about this foe.

The young Hawkeye turned her attention to the scorched marks that stain the cold ground. It was a moment of triumph in the harrowing battle against her foe. She had taken one of the explosive trick arrows and launched it at the Black Rider. The blast had knocked the fiend to the edge of the cliff. When the creature had rose to his feet, Kate used the opportunity to launch another one of her powerful trick arrows into his chest. The arrow propelled the creature back into the darkness below and down into the freezing waters. Despite her victory over the Lord of the Nazgul, Kate felt a great uneasiness within the pit of her chest. With the winter air pressing against her cheeks, she looked around the dark tree line that was covered in snow. In a steady breath, she lifted her bow with an arrow trained on the shadows from within the thick forest. There was a crunchy sound of snow and broken twigs from within the darkness. The young archer let out a sigh of relief as she saw a deer sauntering under the moonlight.

Walking through the bitter cold, she could hear a faint sound of a grandfather clock. Shaking her head in disbelief, she believed that it was nothing more than her mind playing tricks on her. The more she walked, the louder the clock became. Her head started throbbing in pain. Kate leaned against a tree in hopes that she could catch her breath. A great many memories started to race through her mind as she reflected on the battles that she had fought as an Avenger. She could have sworn she saw the faces of many lives that she had failed to save in her duties as an Avenger. Kate rubbed her face and started to gasp for air.

Her nose and cheeks started going numb from the cold winter air pressing against them. After a moment of collecting her thoughts, the sound of the clock had disappeared. The pain that was pounding in her head had faded, and she pushed herself away from the tree. In the light of the moon, she saw a figure standing in the snow. It was hideous creature that almost appeared as if it had been burned. The creature had piercing dark eyes and long sharp fingers. With one of its long sharp fingers, it pointed at the young Avenger. Immediately, the young archer lifted her bow and aimed an arrow at the grotesque creature. Her ears filled with the sound of its wretched voice. 

"Soon you and your world's suffering will end." The creature said before it vanished into thin air. 

In a second's notice, Kate dropped to the snow-covered ground soon after the creature had vanished. A wraith like creature swung an axe at her as soon as the creature had vanished. After rolling away from the axe carrying wraith, Kate rose to her feet. Her eyes widened once she realized that she was surrounded by the beings that she had encountered at the bottom of the cliff. With an arrow aimed at the axe carrying wraith, Kate gazed upon the pale skinned wraith. After looking over the pale face and lifeless eyes of the wraith, she began to realize that these wraith-like beings that surrounded her were the workers that had vanished from the wood logging company.

With her arrow trained upon the axe carrying wraith, Kate let out a steady sigh. Her heart was overcome with a sense of failure and guilt. She failed her sister and she failed to save these men. With her arrow aimed upon the wraith-like being, Kate was prepared to launch the arrow into the wraith. A bright light rained down from the sky above, and Kate could hear the sound of chanting from within the forest. The wraith-beings fell to the snow-covered ground below, and she turned her head to see a man emerging from the trees. Her eyes widened as a puzzled look fell upon her face once she realized that it was a man that she had seen before. 

"Brother Voodoo?" Kate asked while her breath formed outside of her mouth.

"We do not have much time, Kate Bishop." Brother Voodoo said while walking out of the trees. He looked over the wraith-like beings that had surrounded Kate. "They have not fully crossed over."

"Crossed over?" Kate asked while glancing down at the wraith-like beings. "Are they dead?"

"Not dead... Not alive... In a realm between life and death... A shadow of what they once were and a plague on the land of the living." Brother Voodoo panted while glaring upon the young Avenger.

Kate looked down upon the beings that once were the workers at the logging company. Their faded pale eyes were without any spark of life. It was if they were vessels for something from beyond the land of the living. The young Avenger glanced upon the sorcerer and struggled with the thoughts that came upon her.

"What are we to do?" Kate asked while looking over the men.

"I have to travel into another dimension. Once there, I can possibly bring them back to our own." Brother Voodoo responded while dragging the beings to form a circle around them.

"Wait... How did..." Kate fumbled her words while reflecting on what all that had transpired. "How did you know that I was here? What is going on?"

"There is much more happening than any of us realize, Kate. I had sensed a darkness coming into the world. When I went in search, the Sorcerer Supreme told me of a coming age." Brother Voodoo responded while preparing the bodies of the wraith-like beings. 

"What is going on?" Kate asked.

"I will explain at a later time but I have not much time. A coming darkness is trying to bring about an age of unspeakable horror." Brother Voodoo responded. "I must save these men before they fully crossover to that darkness."

"What do you need me to do?" Kate asked while looking into Brother Voodoo's eyes.

"My body will be vulnerable. Protect these men and myself from any danger that could present itself." Brother Voodoo ordered as he went to stand in the center of the circle. 

After chanting a spell, Brother Voodoo's eyes turned into a pearly white color. His body started to levitate above the circle of unconscious wraith-like beings. Jericho Drumm opened his eyes and found himself in a world of shadows. The crimson skies lit up this strange world with sparks of lightning. Brother Voodoo could see more of this upside-down world that souls of the logging company workers were trapped in. Overhead, he saw foul beasts flying around and strange vines covering the land. 

While walking through this Upside Down, Brother Voodoo heard a whimpering sound. The Houngan Supreme stopped to listen carefully upon the whimpering. It sounded as if a child was trapped in the clutches of this world. With a moment of silence, the sorceror let out a grunt as he began to search through the vines for the whimpering child. There was a snapping sound that rang out from the shadows. Brother Voodoo turned his head and saw a thin man emerging from the shadows. He was tall and pale. His face seemed to be overcome by fright. 

"Who are you?" Brother Voodoo asked with a piercing stare. 

"Henry... My name is Henry..." The man responded with a shaking voice.

"Where are you from?" Brother Voodoo asked as he turned toward Henry.

"Earth... I was... I was working when we were attacked. I woke up here." Henry said while pointing out at the world around.

"Is there a child here?" Brother Voodoo asked.

"There was... Not anymore." Henry responded as he started shaking his head.

"Where are the others?" Brother Voodoo asked. 

"I will take you to them." Henry responded.

Brother Voodoo hesitantly followed the young thin man through the vine covered world. Through the darkness, the Sorceror could hear a faint sound of a grandfather clock. As they walked, his head started to throb with an intense pain. The thing pale man then led him into a rocky area. Brother Voodoo could see bodies pinned against six different stones.

"There are six of them!" Brother Voodoo growled.

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

"There were only six workers that went missing. Not seven." Brother Voodoo said when he turned his head back toward Henry. "Who are you really?"

"I lied to you about working with these men, but I am from Earth." Henry responded while walking backward in the darkness.

A vision of a young boy emerged, and Brother Voodoo saw a vision. A vision of a boy and his family. He watched as the boy developed a power beyond that of the natural world. The young boy started tormenting his family day after day. In a brutal fashion, he murdered his mother and sister. His father was taken away to an asylum for crimes committed by the boy, and the young boy was taken away by a strange older man. The vision shifted as the boy grew into the young man that Drumm had seen earlier. After being freed from the control of the strange older man, the thin young man went on a rampage. He slaughtered an entire facility of special children and government officials. 

"You see, Jericho Drumm..." He heard the voice of the young pale many speaking over the visions. "I was from Earth. Born of weak mortal parents, I was and am beyond your world. I was brought to this void as a child. I grew in power. I came as an explorer into this world, and I will return to your world as a conqueror. I am not coming alone!"

The visions faded and Voodoo returned back to the Upside Down. Emerging from the shadows, Brother Voodoo saw the true form of Henry walking before him. His body was scarred and burned. The piercing dark eyes were glaring at the Hougan Supreme. 

"I have gone by a great many names..." His voice changed while he circling around the sorceror. "Henry Creel, Vecna, number one... My name is irrelevant... What I am now is so much more than a name. I am the end of your suffering. I am the end of the suffering for your world. We will destroy the foundations of your weak planet and build something much, much greater!"

"And who is we?" Brother Blood asked.

"You will not be alive long enough to see. Your suffering ends now!" Vecna roared while the sound of a grandfather clock echoed through the world around.

"I will not be the one that dies tonight!" Brother Voodoo responded as he prepared for battle. 

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This will be an interesting fight. In the end, I think Binding will be the most effective way to end the fight as he's been able to disable beings as strong as Mephisto. He'll just need to survive being torn apart by telekinesis, but I think he'll have the spells to survive long enough for the binding spell.

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