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Silk vs. Lillith Aensland
Silk: 5
Lillith Aensland: 0

Pumpkin Jack vs. Jack Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Jack: 4
Jack Pumpkinhead: 1

Rumble 20942 Korra vs. Kid Goku
Korra: 1
Kid Goku: 0

Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)
The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

Rumble 20937 The Leprechaun vs. Jolly Roger
The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 18843 Raphael (Mirage) vs. K'


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Leonardo and Angel circled around each other, both sizing each other up as they readied themselves for the battle ahead. Both teams had put up their best efforts, though the Turtles seemed to be coming out ahead in this game with the downfall of one of their own. Leonardo gripped his ninjaken within his hands, the weapon held and positioned vertically as he kept his stare on the Latina woman before him. He had noted her confidence by the way she seemed so unafraid of him and the playful smile on her face. He had participated in this tournament long enough to know that there were opponents who possessed powers which he never thought possible, but he and his brothers seemed to cope with this well enough despite sustained a few losses and tied outcomes. None the less, this new experience game him the insight to not underestimate any opponent whom he and his brothers would come across.

“C’mon, Leo! You got this!” Raphael yelled out as he raised his right arm, pumping his fist in support of his brother.

Angel smirked as she then rushed on ahead, zeroing in on the red masked Turtle with surprising speed and Leonardo widened his eyes as the woman then turned with her weight as she then swung her right arm across and then pumped her left arm upward as she intended to strike at Leonardo’s head and mid-section with both punches, but the red masked field leader hunched and managed to evade the first punch and he turned and side-stepped from the next. As he moved away from his opponent, Leonardo quickly snapped his left leg upward and diagonally to the right, performing a high roundhouse kick which was aimed for the woman’s head but Angel leaned back away from the incoming kick, smirking as she then would turn and swing her right leg across to the right as she set her sights to hit Leonardo across his face, but the red masked ninja then leaned back away from the spinning back wheel kick. The red masked ninja responded by shifting with a step and he moved his arms down, slashing the ninjaken in his hands vertically down for the middle of his opponent. Angel side stepped to the Turtle’s right, managing to quickly evade the incoming sword and she rushed in and unleashed two jabs from her left and right at the mutant Terrapin.

Leonardo ducked and weaved underneath the incoming punches and he tensed up the muscles within his legs, now pushing himself up and throwing his weight up and back, swinging both his feet up as he took aim for Angel’s chin while performing a reverse somersault. An impact managed to land directly underneath Angel’s chin, and the Luchador woman blinked her blue colored eyes as it took a moment for her to register what had happened.

The mutant Red Ear Slider quickly rushed in towards his opponent, and Leonardo spun his ninjaken within his right hand, gripping the handle to hold the weapon in reverse as he now thrust is right arm forward and out—taking aim for the middle of Angel’s face and he slammed the blunt end of the handle directly between her eyes. Angel felt another impact slamming into her and her senses had been momentarily jarred, causing her to be briefly disoriented. Wasting no time, Leonardo rushed ahead and he pushed himself with his legs, taking to the air and he kicked both his legs out one after the other, slamming his feet directly into Angel’s chest—causing the woman to now stumble back and she tripped over one of the lounge benches and hit the ground flat onto her back before she curled herself and rolled back onto her feet, quickly recovering from the attack.

Landing onto his feet, Leonardo now stepped forth and ran at his opponent. Quickly, he would swing his arms across as he took aim for Angel’s mid-section, slashing his ninjaken quickly with the intent to cut. However, the Mexican woman hopped back from the moving blade and in retaliation she hopped back and then quickly turned with her hips, pumping her arms forward in two quick punches for Leonardo’s head and then swung her right leg in an inside outside crescent kick, intending to smack Leonardo’s face with the side of her boot. The Turtle weaved from side to side, evading the incoming punches before he then leaned back from the kick. He had to admit, this woman was fast— fast enough to actually keep up with him.

Angel then reached out with her arms, now managing to take hold of the Turtle by the shoulders and with her inhuman strength, she pulled Leonardo closer and forced him to hunch down. Quickly, she raised her right leg up and curled it around the back of the Turtle’s head and neck, before she then pushed herself up to a leap as she turned with her weight and then kicked her left leg up and smacked the back of her heel against Leonardo’s face—effectively releasing him and sent him airborne now as she successfully landed her Mad Murder technique.

Leonardo felt briefly weightlessness for a moment before gravity pulled him down and he hit the ground flat onto his carapace. The red masked ninja then threw his weight to the left, rolling on the ground before he placed his hands onto the deck floor and pushed himself to his feet. He snapped himself to his fighting stance, gripping his ninjaken in both hands as he positioned the blade horizontally forward, glaring to Angel.

“Didn’t expect that, eh Tortuga?” Angel coyly smiled.

“Nah, can’t say that I did.” Leonardo responded.

Angel grinned as hunched down and now started sprinting right at Leonardo. The Turtle remained in his fighting posture, ready to meet his opponent head on. She now tensed up the muscles within her body and pushed herself forward to run even faster and as she neared the Turtle, Angel then activated one of her enhancements—and she seemingly disappeared from sight and seemingly appeared behind Leonardo— making great use of her Unchain Step technique. Leonardo widened his eyes and quickly turned to meet his opponent, but then Angel now turned in a spin and she raised her right leg up and arced it across in a heel kick, smacking the back of her boot across Leonardo’s head before she turned in a spin and swung her left arm in an uppercut, striking Leonardo in the chin as she now managed to land a Circle Upper chain attack.

Leonardo stumbled back, his senses now jarred as he worked to fight through the immediate discomfort. Seizing this opportunity, Angel then turned in a spin once more as this time she raised her left leg across and smacked it hard across Leonardo’s head in a spinning wheel kick. Turning to meet her opponent once more, Angel added to the combination by turning with her weight once more and she thrust her right arm forward, striking Leonardo directly in his face before she pulled her arm back, now springing it forward with a diagonal uppercut from her right as she now executed her Finish Lariat combination. The red masked Turtle now was sent flying back and he once more had hit the deck floor flat onto his right side, and he shook his head to dispel the cob webs.

“Guess you can say that I’m full of surprises!” Angel grinned.

The Latina woman now sprinted before she burst into a full on run, moving in on the Turtle who was now prone to attack. Leonardo widened his eyes and then noticed the woman getting closer and closer—he instinctively then moved his left hand down to his utility belt, and took hold of one of the many smoke pellets which he had on him. Taking aim for his opponent’s feet, Leonardo threw the pellet down and watched as a burst of flame erupted and dissipated, sending waft of smoke all over. Angel quickly skid to a halt as she widened her eyes and yelped, now moving her hands across to dissipate the smokescreen from her field of vision. Quickly, Leonardo then flipped himself to his feet, and then he spun his ninjaken within his hands and turned with hips, now thrusting his right arm forward and out and he set his sights to strike the blunt end of his weapon directly into Angel’s solar plexus. The Turtle struck his mark, causing the woman to widen her blue eyes as she gasped out and clutched at her stomach region, struggling to breathe as the air had been pushed from her. Leonardo then swung his right leg down and across, performing a low roundhouse kick for Angel’s knees and his foot struck hard across the woman’s legs. He followed up by then raising his leg up and performing the same kick again but this time at her mid-section, striking her firmly in the side of her ribs and again raised his leg up in a high roundhouse kick, firmly smacking his foot across Angel’s face. Leonardo then shifted with a step as he leaned in with his weight, snapping into a side stance and he pumped his right arm outward in a side punch, impacting Angel in her solar plexus again.

Angel flew back and she collided into one of the lounge benches and flipped back over it, now falling onto the deck floor on her chest and face. She hadn’t expected that. Pain moved through her body, causing her to momentarily writhe in discomfort but when the pain was subsiding, she reached out with her hands and took hold of the lounge bench and with her inhuman strength; she heaved it off from the ground as she now moved to her feet. Quickly, Angel moved her arms forward and released the bench from her grasp— tossing it right at the Turtle.

“LEO, WATCH OUT!!” Michelangelo shouted.

The red masked field leader of the Turtles dashed to his left, narrowly avoiding the tossed bench and watched as it hit the deck floor, shattering and breaking upon impact. He turned his head and watched as Angel now rushed right in towards him, now swinging her left arm across for his head but Leonardo pulled his head in his shell, barely managing to avoid the punch. Angel had set herself wide open, and Leonardo took this moment to turn his ninjaken, and he swung it across for Angel’s mid-section— striking the woman hard with the flat end of his sword. Angel grunted from the impact, and Leonardo spun the weapon in his hand and he moved his hands down, slamming the blunt end of the sword’s hand firmly down onto Angel’s head, causing her to drop her head briefly. Leonardo tensed his legs and pounced forward, only to roll onto Angel’s back and set himself feet first behind her. He then leaned in with his weight and he snapped his left leg forward—firmly striking the woman’s rear in a side kick and now sent her stumbling forward. Leonardo tensed his legs as he ran at Angel, and as he neared her, the red masked ninja pushed himself with his legs and took to the air and snapped both his legs, performing a drop kick and slammed his feet right at the back of Angel’s shoulders, and he sent her tumbling over the edge of the pool.

Angel experienced a brief moment of disorientation and weightlessness. She then looked all around herself, and noticed that she was in an area that was all blue and her skin felt a cool temperature all around herself. Realizing where she was, the Latina woman then moved her arms and kicked her legs only to break through the surface and she took in a deep breath of air through her mouth and exhaled. She then kicked her legs and moved her arms, swimming her way to the edge of the pool and now firmly gripped at the edge before she pulled herself up and out from the water, and now looked over to where Leonardo happened to be. Quickly, the Latina rushed right in at Leonardo, only to snap her left leg out and then jab away with her fists as she took aim for his face. Leonardo retaliated by snapping his right leg out, his foot colliding with Angel’s and he hunched beneath the two incoming punches. But then the Latina fighter hunched and leaned forward, before she rushed in a burst of inhuman speed, and then leaned forward only to ensnare the Turtle’s legs within her own before she would turn in a spin on her back, causing the Turtle to trip and spin as she had executed her Red Sky technique.

Leonardo would drop onto the ground and then he slammed onto his carapace, but then curled his lower half back and then flipped himself onto his feet, only to watch as Angel now would come right at him. Then the platinum haired woman now closed in on Leonardo and then she’d jab her left and right arm out for his face, but the Turtle ducked and weaved from side to side, evading the punches. Angel then swung her left leg diagonally up to the right in a high roundhouse, but Leonardo hunched once more to evade the strike. Angel added more to the assault, as she then turned in a spin and she swung her right arm back across, unleashing a mighty back fist but Leonardo hunched and managed to evade the incoming strike.

The red masked ninja then responded by swinging his arms across twice, moving his remaining ninjaken blade horizontally over from right to left—taking aim for the Mexican woman’s mid-section but Angel instead hopped back from the Turtle’s strike. Leonardo stepped once and he’d swing his arms down, moving his blade for the middle of Angel’s head but the former NESTS Agent then moved her left arm up and positioned it horizontally, using her forearm to block Leonardo’s wrist, effectively stopping his attack.

However, the Turtle immediately leaned forward and he swung his left leg up with his knee bent out— slamming it into Angel’s mid-section and he caused the woman to double over as she wheezed due to the air being pushed out. Leonardo side-stepped to his right, and gripped both hands around the handle of his ninjaken and then slammed the blunt end of the handle down onto the middle of her back as hard as he could. Angel then hit the ground harshly, her chin and her chest slamming onto the deck floor as he took a moment to process everything which was happening.

Angel groaned in discomfort and pain, writhing in agony as she worked to push herself to her feet. As she slowly rose back to meet her opponent, the Mexican woman now took in a deep breath of air through her nose and then released a sigh from within as she shook her head in defiance.

Both the Turtle and the former NESTS Agent now stared to one another. Leonardo snapped back into his fighting stance and gripped his remaining ninjaken within his hands and positioned the blade forward. Angel raised her hands, keeping her palms open but her fingers curled. The two rushed in to one another, immediately colliding in a display of speed and skill.

Leonardo would swing his arms across, slashing his ninjaken across to the left but Angel would hop back from the incoming sword and she rushed in ahead only to pump her right arm up for Leonardo’s plastron protected mid-section and then swung her left arm across in a hook punch. Leonardo took the blow to his mid-section, gasping in momentary discomfort as the air was pushed from him but he fought to endure the pain and watched as Angel’s incoming fist moved for his head. He leaned back from the incoming fist but then tensed up his leg muscles and pushed himself to jump, only to then swing his right leg across in a high jumping roundhouse kick as he took aim for Angel’s head, and the Turtle felt his foot making the impact which he had wanted to land. Angel stumbled to the side, and Leonardo landed onto his feet only to pounce forward and he kicked both his feet for his opponent’s chest. Angel grunted as she was sent flying back once more and this time she hit the counter of the bar found on the upper deck of the cruise ship. She rested her arms on the counter, and took in several deep breaths.

“You’re very good, Tortuga! But I’m not going to give up so easily!” Angel spoke through labored breaths.

Angel quickly then reached out with her hands and took hold of one of the bar stools and then rushed in only to swing it at Leonardo’s mid-section. However, the Turtle swung his blade across— the ninjaken cleaving through the bar stool as steel tore through aluminum and padded cushioning. Angel tossed the destroyed stool to the side, and she immediately clasped both hands together and swung her arms up, aiming to land in a double hammer fist for Leonardo’s chin, but the red masked Turtle side-stepped to the left and he turned his blade, only to swing it across and firmly struck Angel’s mid-section with the flat side of his sword. The former NESTS Agent grunted as she lurched forward and clutched at her mid-section with her arms.

Leonardo then spun his blade within his right hand, and he thrust it down—piercing his weapon through the deck floor of the cruise ship and now went onto the assault. He turned with his hips and he pumped his arms forward, unleashing a series of ten quick punches and then slammed his knuckles down onto his opponent’s mid-section and chest, and then he followed up by then snapping his right leg across to the left, firmly impacting his foot into Angel’s mid-section with two quick roundhouse kicks. Angel grunted and winced her blue eyes in discomfort as Leonardo managed to slam his fists and feet down onto her, and then he reached out only to then take a hold of Angel by the shoulders and pulled her down in towards him. Leonardo would then thrust his right leg up, slamming his knee directly into her chest, causing the woman to lose the air within once more as she wheezed.

Following this, Leonardo then turned in a spin and then he leaned forward and down only to move his arms forward and he released his hands from his opponent—tossing her again and watched as she flew through the air and now hit the water of the pool again. Leonardo took in a light breath, working to keep his strength going.

Angel again felt herself hitting and splashing through the water, weightlessness again coming to her and the water’s cool temperature soothing the heat that was building up inside of her. She kept her eyes closed and allowed herself to float in the pool, before she widened her eyes open and then kicked her legs and moved her arms to swim through the pool and reached the edge. When she had made it to the edge, Angel climbed out and breathed in through her nose and exhaled from her mouth, working to get another wind in her. After having regained her breath, Angel slowly again rose to her feet and now shot a hard stare at the Turtle.

Both Leonardo and Angel rushed in towards one another and again collided. Angel quickly jabbed her left and right arm forward and out, following up by then swinging her right arm for an uppercut at Leonardo’s chin but Leonardo then had turned with his hips as he positioned his forearms vertically, blocking and diverting the punches as fast as he could, and when the uppercut came at him— the red masked Turtle turned to his right and then responded by snapping his left leg forward and out in a front kick. Angel turned and she slapped her right hand down at the incoming kick, responding by swinging her left arm in a hook punch. Leonardo quickly then had shifted with a step and he flattened his hands, only to position his right hand out and his left hand poised at his chest as he blocked the strike with a ridge hand, but he turned with his weight as he shifted his footing and thrust his left hand out and struck at Angel’s throat with his fingers on his left hand.

“UUCK!” Angel gasped as she raised her hands, clutching at her throat.

Leonardo needed to finish this, and he needed to finish this now.

Quickly, the mutant Red Ear Slider then tensed all of the muscles within his body as he summoned the vast amounts of strength within himself, only to turn with his hips and he thrust his arms forward and out as fast as he could as he took aim for Angel’s mid-section, chest and her head. The former NEST Agent felt Leonardo’s fists impacting all over herself, and she moved her arms up to do her best to block the incoming strikes. However, Leonardo was relentless in his strikes and managed to break through her guard. Leonardo pushed himself with his legs as he pounced forward and then turned with his weight only to then snap his right leg out in a jumping spinning back thrust kick and aimed for Angel’s face— and his foot made contact. Angel would stumble back and she found herself hitting her back against the steel rail of the upper deck and then leaned back only to fall off from the top.

Angel hit the lower deck as she then crashed through a table, and landed onto the deck floor. Leonardo quickly moved and peered over the rail, watching to see if Angel would rise once more. He counted to ten… All he could see was Angel writhing on the ground before passing out. Leonardo then breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the match was his. Michelangelo pumped his fists as he gave out a cheer, and Raphael smiled softly as he nodded while Donatello was blinking his eyes open, finally coming ground.

The Turtles had claimed another victory.


After a few hours of rest and getting a much needed meal, the Turtles were set to take on their next opponents. They had again been informed that the designated area had been chosen for them, the location having been disclosed to them. The brothers knew the area quite well as New York was quite well familiar to them and figured that they were quite capable of getting there on foot of course. The four brothers now would be arriving at what looked to be at a construction site which had been closed off to the public, and now took a moment to examine their current surroundings. An environment like this wasn’t too strange to the brothers— they had fought at construction sites before in the past, especially against members of the Foot.

Raphael then looked ahead of himself and noticed that there were three figures standing there waiting. He nudged his head up as he raised his right hand out, gesturing for his brothers to take notice.

“Hey, look over there.” The hot tempered Turtle spoke.

Leonardo, Michelangelo and Donatello stepped to where Raphael had moved and now also looked ahead as they noticed the three figures standing there. One of them appeared to be a short petite girl who seemed to be dancing and spinning about like a ballerina, sporting long blue hair and red eyes. The other was a taller, more robust man who had dark brown colored hair and sideburns. And last but not least—the other was a dark tan skinned man with white hair, and he sported a pair of red sunshades— though he seemed to not acknowledge the Turtles.

The girl then had looked over to the four red masked siblings and smiled as she pointed out to them with the finger on her right hand.

“Kula sees Turtles! Funny Turtles!”

“Yeah, I guess they do look funny… They look funny to you K’?” The larger man asked.

The man who was referred to as K’ simply turned around and he raised his left brow in a quizzical manner as he then took a moment to now observe the opposition. A twitch came from the left side of his lips as he nonchalantly slipped his hands into his jacket pockets and then breathed something of an annoyed sigh.

“Man, they’ll just let anyone in this tournament.” The man known as K’ shook his head.

“Kula wants to play! Kula wants to have fun with funny Turtles!” The young blue haired girl spoke out excitedly.

“Don’t worry kiddo. You’ll get your chance.” The larger robust man spoke.

Leonardo now looked all around himself, taking a moment to study his surroundings as he now set his sights on the three and realized that there were supposed to be four competitors. The rules had decreed that if a team didn’t have four members, then they weren’t eligible to compete and were to be disqualified.

“Where’s your fourth teammate?” Leonardo asked.

“Shit if I know… They’re probably gonna be late.” K’ rolled his eyes, shaking his head from side to side.

Suddenly, there was movement coming from the rooftops and down from above now dropped what appeared to be a feminine form dressed in what appeared to be a dark grey Shinobi shozoku. When the figure had landed feet first onto the ground, it had hunched to dampen the impact of her landing and she quickly rose to her stature. Kula and Maxima now looked to the direction of their fourth member, and then looked over to the Turtles. K’ simply released an exasperated sigh from within as he now looked to the newcomer.

“Well, aren’t you fashionably late.”  K’ grunted.

The mystery Kunoichi then had looked over to the Turtles, and gave a simple nod before she would step back and now rejoin the rest of her teammates. The Turtles looked over to one another now as they were curious to the identity of this mystery fighter. With the fourth member finally having arrived, K’ dash decided that he would be the one to initiate things as he now focused his energy to channel through his right hand— and a burst of flame then erupted from his hand as he now looked over to the Turtles.

“So which one of you wants to have their asses kicked, burned and handed back to’em?”

“Awww! Kula wanted to be first!” The young blue haired girl stamped her feet before crossing her arms.

The four red masked brothers then looked to one another, trying to decide who would be the first to go. Raphael then shook his head from side to side as he then moved his arms down and took hold of the twin steel sai which were strapped in his utility belt. The red masked ninja then would spin his weapons skillfully and then stepped forward to meet the man who would be his opponent and then snapped himself into his fighting stance.

“Alright, guess we’re having frog’s legs for dinner, eh?” K’ scoffed.

“Ain’t a frog, dipshit… But if you think a little fire is enough to scare me, you ain’t exactly the first person to fight with fire I’ve fought in this tournament. The last guy used purple flames.” Raphael responded.

K’ merely looked to the Turtle and scoffed as he then pulled at the leather fingerless gloves on his hands and then slowly moved himself to his fighting posture. Raphael just took this moment to observe his opponent. He simply tensed up all of the muscles within his body as he readied himself.

Both then stepped forward and rushed at one another, now kicking off the first match between the Turtles and K’ Team.

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The Turtles managed to defeat the members of Team Mexico, with the exception of Donatello's draw, and I can now say that they are now progressing to the finals of the the King of Fighters tournament as now they are going up against K' Team! Obviously, it wouldn't be a KOF tournament if the members of K' Team weren't competing and these guys have been something of a fan favorite since KOF '99 and KOF 2000 as far as I can recall. So using these three was definitely a no brainer, but as to who the fourth member in the team is going to be, well... I know who the mystery Kunoichi is going to be but I will not be revealing who the mystery contender is going to be until later on of course. I mean where would be the fun if I revealed the surprise so soon?

Writing out the recap between Angel and Leonardo was easy but at the same time I also didn't want it to come off as being too easy for Leonardo, as some people pointed out that Angel would be the most challenging opponent that Leo might have come across in this tournament due to her physical strength and speed, but Leonardo won that match and I wanted to write out that he had won through a combination of skill, technique and attrition. I really hope that come across in the recap.

As for this particular match up-- well, it had been a while since Raphael managed to go first in a competition match and I decided to put him up against K'. Think about it, as both of them have fiery personalities and both are seemingly quite quick to temper though I would think that Raphael has managed to develop some modicum of control over his temper, where as K' has not and is extremely arrogant and brash to a fault. So it seemed only right for the Turtles' MVP to go up against the leader of K' Team and might even be seen as a match that is just themed quite right. Hopefully, this is one which will get people involved in!

Remember-- ENVIRONMENT IS ALSO A FACTOR IN THIS BATTLE! Something I feel like people need to seriously consider.

For new readers who are just hopping onto this storyline here, I suggest you look at the Mirage TMNT Respect Thread to see what the Mirage Turtles are more than capable of.


Raphael (Mirage ) is Low Tier Superhuman in terms of physicals. Think Above Peak Human due to his mutation and training.

Raphael (Mirage) possesses his Twin Sai, Shurikens, Exploding Shurikens, Smoke Bombs, and Kunai.


K' is in Peak Conditioning due to his training.

K' has his moveset from the KOF games.

Battle Environment Map


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Another great set-up, Rakai. Great recap with Leonardo and Angel. As predicted, the deck of the cruise ship is now a total wreck. :D 

As for the match, Raphael could probably go toe-to-toe with K' for a little while, but he may ultimately have to use the high and low terrain of the construction site and his own ninjutsu tactics to evade K's more powerful attacks, as well as take advantage of the latter's apathy and slightly-less contained temper to gain an edge. 

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5 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Another great set-up, Rakai. Great recap with Leonardo and Angel. As predicted, the deck of the cruise ship is now a total wreck. :D 

As for the match, Raphael could probably go toe-to-toe with K' for a little while, but he may ultimately have to use the high and low terrain of the construction site and his own ninjutsu tactics to evade K's more powerful attacks, as well as take advantage of the latter's apathy and slightly-less contained temper to gain an edge. 

And don't forget, he's taken on another hothead similar to K' such as Iori Yagami! So he's got some experience in dealing with hothead who wield fire based abilities.

Thanks for commenting!

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1 hour ago, leroypowell3 said:

I think I voted for Iori when he and Raphael fought. Here I'll say 'K and maybe others will agree with me.

Ouch! Well... Keep in mind, Raphael's experience against Iori DOES help him here. That's the whole point of the arc, getting the Turtles to fight against super powered enemies and having them learn from those experiences, so they can go up against more powered opponents.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - StormChaser
5.00 - Z451
5.00 - Boratz
4.90 - DSkillz
4.80 - leroypowell3

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
29.70 Total Combined Score
29.70 / 6 = 4.95 Final Rating on the match

Raphael (Mirage): 6
K': 2

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I sincerely apologize for being late Rakai, things got busy again in my life, but that being said, this was a great read too. In particular, Leo's ability to switch between both weapon fighting styles and hand to hand fighting styles truly impressed me here, as that seems not only go against the grain of what most people think the Turtles are best skilled in,  but also shows quite well too, how he is a  very skilled martial artist in his own right. His ability to fight both with and without a sword or swords, is telling of his growth as a fighter and of how Splinter and other masters have taught him to be resourceful and ready for anything, qualities that your writing here certainly displays, and admirable ones too, as they help to illustrate to the reader more and more about the characters capabilities compared to the ones they supposedly know or evaluate based on their own expectations.

Raphael looks pretty capable here by comparison to K, as K is certainly strong and not one to be underestimated either, but Raphael should be fairly capable of blocking his moves, most of which are sky based or overhead attacks with exception to that rule in some cases. Honestly, I can see this fight being tough on him too, but Raph, as I have learned now, is not just all aggression and pure attack power, and can use his rage to boost his other abilities just as well, a trait that works well in helping him to surpass most opponents. Here, K will put that to the test, and will certainly attempt to overpower Raph with his attack/rage based powers of his own, but by comparison, I think Raph not only does it better, but has almost mastered it as well, hence my money is on him here.

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I was able to vote and rate but did not comment. Good job as always, RakaiThwei. I am very curious to see who this kunoichi is. Might be the biggest challenger on the team. Kula has always been depicted as pretty strong since her debut in the NESTS saga, but I would put her below K', and he just lost.

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On 2/4/2023 at 12:53 PM, Z451 said:

I sincerely apologize for being late Rakai, things got busy again in my life, but that being said, this was a great read too. In particular, Leo's ability to switch between both weapon fighting styles and hand to hand fighting styles truly impressed me here, as that seems not only go against the grain of what most people think the Turtles are best skilled in,  but also shows quite well too, how he is a  very skilled martial artist in his own right. His ability to fight both with and without a sword or swords, is telling of his growth as a fighter and of how Splinter and other masters have taught him to be resourceful and ready for anything, qualities that your writing here certainly displays, and admirable ones too, as they help to illustrate to the reader more and more about the characters capabilities compared to the ones they supposedly know or evaluate based on their own expectations.

Raphael looks pretty capable here by comparison to K, as K is certainly strong and not one to be underestimated either, but Raphael should be fairly capable of blocking his moves, most of which are sky based or overhead attacks with exception to that rule in some cases. Honestly, I can see this fight being tough on him too, but Raph, as I have learned now, is not just all aggression and pure attack power, and can use his rage to boost his other abilities just as well, a trait that works well in helping him to surpass most opponents. Here, K will put that to the test, and will certainly attempt to overpower Raph with his attack/rage based powers of his own, but by comparison, I think Raph not only does it better, but has almost mastered it as well, hence my money is on him here.

Thanks for the breakdown! I appreciate you commenting!

22 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

I was able to vote and rate but did not comment. Good job as always, RakaiThwei. I am very curious to see who this kunoichi is. Might be the biggest challenger on the team. Kula has always been depicted as pretty strong since her debut in the NESTS saga, but I would put her below K', and he just lost.

Well, the next match should be just as interesting! Perhaps more so!

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