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Match 19043 Ruby Heart vs. May (Guilty Gear)


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(Mortal Kombat/Killer Instinct/BlazBlue/Darkstalkers/Guilty Gear/Bloody Roar/Red Earth/Eternal Champions/
Mace: The Dark Age)


Aboard the flying ship, Partenaire, its captain, Ruby Heart, and her crew sailed carefree across the sky looking for adventure. Included in her crew were two fighters that Ruby had met years earlier, Amingo and SonSon. The sombrero wearing man-plant and the staff wielding monkey girl first met Ruby Heart while trying to defeat the monstrous terror, Abyss. After Abyss’s defeat, Amingo and SonSon decided to stay with Ruby and assist her in her quest to track down magical artifacts.

One artifact they discovered was an amulet that allowed them to travel between dimensions as they pleased. It was one of Ruby Heart’s most prized discoveries as it allowed her to travel to even more places in pursuit of treasure. However, currently that artifact was missing. During their most recent voyage to a new world, SonSon dropped the artifact while dancing on the bow of the ship. It fell from the skies and the trio spent months unsuccessfully trying to locate it. An initial bout of depression set in for the trio as they were stranded in this strange world. But recently they had resolved to make the best of it and explore their new home in pursuit of magical artifacts in hopes that they would stumble upon the amulet once again.

On this day the skies were mostly clear and Ruby had retreated to her captain’s quarters to scour a map and chart a path for the Partenaire to sail. Without warning, SonSon burst into her room.

SONSON: Ruby! Ruby! You have to come see this.

RUBY HEART: What is it?

SONSON: Come quickly!

Ruby followed SonSon to the front of the ship where she pointed out to the captain another flying ship.

RUBY HEART: Wow! That’s interesting. That’s the first flying airship we have seen in this world.

SONSON: That’s not the strange part.


SONSON: Just a minute ago, that ship wasn’t there. A cloud of mist appeared and suddenly it was there.

RUBY HEART: That's bizarre, to do something like that you would think that ship would have…..

SONSON: The amulet!

RUBY HEART: Could it be? After all this time?

SONSON: I sure hope so. SonSon has been racked with guilt and it won’t go away until we have it in our possession again.

RUBY HEART: I would say there is a good chance it is aboard that ship. There is no other explanation I can think of that would cause it to appear out of thin air.

Amingo joined the other two at the front of the ship.

AMINGO: Amingo! Amingo!


A strange storm surrounded the Jellyfish Pirates, and their vessel,the May Shp II. Winds appeared to be bearing down on the ship from all directions. The ship’s captain, Johnny, became very concerned and he emerged from the stern of the ship with his first mate, May, following closely behind him. 

JOHNNY: What is going on?

The May Ship’s helmswoman, April, struggled to hold onto control of the helm as the winds intensified.

APRIL: I don’t know. I may have led us into a hurricane.

JOHNNY: Impossible. The skies were clear a moment ago.

A massive cloud of fog and mist gathered together in front of them.

JOHNNY: What is that?

MAY: I don’t like it, Johnny.

JOHNNY: Neither do I. April, can you steer us clear.

APRIL: I’m trying! I’m trying! It feels like we are being sucked toward it.

JUNE: All hands on deck! Everyone prepare for the worst!

The May Ship entered into the cloud and when it emerged out of the other side, the skies were clear again. Yet, something was wrong.

MAY: That wasn’t so bad.

JOHNNY: What happened? Where are we?

MAY: Looks like we are still flying over the ocean.

Johnny pointed to the east.

JOHNNY: When we entered the cloud, the sun was on the other side. And the sky… the sky was different.

The Jellyfish Pirates looked around puzzled. Their chief engineer, Novel, soon joined them on deck with some more troubling information.

NOVEL: All of the navigation systems are down. We are flying blind.

MAY: Ok, there is no need to panic. Whatever that storm thing was must have damaged our instruments. We can radio out for help if we need.

March, The Jellyfish Pirate put in charge of communications was the next to come to the main deck.

MARCH: I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, but all our communication is down as well.

MAY: Ok, maybe it is appropriate to panic a little.

JOHNNY: We will just have to find our bearings the old-fashioned way.

OCTY: Captain Johnny, you need to see this!

Johnny walked over to the starboard side of the ship where the green haired Octy was staring out a telescope.

JOHNNY: What do you see?

OCTY: Look for yourself.

Johnny peered into the telescope and immediately noticed a floating pirate ship flying toward the May Ship II.

OCTY: Should we load the cannons?

JOHNNY: We will get them ready just in case, but we will not fire the first shot. Whoever is aboard that ship may provide us with some answers to where we are or what has happened.

As the Partenaire grew close, a female voice was projected out for all to hear.

RUBY HEART: My name is Ruby Heart, I have come for the amulet. If you hand it over willingly you may continue on your journey undeterred, if you refuse I will take it back by force.We are prepared to fire if met with hostility.

The sound of a female voice immediately piqued Johnny’s interest. He again looked through Octy’s telescope and was pleased to discover that the captain of the oncoming ship was a beautiful blonde woman. The self-proclaimed lover of all women was immediately enamored by her and wanted to know more.

JOHNNY: Everyone please stand down and let them board. We will get to the bottom of this.

Nearby, May was filled with a mix of jealousy and concern for Johnny’s safety. After Ruby Heart, Amingo, and SonSon had boarded his airship, Johnny approached and greeted them with outstretched arms.

JOHNNY: Hello and welcome to the May Ship. I am the captain, call me Johnny, how may I be of assistance?

RUBY HEART: The amulet.

JOHNNY: Ah yes, this amulet that you speak of, I am afraid that I haven’t seen it and I’m not entirely sure what it would even look like.

Ruby Heart regarded him with suspicion.

RUBY HEART: Then how is it that you and your ship appeared out of the clear blue sky.

JOHNNY: An excellent question, one I am hoping to find the answer to, soon. Arriving here was not a conscious choice.


JOHNNY: I don’t know how we got here or where here is, but if you believe it was because of some sort of amulet that may be aboard my ship, you are free to check. I will serve as your guide, of course.

With each passing moment, the eny and distrust inside of May grew and she glared at Ruby Heart. By this time, the final member of the Jellyfish Pirates, the administrative director and primary chef, Leap, had made it to the top deck. In her hands was a pot of cactus stew she had started to prepare when the winds started. The sight of the stew immediately triggered Amingo. He contorted his body into a ball of large glochid spines. May’s eyes widened.

MAY: They are about to attack! Everyone, protect the captain!

Without hesitation, July and Augus listened to the first mate’s command and lunged at Amingo. Seeing her friend in danger, SonSon grew massive in size and shot out fire from her mouth aimed at July and August.

JOHNNY: Oh no.

Johnny’s protective instincts kicked in as he witnessed this attack on the crew members he had once adopted as orphan girls. He quickly grabbed his sword and rushed at the giant SonSon. Ruby Heart barely had time to react before she was confronted by May.

MAY: You need to take your monsters and get out of here!

RUBY HEART: Monsters? How very rude of you. I am not going anywhere until I get what I came here for.
May picked up her anchor weapon and did her best to look intimidating.

MAY: I’m telling you, this will be your last warning. Leave our ship this instant!

RUBY HEART: This is not a fight that you want to start, little girl.

This comment angered May even more.

MAY: Yes I do.

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Story Note: 1st surprise reveal, Ruby Heart. I am very happy to give Ruby her first match. The reports that she was a rejected Darkstalkers design made her a great choice. And like Marvel vs. Capcom 2, she is going to be a central figure in the story whether or not she can win this fight.

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You know what's funny? I was going to have Ruby Heart be the captain in the Megastory until I stumbled across Captain Amelia. I never really liked her game play but she was fun to fight against if that makes sense.

May is like my least favorite character in Guilty Gear. I think Ruby Heart beats her.

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1 hour ago, leroypowell3 said:

You know what's funny? I was going to have Ruby Heart be the captain in the Megastory until I stumbled across Captain Amelia. I never really liked her game play but she was fun to fight against if that makes sense.

Yeah, there are several fighting game characters that I feel like that about.

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Good set-up, Johnny. I'm kinda familiar with Ruby Heart, as I played MvC2 a fair amount in the arcades back in the day. There were so many characters in the game, though, there were quite a few I never got around to playing, and Ruby Heart might be one of them. Never played the Guilty Gear games, though. 

But I digress. As for the match, May looks pretty strong given that she tows an anchor around (is the ship named after her, BTW? Would be kinda weird for a pirate ship to be named after its first mate), but Ruby seems to use some powerful magic and is probably more combat-experienced with a bigger variety of opponents. I think Ruby just might knock May down a peg. 

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On 4/8/2023 at 2:49 AM, DSkillz said:

But I digress. As for the match, May looks pretty strong given that she tows an anchor around (is the ship named after her, BTW? Would be kinda weird for a pirate ship to be named after its first mate), but Ruby seems to use some powerful magic and is probably more combat-experienced with a bigger variety of opponents. I think Ruby just might knock May down a peg. 

From the information that I found, yes I believe, the May Ship is named after May who was named after the month Johnny took her in. Johnny, like most of the Guilty Gear characters, is a really weird guy. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - StormChaser
4.50 - DSkillz
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.50 - Pizzaguy2995
5.00 - Boratz
4.50 - Mercenaryblade

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
28.50 Total Combined Score
28.50 / 6 = 4.75 Final Rating on the match

Ruby Heart: 6
May (Guilty Gear): 3

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