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Match 19148 Kokonoe vs. Busuzima

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(Mortal Kombat/Killer Instinct/BlazBlue/Darkstalkers/Guilty Gear/Bloody Roar/Red Earth/Eternal Champions/
Mace: The Dark Age)





Fulgore, the Mark III model, arrived back at the Ultratech Industries building. He entered the main lobby where ARIA and Cinder were waiting for him. He dropped an unconscious Cyrax at ARIA’s feet. His mission was a success.

ARIA: An expected, but still very satisfactory result. Take the Lin Kuei cyborg for immediate analysis. The technology that made him what he is now will be broken down and cataloged for future value.

An Ultratech employee entered the lobby but kept a safe distance away from Fulgore.

ULTRATECH EMPLOYEE: The analysis for subject 1 is now complete. The results will be uploaded to you shortly.’

ARIA: Just in time for an interdimensional technological comparison.

CINDER: Who is subject 1? I thought this was the first one you went after. Well, not including Hauzer.

ARIA: The Lin Kuei were the first subjects from this world, however another opportunity stumbled on our doorstep.

ARIA changed the feed on a nearby monitor to show the subject to Cinder. It was a young looking woman with white hair and an oversized spiked collar. She lay unconscious on a bed.

ARIA: Subject 1 is a living weapon called a Valentine. Her codename appears to be Elphelt. The technology that brought her to life is completely foreign to me and it is clearly not of this world either. The information gleaned from this analysis should prove most useful if I am to adapt my own versions of the Valentine life form.

CINDER: Yeah of course. Makes sense.

Fulgore picked up the motionless Cyrax and took the cyborg ninja to his new cell.



Both former ZLF scientists left the room of the still recovering Iron Tager and Victor Von Gerdenheim to get a good look at the action in the lab. In front of an irritated Kokonoe and a bemused Busuzima, Litchi Faye Ling fought against Busuzima’s new ally, Tanya. 

SCIENTIST #1: This was your plan this whole time, to put us back with Hajime Busuzima? Have you forgotten what a creep he is? The things he wanted us to do?

SCIENTIST #2: Better the devil you know, right? And this will be more of an exchange than on offer of servitude. Once he has new test subjects he will allow us to go back to our business.

SCIENTIST #1: Better hope Professor Kokonoe doesn’t hear you. Who knows what she;ll do to us.

SCIENTIST #2: All the more reason we need to hope for their downfall.

Litchi’s ability to completely control her Mantabo staff, no matter where it was in relation to Litchi herself, was beginning to overwhelm Tanya. Currently, the staff was standing erect behind Tanya as she exchanged combo attacks with Litchi. Litchi reached out her hand, he staff twirled in the air and smacked Tanya from behind before returning to Litchi’s hand. Litchi then had her staff twirling in the air like a propeller and aimed it at Tanya. Tanya used her naginata to fight against the magical staff. Litchi took advantage of the distraction and jumped overTanya, stomping on her face with rapid kicks. Litchi then performed the splits in mid air, extending her legs like a ballerina and kicking Tanya through a nearby window. Litchi quickly leapt through the window herself to ensure Tanya’s defeat.
A gnarly grin appeared on Busuzima’s face.

BUSUZIMA: Now that it is just the two of us, we have time to talk.

KOKONOE: I can’t imagine the two of us would have anything worthwhile to discuss.

BUSUZIMA: Nonsense. I hear you are a brilliant scientist. I am something of a scientist myself.

KOKONOE: If you are thinking that I am looking for a fellow intellectual to bond with, then you are hilariously mistaken.

BUSUZIMA: Ooh, you are feisty. But we have so much more in common than you realize.

Busuzima transformed into his giant chameleon form and then transformed back.

BUSUZIMA: I also have a beast form.

KOKONOE: This isn’t a form, this is just who I am.

BUSUZIMA: Fascinating.

KOKONOE: Not really.

BUSUZIMA: It would appear at first blush that I am the superior scientists based simply on the fact that what was natural for you, I had to achieve.  I am so dedicated to my science that I was even willing to experiment on myself to become a zoanthrope. What you saw was the better than expected results.

KOKONOE: What an infantile way to judge one's own scientific acumen. Experimenting on yourself is the most moronic thing I have ever heard.

BUSUZIMA: I’ll admit it takes a certain amount of confidence in your own abilities to attempt such a thing.

KOKONOE: More like an unchecked ego and a lack of personal boundaries. I do have one question for you, however?


KOKONOE: Are you purposefully stalling or are you trying to bore me into submission?


KOKONOE: It is clear you came with the intent to abduct me, hence bringing the muscle in the yellow leotard. If you are going to make your move, just do it already, so I can take you down and get back to my work.

BUSUZIMA: So impatient. I was just trying to pick your brain through conversation before I pick through your brain with my  equipment. Have it your way.

Busuzima transformed back into the giant chameleon and lunged at Professor Kokonoe.


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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - StormChaser

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
10.00 Total Combined Score
10.00 / 2 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Kokonoe: 4
Busuzima: 2

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