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Match 19516 Commando Droids vs. Imperial DeathTroopers


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Outpost Theta-9, an inconspicuous asteroid hidden among a cluster of others, had once thrived as a supply depot for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Its rocky surface bristled with weapon emplacements and shield generators, its hangars carved into the rock, forming a sprawling labyrinth of chambers, rooms, and storage.

In its prime, the outpost had bustled with activity, fueling the Separatist war machine. Now, it lay dormant, forgotten since the end of the Clone Wars. Remarkably, the Empire hadn't stripped it bare or abandoned it to scavengers.

For Sting Squad, it offered the perfect landing site. Remote and secluded, its supplies could greatly aid the Rebel Alliance. Amid the relics, deactivated Vulture droids, Gunships, and a lone U-wing awaited.

As he sank into the pilot's seat, a dark-haired human breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll be damned. Sang, you were right; this place is a treasure trove."

"Told you so, Captain Varr," muttered the pale-skinned Muun.

Captain Renn Varr grinned. "How did you know about it?"

The Muun glanced around nervously. "As I've told you before, Captain, I used to be a Separatist."

Renn Varr shook his head. "I know. But you seem to know an awful lot."

Sang huffed, "Let's just say the Empire hasn't forgotten my role in the Clone Wars."

Just then, the cockpit door swung open, revealing a female Bothan with a squad of soldiers at her back. Her ears twitched with eagerness.

"Permission to disembark?" she asked.

Captain Varr nodded. "Granted. Everyone, be cautious; there might be traps or functioning droids on this rock."

He unfastened the safety catch on the holster holding his DH-17 blaster pistol. "Lira, I know you're eager to reprogram some droids. Just temper that enthusiasm, alright?"

Lira swiveled an ear back, her eyes sparkling. "Me not be careful? When have I ever been anything but careful?"

With that, the Bothan and the rebel soldiers disembarked, with Sang following suit. Captain Varr took the opportunity to inspect the ship alongside a Rodian engineer. As they went over the vessel meticulously, they made a grim discovery.

"Kriff!" Captain Varr growled.

The Rodian peppered their conversation with choice Huttese expletives.

Captain Varr grabbed his commlink. "Listen up, team; we need to cut this shopping trip short. We found an Imperial tracking device on the ship. They must've tagged us during the raid on Obern IV."

Sang's voice crackled over the comm. "But our fuel reserves... We can't just leave now. Let's siphon fuel from the ships in the hangar at least."

Captain Varr leaned against the U-wing's bulkhead. "I'm not sure how much time we have. They could be here any minute."

Lira's voice chimed in. "Actually, Captain, I think I can buy us some time."

Captain Varr watched as the hangar doors sealed shut. "That won't hold them for long," he reminded.

Lira leaned over her console, checking sensor readings. "One Imperial transport. Looks pretty fancy."

Captain Varr swallowed hard. "Deathtroopers. We've stirred up a gundark nest if they're sending Deathtroopers after us."

Lira turned back to her console, her clawed fingers dancing over the controls. She initiated her plan, and the auxiliary hangar's doors opened wide.

"One way in for them, a different way out for us," Varr acknowledged.

"Exactly," Lira confirmed.

Lira turned back to her console, tapped a few keys with her clawed hands, and the five commando droids raised their heads, their eyes glowing with a soft, eerie white light.

"*Zrrrkk... Er... Orders?" the squad leader, distinguishable by the vibroblade on its back, inquired.

Lira regarded the droids. "There's a squad of Clones boarding the outpost. You are the only line of defense. Protect the outpost at all costs."

"Roger-Roger," the metallic voice of the commando droid responded.

As a well-coordinated unit, the squad of commando droids departed the control center. Lira took control of the asteroid's systems and plunged it into darkness, shrouding their guests in a veil of uncertainty.

"Lira, you're a genius," Captain Varr beamed.

The Bothan grinned, her fangs glinting. "Why, thank you. I don't hear that often enough."

"Let's hope it's enough time for us to refuel and get out of here. Let's go," Captain Varr urged, and the two rebels rushed back to their ship.

Meanwhile, in the auxiliary hangar, a squad of imposing soldiers clad in black armor disembarked from the Imperial transport, moving swiftly and efficiently, their modulated voices emitting strange, distorted sounds.

(Deathtrooper garble: "Secure the perimeter!")

Two of the troopers acknowledged and approached the hangar doors, which slid open to reveal a cargo bay.

(Deathtrooper garble: "Proceed with caution!")

The squad advanced, weapons at the ready. They reached the center of the bay when a thermal detonator landed at their feet.

(Deathtrooper garble: "Grenade!")

The squad members scattered as the device detonated in a fiery burst of orange. A lone trooper began laying down covering fire in the direction he believed the grenade had come from. In response, a hail of blasterfire forced him to roll and seek cover behind a cargo crate.

(Deathtrooper garble: "Hostile contact!")

The two squads were now engaged in a fierce firefight, where there could be only one winner. The Elite of the Empire against the Deadliest droids of the CIS. It was an even battle of five member squads against one another. 

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Looks like the makings of a good entry, Merc. It's a good story, but you have quite a few repeated quotes and lines in there. I'll wait a day or two to rate the match so you can do some editing. 

As for the match, I'll have to do some more research on the Droids and Death Troopers, but I have an initial feeling that the Droids may be able to hold them off. 

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1 hour ago, DSkillz said:

Looks like the makings of a good entry, Merc. It's a good story, but you have quite a few repeated quotes and lines in there. I'll wait a day or two to rate the match so you can do some editing. 

As for the match, I'll have to do some more research on the Droids and Death Troopers, but I have an initial feeling that the Droids may be able to hold them off. 

Uh, sure, which section exactly? 

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Just now, Mercenaryblade said:

Uh, sure, which section exactly? 

You may just have to look over the whole match. Look specifically for quotes from Lira and Varr. 

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3 minutes ago, DSkillz said:

You may just have to look over the whole match. Look specifically for quotes from Lira and Varr. 

Think I found it. Weird.... must have somehow copied an old draft on top of it.... well crap I'm probably sunk now as long as this has been up. 

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3 minutes ago, Mercenaryblade said:

Think I found it. Weird.... must have somehow copied an old draft on top of it.... well crap I'm probably sunk now as long as this has been up. 

You never know. The match is still up for two more days, and members don't rate as often as they used to. 

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I did read the match before the edits, but I never had a chance to dive in to rate it. It has significantly helped out. Really did seem like maybe you were line editing and forgot to delete the previous version. Either way I'll be rating it as it is now. 

My nitpiks here have less to do with that and more to do with the that I don't know how many are on the death troopers team. It could be 5. vs 100 or 5 vs. 5 I can see so it muddies up the ability to vote. I also don't know much about these characters, I don't know what they have to fight with. 

I'm going to be voting for the droids because of their extra win condition.



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4 hours ago, IKA said:

I did read the match before the edits, but I never had a chance to dive in to rate it. It has significantly helped out. Really did seem like maybe you were line editing and forgot to delete the previous version. Either way I'll be rating it as it is now. 

My nitpiks here have less to do with that and more to do with the that I don't know how many are on the death troopers team. It could be 5. vs 100 or 5 vs. 5 I can see so it muddies up the ability to vote. I also don't know much about these characters, I don't know what they have to fight with. 

I'm going to be voting for the droids because of their extra win condition.



Words can't express how disappointed I am in myself with this match. I can do so much better.  

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7 minutes ago, Mercenaryblade said:

Words can't express how disappointed I am in myself with this match. I can do so much better.  

It was still a fun read, I could picture it like an in universe thing. As I stated I'm just being nitpicky because it's a challenge. I look forward to more. 

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Okay, the complete version of this set-up looks good, lol. Looks like a believable Star Wars story (from what I remember from the OG films, anyway :D). 

After more thoroughly looking up both sets of troops, I still think the Droids can at least hold off the Death Troopers. Commando Droids apparently had a Jedi on the backfoot at one point. 

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7 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Okay, the complete version of this set-up looks good, lol. Looks like a believable Star Wars story (from what I remember from the OG films, anyway :D). 

After more thoroughly looking up both sets of troops, I still think the Droids can at least hold off the Death Troopers. Commando Droids apparently had a Jedi on the backfoot at one point. 

Thanks, still stings I somehow posted such an error filled draft though. Rookie mistake I should have caught.  

Yeah Commando droids are tough. 

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9 minutes ago, Pizzaguy2995 said:

Tbh I’ve always thought the Commando Droids looked and moved more impressive. Maybe it was due to them being animated and having less physics working against them.

Regardless very impressive write-up MercenaryBlade.

I have to say I find them to be way cooler too. 

Thanks Pizzaguy! 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.30 - Pizzaguy2995
4.60 - Boratz
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.40 - DSkillz
4.00 - IKA

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
22.30 Total Combined Score
22.30 / 5 = 4.46 Final Rating on the match

Commando Droids: 5
Imperial Death Troopers: 1

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