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Match 20611 Bishop (Marvel Comics) vs. Sunfire

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During his match against Shatterstar, Nightcrawler used his teleporting ability to great effect as he bamfed all around Shatterstar during their duel of swords. Shatterstar created portals of his own with his swords, but it was quickly apparent that he could not keep up with Kurt’s speed and agility. The swashbuckling elf wore a devilish grin on his face as he slashed at Shatterstar who had to remain on the defensive.

Eventually, Kurt’s plan to annoy Shatterstar into being overly aggressive paid off. With frustration mounting, Shatterstar lunged toward Nightcrawler and left himself vulnerable. Nightcrawler teleported next to him and swiped at his legs, knocking the Mojoworld champion off his feet. Kurt followed up with a dropkick to Shatterstar’s chest, and finished by standing on Shatterstar’s sternum with one of his swords placed firmly below Shatterstar’s neck.

NIGHTCRAWLER: This clash goes to me, mein freun’t cheering was Sunfire, who remained silent with his arms crossed.

Back inside the Danger Room, Shatterstar knelt down on one knee in front of Kurt.

SHATTERSTAR: You are a worthy warrior and I humbly accept this defeat.

NIGHTCRAWLER: It was an honor and an exciting match. We will have to do it again sometime, although now you have seen my tricks.

The two heroes parted amicably and returned to their teams.

As the third round of matches started, the team of Bishop, Forge, Dazzler, and Shadowcat celebrated their first victory with new teammate Laura Kinney.

FORGE: Great job, kid. You really stepped in on short notice and pulled out an impressive win for us.

LAURA: Thanks. I’m just glad I was able to participate.

DAZZLER: The switch worked out well for us, but I will be disappointed if this means that Longshot can no longer be with us.

KITTY PRYDE: He agreed to it.

DAZZLER: I know.

Suddenly, Amanda Sefton, the former ruler of Limbo, and onetime member of Excalibur, not to mention on again off again love interest of Kurt Wagner, entered the room.

KITTY PRYDE: Amanda? The Professor and Magneto involved you as well?

AMANDA SEFTON: Hello Kitty. No. I wasn’t formally invited here.

KITTY PRYDE: Then are you here looking for Kurt? He is not here. I mean he is here, but he is not HERE.

AMANDA SEFTON: I was actually hoping I could talk to you.

She turned to face Dazzler.

AMANDA SEFTON: And you, in private.


Kitty addressed Laura, Bishop, and Forge.

KITTY PRYDE: If you’ll excuse us for a moment.

Kitty grabbed the hands of both Amanda and Allson and phased into an adjacent room.

FORGE: I wonder what that was about.

Bishop was irritated.

BISHOP: Hopefully not another distraction, we want to capitalize on the momentum that Laura brought us.

A few minutes later, two others entered the room, Sage and Synch.

LAURA: Everett, what are you doing here?

SYNCH: Since I was able to get you in, they have put me to work. It’s pretty cool. I’m really excited for this next match for your new team.

BISHOP: So it’s our turn again?

SAGE: Yes.

Kitty Pryde, Dazzler, and Amanda Sefton phased through the wall to join their team.

KITTY PRYDE: We are ready to go.

SAGE: Synch, take the team to the Danger Room for their next match. I want to hang back here for a moment and have a chat with Miss Sefton.

SYNCH: Yes m’am.

Bishop, Forge, Laura, Dazzler, and Kitty Pryde followed Synch out of the room to the Danger Room. Once they had left, Sage regarded Amanda with suspicion.

SAGE: What are you doing here, Amanda? What is your angle?

On their way to the Danger Room, Forge began to go through the process of elimination.

FORGE: So we still have Bishop, Kitty, and Allison left to fight. We have already squared off against X-Force and Generation X. X-Men Blue, X-Factor, and the New Mutants have already had their matches this round. That leaves Alpha Flight, the International team, Excalibur,  and the Original Team.

SYNCH: A little late for the speculation now, you will see momentarily.

They arrived at the entrance of the Danger Room and saw the team of Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Sunfire, and Banshee waiting for them.

FORGE: Is this why Amanda Sefton came to see us, because we were about to face Nightcrawler’s team. That doesn’t make much sense, he has already had his match

KITTY PRYDE: That’s not what she wanted to discuss, but we can talk about it after. Keep your voice down.


SYNCH: Welcome to the 3rd round to both the Uncanny Team and the International Team. We have a heavy hitter matchup this time around. In fact, both of these mutants were found in Destiny’s Diary as members of the Twelve, a collection of extremely powerful mutants sought after by Apocalypse to help him reach Godhood. Lucas Bishop and Sunfire, Shiro Yoshida, it is your turn. 

STORM: It should be noted they also both share somewhat surly personalities and a proclivity of abandoning team dynamics for more solo pursuits.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Mein gott, there is going to be a lot of energy generated and fired in this skirmish.

COLOSSUS: Bozhe moi!

Bishop stepped up confidently and cocked his plasma rifle.

BISHOP: Alright, let’s do this thing.

Shiro Yoshida was also confident heading into the match.

SUNFIRE: There is no way you can absorb all of my energy output, Bishop. My solar flare plasma will easily overwhelm you.

BISHOP: Not before I take you down.

SUNFIRE: We will just see about that.

Bishop and Sunfire entered the Danger Room which immediately transformed into the island of Genosha. 


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Not familiar with Sunfire, but from reading about his powers, Bishop seems like he's the perfect person to handle him. He should be able to absorb everything and then lash out - going with Bishop

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You really got your X-Men lore down. I would really like to see Amada Sefton used one day.

I love Sunfire. He's one of my favorite barely X-Man. 

But Biship is the wrong kind of guy for him to face. However, he would know that. If he can get past Bishop's rifle, Shiro may utilize his Samurai skills to out fight him.

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Another good arc to this chapter, Johnny. Now I'm curious with what Sage, Amanda, Kitty, and Dazzler had to talk about. 

As for the match, on balance, Bishop should probably take this. Even if Sunfire has superior fighting skill, I'm not sure it's enough to compensate for his powers giving Bishop more ammo.  

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
4.60 - DSkillz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.60 Total Combined Score
9.60 / 2 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Bishop (Marvel Comics): 3
Sunfire: 1

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On 5/30/2024 at 4:15 AM, Callisto said:

Match Final Results

Bishop (Marvel Comics): 3

Sunfire: 1

Ouch! Poor Sunfire!

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