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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
Grunkle Stan: 2
Damien Thorn: 1

Jessica Priest vs. Facehugger
Jessica Priest: 2
Facehugger: 6

Arclight vs. Avalanche
Arclight: 0
Avalanche: 3

Robocop vs. Durge
Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

Lord Zedd vs. Ransik
Lord Zedd: 6
Ransik: 0

Tournament - Sakura Kasugano vs. Ayane

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Mark watched, stunned, as Ezio and Rolento fought. They were blurs of motion, Ezio’s sword clashing against Rolento’s stick as the assassin and the soldier battled across the lawn.

Rolento changed tactics, trying to catch Ezio off guard with kicks and sweeps. Some kicks even landed on the assassin. Sakura and Sparky the Eevee watched, open-mouthed at the display. Then disaster struck. Rolento’s stick struck Ezio’s wrist, and his sword fell from his grip.

Grinning in triumph, Rolento swung the stick at Ezio’s head. But Ezio merely smirked, ducking the swing and bringing his foot into the back of Rolento’s legs. The soldier fell flat on his back as Ezio kneedropped onto his chest, his hidden blade springing forward as he pressed the deadly instrument to Rolento’s throat.

Yet, instead of delivering the final blow, Ezio chose mercy. He spoke, his voice firm. "Leave, and do not return. Let this be the lesson you take with you."

Defeated and humiliated, Rolento had no choice but to retreat. He grumbled something as Ezio let him up, trudging away and giving one last look over his shoulder at Ezio and the others, knowing he had no chance against them. The onlookers watched as he vanished into the distance, his dreams of recruitment and domination dashed.

As Ezio sheathed his sword, Mark, Sakura, and Sparky approached, expressions of respect and gratitude on their faces. Ezio retrieved his sword and sheathed it with a flourish.

“Well done,” Master Chief nodded his helmeted head.

Ezio bowed to the group. “It was truly a pleasure.”

Sakura shook her head. “I wasn’t sure you would win. Rolento is a formidable opponent from a fighting series.”

Ezio looked offended. “What, did everyone forget I was in SoulCalibur?”

Mark frowned. How did Ezio, a character from the Italian Renaissance, know about SoulCalibur? It made no sense. It… Mark suddenly screamed as he fell to the ground, clutching his head. He found himself facing the all too blue sky as Sparky perched on his chest, ears twitching with concern.

“Vee?” the Pokémon cried out.

“Mark!” Sakura shouted, bending over him.

Mark tried to speak, but his vision was beginning to darken. Before he lost consciousness entirely, he could hear Master Chief’s voice.

“We need to get him inside, now!”

Mark was in a sea of darkness. There was nothing in the endless void he found himself floating in. There was no sound, no light, no smell, just the vast emptiness. But then he could hear voices, familiar voices, voices he had not heard in years.

“It’s time you faced reality,” the first voice said sternly.

“What even is reality?” the second voice replied coyly.

“Now, don’t even start that! Videogames aren’t real life,” was the response from the first voice.

“But what if they were?” the second voice questioned.

Mark groaned as he returned to consciousness, finding Sparky curled up on his chest as he lay in his bed, still wearing his clothes from earlier. Sakura sat by his bed in a chair, her face scrunched up in concern before it turned to relief.

“Mark! You’re alright! We were so worried. How are you feeling now?”

“Fine,” Mark muttered. “Just a headache.” He grumbled as he rubbed his head and his Eevee nuzzled against his chin.

Sakura suddenly slugged him in the arm. “Don’t you ever scare us like that again!” she scolded, before her tone turned soft again. “Here, drink this!” Sakura encouraged, handing the young man a blue glass bottle.

“What is it?” Mark asked.

“It’s a Vulnerary,” Sakura explained.

Mark shrugged and drained the contents down. It tasted vaguely like ginger, but the pain of his headache soon faded away.

“Arigato,” Mark inclined his head.

As Mark's headache subsided, thanks to the vulnerary drink, he felt a renewed sense of energy. With Sparky bounding ahead, he followed Sakura down the stairs, his ears catching snippets of a conversation that seemed urgent.

"...moving faster than anticipated," came Master Chief's deep, modulated voice as they neared the bottom of the staircase.

"We must act swiftly," Ezio replied, his tone serious, "but Mark is not ready."

Mark paused on the steps, curiosity piqued. But before he could listen more, Sakura tugged on his arm.

“Hey, come on!” she grinned.

As Mark entered the dining room, both Ezio and Master Chief turned to face him. Chief's face was unreadable, while Ezio had a serious expression.

"Feeling better, soldier?" Master Chief asked, his voice betraying no hint of the earlier urgency.

"Yeah, much," Mark replied, managing a small smile. "What were you guys talking about? Sounds serious."

Ezio and Master Chief exchanged a glance. After a brief pause, Ezio spoke, "We were discussing some... logistics for training. It's time we intensified your lessons."

Mark nodded, a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling within him. "I'm ready to learn whatever you think I need to know."

"Very well," Master Chief replied.

Ezio cracked a smile. "It'll be fun, don't worry!"

"I'll be helping too," Sakura added, folding her arms.

Mark looked around at his assembled companions, his gaze lingering on Ezio. Assassin's Creed was all about being in a simulation. Was that what this was? No, things felt too real. He felt that tingle in his brain again and chose not to dwell on it.

Sakura turned to Master Chief with a hopeful grin. "Can we borrow the Warthog to grab some noodles? There's a great place nearby."

Master Chief's visor tilted slightly towards Sakura as he replied, "No. I've seen your driving. And given Mark's recent... episode, it's not safe for him to drive either."

Her face fell for a moment, but she quickly shrugged it off. "No worries! It's not too far on foot anyway. A walk might do us some good, especially Mark."

Mark, still processing the snippets of conversation he'd overheard, was only half-listening but nodded in agreement. Sparky, sensing an outing, wagged its tail enthusiastically.

"Sounds good," Mark replied, eager to clear his head with some fresh air.

The trio set out, leaving the comfort of the house behind. The streets were quiet as dusk began to settle, painting the sky in shades of orange and purple. They walked side by side, the sounds of their footsteps and Sparky's occasional excited barks filling the air.

As they walked, Sakura chatted about the different types of noodles they might find at the bar, her enthusiasm for the small pleasures in life evident. Mark listened, his earlier anxieties momentarily pushed aside by Sakura's cheerful demeanor and Sparky's joyful antics. As they passed through the peaceful neighborhood, Mark couldn't help but think some of the houses looked familiar. There were even vehicles he recognized, but not from reality—from the many digital displays of video games. His eyes turned upward as he heard a rumbling sound.

"Oh, are those Vertibirds?" Sakura exclaimed, her eyes wide as she peered through the darkening sky.

Mark, however, squinted against the fading light, recognizing the silhouette of the aircraft. "No, those aren't Vertibirds. They're UNSC Falcons," he corrected, his tone tinged with a mix of awe and concern.

"Falcons?" Sakura turned back, her expression shifting from excitement to curiosity. "Does this mean... is Chief going back to active duty?"

Mark shrugged, his earlier unease creeping back. "Maybe. It would explain the conversation I overheard. Something's definitely up. Wait, when was Chief ever not on active duty?"

Don't think about it, he told himself.

As Mark, Sakura, and Sparky continued their walk through the neighborhood, the familiar yet surreal surroundings kept Mark on edge. The twilight painted the world in a surreal hue, and the strange mix of video game and real-life elements only added to the disorientation.

They passed an alley where the Resident Evil 4 Merchant stood, half-hidden in shadows. His gravelly voice called out, "Stranger! Need a weapon?" Mark gave a small nod in acknowledgment, a chill running down his spine at the eerie familiarity.

A little further down the road, they encountered a caravan of Khajiit merchants from Skyrim, their feline faces framed by hoods. "The roads of this land are dangerous," one of them purred, offering a polite nod to the passing trio. Sparky sniffed curiously at them, and the Khajiit smiled, showing sharp teeth.

Finally, they reached the noodle bar, a small, bustling establishment bathed in the glow of neon lights. Japanese lanterns hung from the eaves, casting a warm, inviting light over the entrance. The sign above the door flashed with the bar's name in bold kanji characters, surrounded by vibrant, flickering neon.

Inside, the atmosphere was lively. Patrons chatted animatedly at the counters and tables, while the scent of miso broth and grilled meat wafted through the air. The decor was a blend of traditional Japanese elements and modern neon aesthetics, creating a unique, immersive environment.

Sakura led the way to a small booth near the back. As they settled in, Mark took in the surroundings, the vibrant energy of the place momentarily easing his unease. Sparky curled up at his feet, its ears twitching at the sounds and smells.

Mark recognized a few characters, nearly all of them from a Japanese game. There were even a few Pokemon here and there, including a Ludicolo at the bar area. It was all so strange, yet so wonderful. Still he had to talk to Sakura, her inviting smile only encouraged him.  

"So, Sakura," Mark began, leaning forward.

“Yeah?” she replied.

“About earlier, I’m trying to remember things. Like how we all became roommates.” 

Sakura tilted her head, “I see. Well I suppose it all began with…” 

But before she could continue there was a shout. 


Mark and Sakura turned and Mark’s jaw fell open, he recognized that purple haired ninja anywhere. 

“Ayane?” Mark gaped.

Ayane regarded him, her face turning up in a sneer, “Oh, what are you doing here, with HER?”   

Sakura spoke, then rising from the booth, “You know her Mark? How well do you know her.”

The sentence almost felt like an accusation and Mark gulped as the two girls stared daggers at one another. 

“I only know her in passing. I’m more of a Streetfighter guy than Dead or Alive. Uh, not that Dead or Alive is a bad series!” 

“Just stop talking.” Ayane growled. 

Sakura balled her fists up, “Hey! Don’t talk to him like that!” 

Ayane turned her full attention to Sakura, “Or what? You’ll whine about it?”

“That’s it!” Sakura got into a fighting stance as Ayane faced her, the noodlebar patrons all gasped and moved back to give the fighters some space. Mark heard a voice then, a loud voice that reverberated across the whole noodlebar.



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Cool follow up, Mercenary. You have an intriguing mix of characters in this story. Curious to see where it will go. I enjoyed the summation of the previous fight. I can picture Rolento whining about his "utopia" as he runs away. One minor note, Ayane's hair is purple not blue.

As for this fight, I don't think Sakura can win. She will put up a decent fight, but Ayane is too strong for her. At 16, Sakura was a Ryu fangirl going to high school in Street Fighter Alpha 2. At 16, Ayane was blowing up the entire DOATEC tri tower with a ninpo attack in Dead or Alive 4. She has also crossed over to Ninja Gaiden and put down all manner of monsters and demons. I'll take the girl with the intense training of the Mugen Tenshin clan over the girl who probably spars with Blanka and Dan. I do appreciate Sakura standing up for Mark, Ayane is not very nice. 

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7 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

Cool follow up, Mercenary. You have an intriguing mix of characters in this story. Curious to see where it will go. I enjoyed the summation of the previous fight. I can picture Rolento whining about his "utopia" as he runs away. One minor note, Ayane's hair is purple not blue.

As for this fight, I don't think Sakura can win. She will put up a decent fight, but Ayane is too strong for her. At 16, Sakura was a Ryu fangirl going to high school in Street Fighter Alpha 2. At 16, Ayane was blowing up the entire DOATEC tri tower with a ninpo attack in Dead or Alive 4. She has also crossed over to Ninja Gaiden and put down all manner of monsters and demons. I'll take the girl with the intense training of the Mugen Tenshin clan over the girl who probably spars with Blanka and Dan. I do appreciate Sakura standing up for Mark, Ayane is not very nice. 

Oops, heh, I do admit I am slightly colorblind with blue, purple, green, and brown. But glad you enjoyed the followup! 

Fair points on the fight, Sakura might be outmatched here. 

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I definitely would say Ayane... She's got far more better experience by fighting threats that most certainly would kill Sakura, and she's also got physicals on her side from her training with the Mugen Tenshin in the Henjinmon sect such as strength, speed, durability, and endurance. Also, she's got an array of ninpo at her finger tips.

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I like it, but I have a hard time rating longstanding arcs where I've missed a lot. (Coincidentally it is why I often abstain from voting and ranking.)

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1 hour ago, Twogunkid said:

I like it, but I have a hard time rating longstanding arcs where I've missed a lot. (Coincidentally it is why I often abstain from voting and ranking.)

Considering this is just PT2 you haven't really missed much. 

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21 hours ago, RakaiThwei said:

I definitely would say Ayane... She's got far more better experience by fighting threats that most certainly would kill Sakura, and she's also got physicals on her side from her training with the Mugen Tenshin in the Henjinmon sect such as strength, speed, durability, and endurance. Also, she's got an array of ninpo at her finger tips.

Seems Sakura is in trouble yeah.

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On 5/28/2024 at 7:11 PM, leroypowell3 said:

Ayane all the way. Kasumi was my go to girl to play but Ayane was fun too. And she's just way over Sakura.

Seems to be the general consensus.

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Okay, I'm caught up on your arc now, Merc. :) Interesting approach to competing in a tournament with an arc. Don't think I've seen it done before.

Anyways, good entry. For now, I'm just gonna assume that Mark's had too much of the sauce. 😆

As for the match, I'd have to agree that Ayane may be too much for Sakura. She just seems to be a on a higher tier of power.  

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2 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Okay, I'm caught up on your arc now, Merc. :) Interesting approach to competing in a tournament with an arc. Don't think I've seen it done before.

Anyways, good entry. For now, I'm just gonna assume that Mark's had too much of the sauce. 😆

As for the match, I'd have to agree that Ayane may be too much for Sakura. She just seems to be a on a higher tier of power.  

Thanks DS it is admittedly a bit of a gamble. We shall see what we shall see.

Seems to be the consensus here. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.80 - JohnnyChany
4.70 - Boratz
4.20 - Pizza Guy
4.60 - DSkillz
3.50 - C.T.

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
21.80 Total Combined Score
21.80 / 5 = 4.36 Final Rating on the match

Sakura Kasugano: 3
Ayane: 4

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