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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
Grunkle Stan: 2
Damien Thorn: 1

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Match 20619 Flash Gordon vs. John Silver (Disney)

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Megastory 26.3



Previously: After Ocotopon was destroyed, the crew of the RLS Legacy set out to gather the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. The injured Ren and Sakka stayed with the ship as they finished recovering. Along with Snow White. Bloth sent his new chief of operations- Don Karnage- to capture the Legacy. He lead a boarding party to take the ship, Karnage cornered Captain Amelia and successfully killed her.

Elswhere, going off of vision from Mandrake, The Defenders of the Earth began searching for the Thirteen Treasures. The first one was lost to them by The Russians in an auction hosted by The Dark Hand.





“There are thirteen of them.” Mandrake emphasized for the third time.

Flash Gordon argued, “I know but I really don’t like Russian having one of them. It may not be the Soviet Union but I still don’t trust them.”

“If we wanted to take the treasure from them we should have done it right after the purchase.” Lothar rebuttled. “Should we begin a quest to collect the other twelve treasures we will be contending with the Russians anyway.”

It was the circular argument that kept going round and round.

“It’s not just the Russians that we’d be competing with.” The Phantom added. “That Dark Hand auction was full of people interested in buying the Treasure. They surely know about the others.”

“Maybe we should get some intelligence first. See what we’re up against.” Flash Gordon suggested.

“That would be a waist of time.” Mandrake said. “The more we delay, the more behind we get in getting the treasures. You many not like the Russians but there are worse hands these powerful trinkets can fall into.”

“Okay so we get moving then.” Flash proposed. “Do we know where to find the rest of them?”

“No we don’t. But I know someone who does. Another of the interested purchasers at the Dark Hand auction contacted me. She wants to help find the treasures. I’ve already set up a meeting.”

“Does she know who you truly are? Lothar asked.

“I think so. I may have fooled Valmont but there were definitely other mystics at the auction. They would have at least sensed my illusion.”



The four of them went. A small kingdom in Europe under the dominion of Germany.

Queen Ingrid Grimhilde was a striking woman. She wreaked of regal- her movements- her expression.

“Welcome my friends.” She said with a smile that seemed forced.

“You don’t seem surprised by our identity.” Mandrake said.

“Of course not.” The Queen snorted. “Mandrake the Magician is legendary to those in mystic arts. And his longtime comrade- the Mighty Lothar. Everyone knows that Africa is protected by the Phantom- the ghost who walks. And the adventures of Flash Gordon dazzle anyone who appreciates a true hero.”

“How flattering.” Flash Gordon said ryely.

“The Thirteen Treasures of Rule aren’t widely known. Their history goes back to the very beginnings of human civilization. The fact they you four are seeking them, is impressive.”

“You obviously know that Russia is collecting them. Do you know how to find the other treasures?”

“There is a compass.” said the Queen. “It’s in the hands of the Prince of Octopon who works with the Russians to gather the treasures.”

“Why has he done this?” Phantom asked.

“A prince he may be but his ambitions outweigh what his meager Octopon can offer. Clearly he sees Russia as a resource to gain more power.

Furthermore he has taken my lovely step-daughter- Snow White. I believe he has deceived her into aiding him. Please bring her back to me.”


* * * * * * * *






“We have to abandon ship.” Ren finally brought himself to announce. He knew that this was what needed to happen when he saw the pirates chase the flying RLS Legacy on jet packs.

“Really?” Sakka looked confused but his voice chimed of relief.

“While they’re busy securing the ship, we’ll be making our getaway.”

“I don’t know where Captain Amelia is but we have to leave.”

“Oh but we haven’t even gotten acquainted yet.” a Spanish accented voice sing songed at them. Don Karnage came in backed by several men. “More meat for the grinder.” his canine teeth were grinding as he spoke.

Ren thought to ask. “What have you done with Captain Amelia!”

Karnage’s face brightened. “I’m so glad you asked that. I was looking for the right moment to show you.”

He signaled and two men dragged Captain Amelia’s dead body into the room and dumped it on the floor. The mouth-dropping, resolve-crunching reactions gave the pirate great pleasure.

“Don’t worry friends. It’s going to take a while- but you’ll be joining her.”

“The hell we will!” Ren leaped and pulled a lever. Sokka and Snow White with him the section of the ship that he was standing on detached.

It was a comparatively small boat, the sail acting as a glider as it fell from hundreds of feet in the air. The boarding party that was on the Legacy were too stunned to even shoot at the Russian doll style boat as it fell away.

Kanage watched the incident, trying to decide how to proceed.

“We have something of value to bring back to Bloth. He was talking about the Legacy as much as the dead body of Captain Amelia. We’ll catch up to the prince again.”

Even the people on the boat stared at Ren in astonishment.

Proudly, but with no cheer he said to them, “Welcome aboard the Maru. Captain Amelia revealed to me this escape vessel. I guess she had a feeling I would need to know about this.”

“She had good intuition.” Snow White said sadly.

“What are we gonna do now?” Sokka asked.

Ren was young. A good number of years older than Sokka but not really much older than Snow White. But they were obviously looking to him to lead. He was a prince after all. Leading was a part of his upbringing.

It was a relief to see Legacy change course and fly away. The pirates obviously got something more valuable than killing the Prince of Octopon. He almost forgot to answer Sokka’s question.

“We regroup with the others. Continue the quest. The Thirteen Treasures have to be collected.”



* * * * * * *



The Defenders of the Earth took the lead they had. He was seen aboard the RLS Legacy. Flash Gordon knew the captain of that ship. The mutant woman Amelia.

She didn’t know him but they had shared an adventure, defending the Indonesia islands during the Harvester invasion.

For some reason he was unable to make contact with the ship as the jet approached. It was docked at a North Korean coast. Not much activity as far as the team could see.

They didn’t know that Captain Amelia had been killed. They didn’t know that Ren and the other survivors had long ago abandoned ship, allowing Don Karnage to take it over. They didn’t know that Don Karnage had brought the flying ship to the Kingpin fulfilling Bloth’s deal for Kingpin helping him locate Prince Ren.

So when they approached the Legacy looking for peaceful contact they found hostiles everywhere.

To oversee the handover and inspect the product, Kingpin sent his maritime officer, John Silver. Flash Gordon knew him too.

“If that guy is working with Prince Ren then he’s definitely on the dark side.” Flash murmured to his comrades. “Look around for Snow White. I’ll see if I can find the treasure.”

Part of Gordon wanted to confront John Silver alone. Opportunity favored him as the unethical navy man had wandered off ship to be alone.

“Silver!” he called out unafraid of getting the attention of anyone else.

The other man stiffened with surprise. He cautiously turned around and his eyes lit up with recognition.

“Flash Gordon.”

A correction was needed. John Silver didn’t have two eyes that flashed with recognition. Only one did. The other one had been replaced with a cheap cybernetic ocular device. Up close now, Flash noted that all of Silver’s right side appendages had been cybernized. This didn’t happen during the alien invasion.

The pirate commented on Flash Gordon’s arrival. “Didn’t really expect to see you again. Something tells me you’re not here to benefit me.”

“Where’s the owner of this ship?”

“The Kingpin owns this ship.”

“That was not the kind of answer Flash expected.”

“I don’t know what’s going on here but if you’re involved it’s not good. I’m going to take you down and sort it out later.”

John Silver looked insulted. “Just like the man I remember. I always knew if we ever crossed paths again it would be under these conditions. But as you can see,” he showed off his cybernetic parts, “I ain’t the same man I once was.”

Intimidated, Flash Gordon charged into battle.



Fight Parameters:


Flash Gordon must defeat John Silver.


The other Defenders of the Earth are around and John Silver has men around but this engagement is going to be settled between these two.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
1 Total Votes cast
5.00 Total Combined Score
5.00 / 1 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Flash Gordon: 4
John Silver (Disney): 1

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On 6/1/2024 at 3:15 AM, Callisto said:

Flash Gordon: 4
John Silver (Disney): 1

Upset I missed on this but happy with the result.

FLASH!! AHHHH!! Savior of the universe!!

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