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Match 20623 Husk vs. Jubilee

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After the conclusion of Wolverine’s match with Multiple Man, Wolverine stormed off in a rage over his loss. Rogue followed him and the remaining members of X-Men Blue, Gambit, Psylocke, and Jubilee convened in her old room.

JUBILEE: I’m worried about Logan. He is taking this loss really personally. 

GAMBIT: Don’t sweat it, Petite. The odds were never in our favor to go undefeated. Deep inside, Wolverine knows that.

JUBILEE: I mean I want to win as badly as anyone, but at the end of the day it’s just a tournament, a way to train in a fun and creative way.

PSYLOCKE: It’s more than that, it’s pride. And hurt pride doesn’t always bring out the best in people.

?: Which makes me feel better about giving up my spot.

The foursome was surprisingly joined in the room by Longshot.

PSYLOCKE: What are you doing here?

LONGSHOT: Now that I am no longer part of an official team, I am allowed to move around freely. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and catch up with some old teammates. Psylocke, you look great and your fight against Danielle Moonstar was one of my favorite fights so far.


GAMBIT: So you don’t regret folding before even playing a hand, mon ami?

LONGSHOT: Sage has assured me that she has something in store for me for offering up my spot. Meanwhile, after all my time in Mojoworld, I am enjoying being on the other end of the production. It is a nice change of pace.

Rogue soon entered the room as well.

JUBILEE: How’s Logan?

ROGUE: Ah, he's typical grumpy, mad at the world, Logan. He’ll be fine. The couch he shredded, however, will not be.

PSYLOCKE: He did not come back with you.

ROGUE: Giving him some more time to cool down. Probably wouldn’t want to be around him right now, anyhow. Although, I do feel bad for the students with him walking around looking for a fight. They are all more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

JUBILEE: This is bad. We need to get his mind off the loss. 

GAMBIT: Simple enough thing once our next match starts.

PSYLOCKE: Giving him less time to stew on his loss to Jamie would not be a bad thing.’

Jubilee turned to Longshot.

JUBILEE: Hey, do you think there is any way we can ask to go first next round? That way we can get right back into it.

LONGSHOT: I think it never hurts to ask.

JUBILEE: I We need to get back in the action as soon as possible. Rogue and I are the only ones left on our team who haven’t fought. Would you be okay fighting early?

ROGUE: Honey, I’m always ready to throw down.

JUBILEE: Great. Then who do we need to talk to about this, the professor? Magneto?

GAMBIT: Best bet would be Sage. She seems to be the main dealer at dis table.

LONGSHOT: Agreed. I can take you to her, Jubilee.

Jubilee smiled and left the room with Longshot. 

Over in Sage’s operations room, the highly organized and calculating mutant typed away at a keyboard in front of a large holographic screen. She was working while she awaited a team that she had summoned to her. That team, Excalibur, consisting of Captain Britain, Morrigan, Kylun, Rachel Summers, and Cerise, arrived after several minutes. 

SAGE: First of all, I wanted to congratulate you all on your team’s strong start to this tournament. No losses thus far.

CAPTAIN BRITAIN: Is that why you called us here? 


MEGGAN: Bringing us here  is different then the way things have been done so far. Is this some new wrinkle to keep us on our toes?

SAGE: There is a new wrinkle that has emerged, but it is not of my design.

RACHEL SUMMERS: Sage, I’m a little confused. The only teams that haven’t gone yet this round are us and Generation X. But, we were already paired off with Generation X when I faced Emma.

SAGE: That’s why I called you here. I had to tweak the original format of matches when an unexpected visitor arrived at the mansion. The visitor is specifically here for you and I wanted to talk it over with you all before we proceeded. I felt you all deserved that much since this was not in the original plans for this tournament.

KYLUN: What has happened?

One of the flatscreens to the left of Sage clicked on with an update from Everett Thomas.

SYNCH: The most recent match will be ending soon, have you decided on what you want to do?

SAGE: I’m working on it..

At that moment, Longshot and Jubilee stumbled in.

LONGSHOT: Sorry to interrupt, Jubilee would like to have a word.

Jubilee looked around at the members of Excalibur.

JUBILEE: Or is this a bad time?

SAGE: What is it that you want?

JUBILEE: I was hoping we could talk about our next match and what we could do to expedite getting to it. I’m not sure if that’s cheating or tampering or whatever, but like Longshot told me, it doesn’t hurt to ask.

Sage thought for a brief second and then smirked as she gazed  at the holographic screen in front of her.

SAGE: Actually, that would be perfect and can easily be arranged if that’s what you really want.  Synch, bring the Generation X team to the Danger Room. I will send the details of the next match to you. Longshot, Jubilee, gather the rest of the X-Men Blue squad and meet them there.

JUBILEE: Thanks.

Longshot and Jubilee exited and Sage returned her attention to Excalibur who had been waiting patiently during this interruption.

SAGE: Now, where were we?

A short time later both the Generation X team and the X-Men Blue team arrived to the front of the Danger Room with Synch and Longshot respectively. Even Wolverine had been corralled by Rogue and Psylocke and been convinced to come back so soon after his loss.

EMMA FROST: What is the meaning of this? X-Men Blue is fighting twice this round?

SYNCH: Yes, due to unforeseen circumstances they are. But they have also expressed a willingness and eagerness to do so. 

EMMA FROST: Something feels fishy.

LONGSHOT: It certainly doesn’t put your team at a disadvantage. At any rate, both of the fighters themselves will be fresh.

Monet St. Croix cracked her knuckles.

MONET: Who’s it going to be? Are Rogue and I going to duke it out?

GAMBIT: That’s the one that gets my vote. I’d very much enjoy that fight, chere.

SYNCH: No, neither Rogue or Monet are fighting at this time.

JUBILEE: It’s me? I knew it. I knew I was going to have to fight someone from the Generation X crew after the teams were announced. Either that or Dazzler.

SUNSPOT: Seems fitting, Jubes.

EMMA FROST: After starting off 0 for 2, Sage would make us have to defeat one of our own to get our first victory. I aspire to her level of petty.

ROGUE: Hey now, Jubilee was on X-Men Blue before she even went to your school. That makes her one of us.

JUBILEE: I feel so loved. Everett, who am I facing?

SYNCH: Paige.

Jubilee’s eyes lit up with excitement.

JUBILEE: Hayseed! I couldn’t have asked for a better dance partner.

Paige Guthrie wore a friendly smile on her face before tearing away her skin to reveal a slick steel skin,

HUSK: Let’s see if you still think that after I put you down. Good luck, friend.

JuBILEE: Right back at ‘cha.

Husk and Jubilee stepped into the Danger Room which immediately transformed into the familiar setting of the Massachusetts Academy campus of Generation X.

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Another good set-up, Johnny. I'm now wondering if Longshot's appearance is what's apparently throwing somewhat of a wrench in the tourney's plans. 

As for the match, I'd have to agree that Husk's powers may allow her to win a sparring match against Jubilee. If they were both going all out, though, it might be a different story. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.60 Total Combined Score
9.60 / 2 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Husk: 2
Jubilee: 2

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