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Match 20625 The Unit vs. Irina Spalko

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Megastory 25


The others were late for the meeting, but that was getting to be the norm. Palmer took the opportunity to speak with General Nick Fury about the Leroy Greene situation.

He hand sent Leroy on an undercover mission to infiltrate a fight club. The cage matches seemed to be recruiting powerful fighters who disappeared soon after. Palmer figured a master martial artist like Greene would grab the recruiters’ attention and Greene could get some information on what happened to the fighters.

“We sent Kruger to pull him out but he never came back.” Fury was saying through the video conference. “I think we lost him. It’s a shame. He was the best. Whatever we’re up against here must be serious.”

“I really want to bring him in. Leroy isn’t trained for this.” Palmer emphasized.

“To his credit, he’s still in the field. We even got a query from Republic City. They have an agent working this same case. Seems like he’s teamed up with Greene. They even have a little team formed. I think the guy is liking this life. Got some purpose.”

Palmer still didn’t look happy about this situation so Fury pored on the assurances.

“If it makes you feel any better, The New Warriors are on this too. Pretty good young team. Greene obviously wants to be there. He’s covered as best he can be.”

“Who ya got on that phone David!?” It was Former President James Marshal.

“Fury.” Palmer answered.

“White one or black one?”
“Black.” Palmer ended his call with the general and stood to shake hands with his colleague. As they were unclutching the last of their number came in. Former President Thomas Whitmore.

After the pleasantries, the league of former presidents got down to business.

“So this guy, Han, has taken over China and the Fire Nation like that.” James Marshal stated.

“Did America send a delegation?” Palmer wanted to know.

“Of course not. But we haven’t severed any ongoing interactions with the country itself. He’s allowed things to continue as they have. His latest expansion has claimed the small city-state Fang. But that was a marriage thing. Fang wants to be under him. At some point China is going to be much more aggressive in its expansion. We’ll deal with that as it developes.”

“We should address this Cabal that resurrected Emperor Han.” Whitmore switched subjects. “I have a reliable list of members but I don’t think it’s everybody.”

“We’ve also got this Masters of Evil in play. With General Miles Mayhem in custody our intelligence is much improved. The Masters of Evil tend to be a problem the Avengers like to tackle so we’ll let them do that. Our assets are on warning about he problem though.”

“There’s one last thing I wanted to present. The Thirteen Treasures of Rule are available for collection.”

The other two former men looked at him oddly.

“You remember when you went on that good will trip to Octopon, James? This is their thing. Octopon once had these gems but it was so powerful that they dispersed them around the globe for everyones protection.”

“Is that what the country was destroyed for?”

“It’s the only reason that makes sense. But no one knows who behind it though. Anyway, that catastrophe set a lot of parties on quest to find as many of the treasures as the can.

“Russia already has two. A third one is in the possession of some Atlantis outcast. That’s all we know for now. My point is that it would be a good idea for America to have at least one.”

“Sounds reasonable. Who do you want to put on this?”

“I want to keep a low profile on this for as long as we can. The Unit is already en route to grab the one that we have located.”


* * * * * *


This was an unusual mission for The Unit. It was also very uneventful. Sargent Blane huffed as me monitored his teams’ progress.

“Okay so the laberynth leading to the chamber seems to be broken. No booby traps.” reported Mack through the radio.

“That’s because we’re no boobies.” Blane joked.

“Better stop it, Top. Gonna get my mind on other things.”

“Gotta remind you what we’re doing this for.” said Blane.



Little did they know that they were being watched. Agent Irana Spalko was highly upset that someone else was invading her project. She was tasked by her Russian government to snag this Treasure of Rule even while other Russian operatives were going after different treasures.

These looked like Americans. Spalko was ordered to conduct her operation legally, that is, not to cause an international incident. She could not kill these men. Which meant, she couldn’t treat them like enemies but rather like competitors. She had to hinder their progress and accelerate her own.



Fight Parameters:


The Unit must outwit Spalko to get the Treasure of Rule.


Spalko is supported by a squadron of Russian troops.


The Unit has the main five man team in every episode of the show.


No side will kill the other because that would lead to hostile realations between the two countries.


Consider this a competition to get the treasure like all the Indiana Jones type movies.


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So, President Dennis Haysbert is sending out a team led by Sergeant Dennis Haysbert? :D 

But yeah, good Megastory set-up, leroy. You do better than a lot of folks at fitting all these characters, etc. into your arc. 

As for the match, I remember The Unit, but I (still!) haven't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Therefore, I'm not real familiar with Irina, but given that she's an Indiana Jones villain, she's probably very good in seeking out treasures. Still, the Alpha Team is a very competent group of elite soldiers, so the race for the Treasure of Rule's probably gonna be a tough one either way. 

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19 hours ago, DSkillz said:

So, President Dennis Haysbert is sending out a team led by Sergeant Dennis Haysbert? :D 

But yeah, good Megastory set-up, leroy. You do better than a lot of folks at fitting all these characters, etc. into your arc. 

As for the match, I remember The Unit, but I (still!) haven't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Therefore, I'm not real familiar with Irina, but given that she's an Indiana Jones villain, she's probably very good in seeking out treasures. Still, the Alpha Team is a very competent group of elite soldiers, so the race for the Treasure of Rule's probably gonna be a tough one either way. 

Thank you for the compliment. For the little bit of time I have to work on these, I put a lot of thought into the interactions. 

I intend to get the two Dennis Haysbert characters to actually talk to each other at some point if the Unit isn't killed in the field.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.30 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.30 Total Combined Score
9.30 / 2 = 4.65 Final Rating on the match

The Unit: 2
Irina Spalko: 0

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