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Katarina Alves vs. Azucena Ortiz
Katarina Alves: 3
Azucena Ortiz: 1

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Match 20640 Ronon Dex vs. Tung Lashor

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Megastory 16.3


He felt a bit funny not running. Of course there were lots of days where he didn’t have to be somewhere by literally running but he always needed to keep moving.

The strange part was that he was on the hunt.

Some sort of new menace was terrorizing the Pegasis galaxy.

Nevermind the Wraith hunting him. Ronan wanted to see what this was all about.

His luck, whether it was good or bad was up for debate, favored him. A raid was in progress. Ronon scoped things out but was having trouble actually seeing the perpetrators.

People were being carried off but it was so dark that he couldn’t tell what was hauling them. He had to risk getting closer.

When a pair of evildoers passed him he drew back. Bipedal lizard-like men marched to the north. They were the last two, evidently seeing to it that there were no survivors. In all his travels he had never seen beings like this.

The straggling pair had one last victim. A young guy maybe thirteen. Ronon’s heart melted.

Regardless of the danger constantly following him, he couldn’t live himself if he just let this happen.

His plasma gun aimed true, Ronon shot one of the snake men. Then he shot the other.

The area clear, he ran down to check on the young man.

But the area wasn’t secure. Tung Lashor had back tracked, upon hearing the gun fire. Finding two humans not in custody made him greedy. King Hiss would have plenty to feast on. Tung Lashor would have his meal early.

To be sure that he didn’t get shot, the snakeman used his signature move to snatch away the weapon.

Getting over it quickly, Ronon showed that a gun was not the only type of combat he was capable of. Tung Lashor copied him by showing that his tongue was not his only method of attack.



Fight Parameters:


Ronon will battle Tung Lashor but he must hurry and defeat him before other snakemen come.

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Another pretty good match for your arc, leroy, if pretty short. 

As for the match, I'd have to agree with the sentiment. From what I remember about the Snake Men, they were giving every force in Eternia trouble, including both He-Man's and Skeletor's sides. Don't see how good of a chance Dex stands against Lashor. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.00 - JohnnyChany
4.00 - Pizza Guy
3.60 - DSkillz
4.50 - Fox
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
6 Total Votes cast
26.10 Total Combined Score
26.10 / 6 = 4.35 Final Rating on the match

Ronon Dex: 2
Tung Lashor: 5

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