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The Mad Doctor: 0
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Match 20643 Imhotep vs. Ahmanet

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Chapter 30: The Rising of the Mummy
Hanging on the side of a chasm, Imhotep watched with tears in his eyes as his beloved left him to die. Despite all he had done to bring Anck-su-namun back to his arms, she left him there in the crumbling temple. The former High Priest glanced over at the husband and wife that had become a constant thorn in his side. He gave Rick and Evelyn a sad envious smile before pushing himself away from the edge of the chasm. Imhotep fell deep into the burning pit of the underworld where he was pulled down in all directions by tormented souls that dwelled there. After being betrayed by the one that he devoted his life to, he had lost his will to live. While being dragged down deeper into the underworld, the former High Priest let go of the remaining humanity that he had left within him. The love that once fueled his very soul was ripped away by the many souls that tore this his physical flesh. 
"Death is only the beginning..." 
Those words rattled in his soul during the endless torment that he endured in the underworld. He had heard rumblings that his former love had died in the crumbling temple and that her soul was trapped in the underworld. Despite this knowledge, Imhotep had lost his desire to find his love in death. In the decades since his defeat, the former High Priest had a new desire. He wanted to escape from this eternal torment and return to the land of the living. Imhotep wanted to gain power and control over the world that cast him out. While his soul continued to endure the unspeakable torment, he shifted his focus and hope toward the day that he would find himself back in the living world. He longed for the day that he could have his vengeance on the different nations and take his place as their ruler. The former High Priest took comfort in knowing that death is only the beginning. 
Just as Imhotep was once awakened in an unknown time, another being of the ancient world had awaken into an unfamiliar world. Imprisoned and forgotten beneath the sands of the world, this ancient witch had dreamed of the day that she would be freed from her slumber. She dreamed of the day that she could take her place as a ruler over the known world. After being freed from her prison, she set off to find her Chosen One. After her Chosen One took on the powers of Set, the former princess was betrayed and defeated, her was body submerged in mercury. Ahmanet was condemned to the deepest pits of the underworld. While facing the torment and agony brought on by the souls of the underworld, she kept her focus on her escape. Despite the countless screams of tortured souls, she kept her focus on the days that she would reign supreme.
Despite her ambition to escape from this torment, she lost sight of the time that she was trapped in the underworld. Days had become weeks, and weeks turned to years. Time in the underworld was much different once the months turned to years. It felt as if she was trapped in there for centuries. The former princess had heard rumblings within the underworld that there was a darkness spreading over the land of the living. Powers of darkness was being summoned and armies prepared to march through the lands. Ahmanet realized that with the rising darkness, she could take the opportunity to escape from these confines and harness this power that she felt she deserved. As the veil between death and life started to crumble, the underworld started to grow into disarray. There was enough dark power for only one soul to escape from this torment and the former princess soon realized that there was one that stood between her and the world of the living.
The morning after the battle in the swamp, animals, and creatures from all around had gathered at where Mama Odie's house once stood. Several creatures of the swamp had gathered to mourn after the loss of the Voodoo Queen. After her battle with the Mistress of Evil, Mama Odie had met her end in a devastating defeat. The Dark Fairy took the Bracelet of Anubis and left the house of the Voodoo Queen to be engulfed by raging flames. As many different animals had gathered around to mourn the eccentric woman, they were joined by a few others that had appeared in the swamp. The Sorcerer Supreme appeared outside the ruins of Mama Odie's home. Standing alongside him was Abe Sapien of the B.P.R.D. Doctor Strange was visibly distressed while walking around the embers that was once Mama Odie's home. Since becoming the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange had often heard the stories of the eccentric old woman in the swamp but he never had the opportunity to come meet with her. 
After receiving the message from the Voodoo Queen, Doctor Strange made it a point to come to Mama Odie's house as soon as he could. Once he realized that the message that Odie sent to him was regarding the Bracelet of Anubis, he decided to bring Abe along. Unfortunately, they arrived at her home far too late. The Sorcerer Supreme glanced back to see Abe sauntering around the burning rubble. Doctor Strange waved his hands through the air to see if he could perform a spell to locate the one responsible for this horrendous act. Unfortunately, the spell that he was trying to perform could not identify the source of the dark magic that was done here. The Sorcerer Supreme cursed under his breath while looking over the damage. Several thoughts start to roam through his mind once he looked over the charred remains of Mama Odie. Doctor Strange closed his eyes and sighed. 
"If only I would have come sooner." He muttered to himself.
"It is not your fault, Doctor Strange." Abe said with a calm voice. "There is no way you would have known what was going to happen to Mama Odie."
"It doesn't matter." The Sorcerer Supreme responded while shaking his head. "She sent me a message for help. I was too late."
"Who could have done this?" Abe asked.
"There is no telling. There is a dark magic involved but I am unable to identify its source." Doctor Strange replied. "There is something at work. Something big."
"What do we need to do?" Abe asked.
"We need to find out what is happening and stop it." Doctor Strange replied.
While looking over the golden bracelet of Anubis, Maleficent gently rubbed her hands over the markings on the relic. Despite Facilier's failure to unlock the bracelet, she could not deny his success in retrieving this bracelet from the underworld. As she thought about ways to unlock the powerful bracelet, she remembered that there were beings of ancient Egypt that possessed the secrets of life and death. One of the beings even had knowledge regarding the Books of the Living and the Dead. The Dark Fairy looked over the ancient books and then rose to her feet. She started pacing back and forth in her room until she felt a presence in the room with her. The Mistress of Evil stopped and glanced back at the corner of the room. She scowled as she turned her full attention back to the shadowy presence that was lingering in the back of the room. The figured stepped out of the shadows and walked into the view.
"What are you doing here, Voldemort?" Maleficent asked.
"The Council has not heard from you in some time. I see that you still have the Books of the Living and the Dead." The Dark Wizard replied while looking over the ancient books.
"I also have the Bracelet of Anubis." Maleficent replied while gesturing down at the golden relic.
"I see..." Voldemort said calmly while circling around the Dark Fairy. "What are you plans now, Mistress?" 
"The secrets of these items have been sealed away and lost over time. Unfortunately, no one on the Council is able to unlock these secrets." Maleficent replied.
"So, all of that work for.... nothing." Voldemort said with a chilling voice while shifting his gaze toward the Mistress of Evil.
"Not exactly." Maleficent smiled. "There are some that possess the knowledge and power over these items. They have knowledge over death itself." Maleficent said while starting to look over the artifacts. "They can unlock this untapped power so that we can use it in the coming war."
"Interesting." Voldemort hissed. "How do you propose that we find these individuals that hold this kind of power?"
"In the underworld." Maleficent replied. 
The Mistress of Evil slammed her staff against the ground. A cloud of green smoke formed around Maleficent and the Dark Wizard. They soon found themselves in what appeared to be a room covered in mold and seaweed. Water dripped from different areas of the ceiling and sea urchins clung to the walls. 
"What are you doing here, Mistress?" A voice asked from the shadows.
"Come out and show yourself...." Maleficent ordered with a smile. "Come out, Davy Jones."
The being covered in tentacles appeared out of the shadows and stood before Maleficent and Voldemort.
"What news does the Council bring?" Davy Jones asked while reaching into his pocket for his pipe.
"Nothing of significance, my dear." Maleficent replied while circling around Davy Jones. "I am here to ask for your help."
"With what?" Davy Jones spit out as shot a sharp glare at the Dark Fairy.
"I need you to help me resurrect some beings of extreme power from the Underworld." Maleficent replied with a cold voice.
"That is nearly impossible." Jones replied while turning his head away from the Dark Fairy.
"But not entirely." Voldemort said with widened eyes.
"Even if we could, there is only so much power that can be mustered to bring back a soul from the Underworld." Jones replied as he chomped down on the end of his pipe.
"What are you saying?" Voldemort asked.
"If these beings are as powerful as you say then there is only enough power to bring back one!" Davy Jones growled. 
"How do we choose who to resurrect, Lady Maleficent?" Voldemort asked while slowly shifting his gaze to the Mistress of Evil.
"We don't." Maleficent replied with a devilish smile. "Only the strong will survive."
Within the Underworld, a surge of energy shot out across the tormented souls that were trapped there. After feeling the surge of power pass by him, Imhotep opened his eyes amongst the hordes of endless souls. A smiled formed across his checks as he broke free from the grips of the other souls. The former High Priest started to follow the surge of energy throughout the underworld. He could feel his strength and power returning to him. It was the same power that he once held when he returned to the land of the living all those years ago. He grinned as he looked over his hands. While making his way past the tormented souls, he heard a voice crying out to him. It was unlike the souls that he had seen in his torment. This soul belonged to the one that he once loved.
"Imhotep, help me..." Anck-su-namun begged as her tormented reached up for her former love. "Free me, my love. We can be together again."
Imhotep knelt beside her and smiled at the scarred soul that was before him. He gently rubbed his hand against her head and looked over her body. Her body seemed as if her very skin was chewed away by countless scorpions and burned day after day since her death. Despite her scarred and horrific appearance, the former High Priest caressed the back of her head and smiled. 
"No." Imhotep said as his smile turned to a look of disgust.
Without another word, the former High Priest left the one that betrayed behind to suffer for eternity. He thought about how he was once motivated by her love but now that had been stripped away from his very being. His only motivation now was to seek the power thar he felt he deserved. As he made his way through the Underworld, Imhotep could see the pathway to the land of the living. The former High Priest started approaching the pathway but soon felt the presence of another soul with great power. Imhotep stopped and looked around at his surroundings. He could hear the agonizing screams of countless souls that were trapped in there. His dark eyes looked over his surroundings but there was no sign anything. He soon turned his attention back to the pathway that led to the land of the living. As soon as he turned his attention back to the pathway, he saw the outline of a female figure standing before him. 
Her body was pale and decrepit, but he could tell that she was regaining strength with each passing moment. She approached the former High Priest as she waved her hands through her long dark hair. The markings on her face and body became clearer as her power started to return. Her unusual eyes gazed upon the former High Priest before they started to glow bright. She watched as a sinister grin formed across the face of Imhotep. She realized that this man stood between her and the land of the living. While both entities glanced back at the pathway, they realized that there was only enough power to bring one of them back to the world.
"It would be wise of you to stand down and rot with the rest of these pathetic souls!" Ahmanet screamed.
Imhotep stayed silent as his smile started to fade. He clenched his fist as he prepared himself to unleash the full amount of his power on this witch. Ahmanet raised her hands and cried out to attack the former High Priest.
The battle takes place in the underworld. There is only enough power to bring back one of the Mummy's and both are fighting to be resurrected.  Who will defeat their enemy and escape the underworld?
Imhotep is at full power and strength.
Ahmanet is at full power and strength.

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On 6/6/2024 at 4:47 PM, Boratz said:

Hope you all enjoy 

Nope, I did not enjoy this at all. 

1. Because I was planning on doing this fight, and

2. Because yours is much better in both idea and execution than what I had planned.

So... bravo or whatever 😆😆😆.

Epic matchup, I think one of your best yet in my opinion. 

The main reason I was going to create this is because I wasn't sure which was it could go, but I'm thinking Ahmanet has better showings so might take the edge. Without love being his driver though, I reckon Imhotep is going to put up one hell of a fight.

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1 hour ago, Culwych1 said:

Nope, I did not enjoy this at all. 

1. Because I was planning on doing this fight, and

2. Because yours is much better in both idea and execution than what I had planned.

So... bravo or whatever 😆😆😆.

Epic matchup, I think one of your best yet in my opinion. 

The main reason I was going to create this is because I wasn't sure which was it could go, but I'm thinking Ahmanet has better showings so might take the edge. Without love being his driver though, I reckon Imhotep is going to put up one hell of a fight.

I feel bad now because I really want to see what you would have done with it 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Fox
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.80 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.30 Total Combined Score
14.30 / 3 = 4.77 Final Rating on the match

Imhotep: 7
Ahmanet: 0

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