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Match 20673 The Unit vs. The Oktober Guard

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Megastory 25.1


Previously: The Russians were in the lead in collecting the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. The wizard Rasputin aqciaring one from an auction hosted by The Dark Hand and Dragunov securing another one from the crew of the RLS Legacy. Spalko was assigned to get a third one but the Americans joined the hunt in the form of The Unit competing with her.



She was embarrassed but the American soldiers were a competent bunch. Her superiors wanted this mission to be a success so the Russian elite team Oktober Guard was on standby to support Agent Spalko’s efforts if she needed it.

They were an arrogant crew, knowing that they were Russia’s best. Expert she may be, Irana Spalko was now absolutely certain that this treasure would belong to Russia.


* * * * * *


There was no opposition to their progress for a while now. Sergeant Blane didn’t like for his men to assume such good fortune. It made them let their guard down. Even he was starting to daydream.

The Unit was coming close to locating the Treasure of Rule.

“So you think this treasure will give us super powers?”

asked Bob.

“You want to run around with your undies on the outside be my guest.” Mack Gerhardt chucked.

“Just saying, id’ be cool to fly or something.”

Training and discipline is all a hero needs.” Jonas Blane ended the conversation over the radio. But he started a new topic. “Be advised. We’ve got another party in the vicinity. They don’t seem to know you’re there but they look sharp.”


* * * * * * *


They were told that Americans were also on the mission. They were told not to kill them. They were told not to let the Americans secure the package.

Colonel Brekhov didn’t like these restrictions. Americans may not be the enemy but these rivals needed to be neutralized. A few light injuries should do the trick.

It was suggested that Agent Spalko was supposed to meet them in the field but she had not made contact yet. Brekhov proceeded with the mission.

The treasure was stored beneath the modern city of Zakopane in Poland. The people that settled here had no idea what was right under their feet.

Too keep international peace, The Russian government arranged for an excavation to cover for the dig to find the treasure.

A preliminary sweep of the area indicated no sign of any rivals. Perhaps they could get this done without incident. When they found ancient tunnels below the city they found Americans already searching them. Apparently they found another way down there.

Now they were in a head-to-head to claim the treasure.




Fight Parameters:


Having out foxed Irana Spalko, The Unit now must find and secure the Treasure of Rule. The Oktober Guard has joined the hunt. Neither side will try to kill the other but having the same objective for their respective countries allows for some scuffles.

Which team brings the Treasure of Rule home?

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
1 Total Votes cast
5.00 Total Combined Score
5.00 / 1 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

The Unit: 0
The Oktober Guard: 3

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Ah, sorry I missed out on this one, leroy. It was a good match-up, but the Oktober Guard rightfully won this one. They have held their own against G.I. Joe soldiers, after all. 

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