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Katarina Alves vs. Azucena Ortiz
Katarina Alves: 3
Azucena Ortiz: 1

Rumble 20816 Slattern vs. The Son vs. Motor-Vaters
Slattern: 0
The Son: 2
Motor-Vaters: 1

Rumble 20815 John Constantine vs. Daimon Hellstrom (Son of Satan)
John Constantine: 2
Daimon Hellstrom (Son of Satan): 0

Spider-Punk vs. Lord Raptor
Spider-Punk: 4
Lord Raptor: 0

Rumble 20813 Sister Sage vs. Death Ranger vs. Rose Cinderella
Sister Sage: 0
Death Ranger: 2
Rose Cinderella: 1

Match 20676 Alpha 5 vs. Putty Patrol

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I am Lord Zedd: Part 4


So, I'm in the body of Lord Zedd; sitting on a couch on the Moon; watching Grumble Bee and Slippery Shark fight each other. I have to say this was entertaining. You didn’t see monsters fight one another on the Power Rangers shows - especially in real-life.

"Try this on for size." Grumble Bee said before he sprayed a yellow substance from his mouth. In a matter of seconds, the yellow stuff went allover Slippery Shark.

"Ew! Gross! What is this stuff!" Slippery Shark yelled as he tried to get the slime off his body. But then the shark monster started to feel pain as the yellow substance was burning his body. Slippery Shark was in so much pain, that he fell onto his hands and knees.

“AH! Just like a fish out of water.” Grumble Bee said as he walked towards the weakened shark. 

"What have you done to me?!" Slippery Shark yelled.

“That is my venom. So strong that it's impossible for you to fight back. Now to put you out of your misery.” Grumble Bee said as he used his right hand to grab the fish monster by the head, while putting his left hand in the shark’s mouth. “Now have a taste of this.” Grumble Bee fired his Stinger Projectiles from his left hand down into Slippery Shark’s throat. The hammerhead monster was in pain as he felt his body being torn apart from the inside. When Grumble Bee pulled his left hand out, smoke was coming out of Slippery Shark's mouth. The giant bee threw Slippery Shark up into the air, before the sea monster exploded.

I got up from the couch and walked over to Grumble Bee. “Congratulations, Grumble Bee. Not only are you the winner, but you have entertained me.” I told my monster.

"Thank you - All mighty, Lord Zedd. Now, what else can I do for you?" Grumble Bee asked me.

“Now, we’re going to destroy the Power Rangers.” I spoke.

Yes, I was going to do what Lord Zedd and so many other villains had failed to do. Defeat the Power Rangers and take over the Earth. Yes, you can say I was going to the Dark Side. But I needed to save this Earth from becoming crappy like mine. I know the Power Rangers wouldn’t agree to my methods. Which is why I need to get rid of them.

“But first we need to find out what the Power Rangers are up to. Let’s head back to the Moon Palace.” I told Grumble Bee.

Oh crap! Where was the Moon Palace?! I looked around to find my way back to the castle. But I couldn’t tell which way to go. Nice going Venom 2009. You got yourself lost on the freaking Moon.

“Is there something wrong, Lord Zedd?” Grumble Bee asked me.

“Oh, yes. Before I got into a fight with those giant spiders, I was out for a walk. But I’ve never been out this far from the Moon Palace. I don’t know my way around the Moon. So, I’m lost.” I told my monster.

Grumble Bee scratched his head. “But Lord Zedd, can’t you just use your powers to teleport back to the palace?” He asked me.

I couldn’t help but facepalm myself. Of course, Lord Zedd can teleport. It was going to be hard to get used to these powers.

“Yes, your right. I guess I’m just a little woozy from my fight with the spiders.” I lied.

“I understand my lord.” Grumble Bee said.

I went through Lord Zedd’s memories and saw how to teleport. Once I figured it out, I teleported myself to the Moon Palace with Grumble Bee following my lead.

Pretty soon Grumble Bee and I were in the Chamber of Command. In the room were Goldar, Squatt, Baboo, and a group of Z-Putties.

“Welcome back, Lord Zedd.” Goldar said. But the golden alien became confused when he noticed the bee monster. “Is that Grumble Bee? What is he doing here? Wasn’t he destroyed by the Power Rangers awhile back?” He asked me.

“I got ambushed by giant spiders. So, I had to use my powers to bring back Grumble Bee to fight them.” I spoke.

“Well, those Rock Spiders can be nasty. We did warn you about them when you first appeared here.” Goldar said.

Must have happened off screen.

“Anyway, let’s see what those Power Rangers are up to.” I told my minions.

I walked over to the balcony and used my Telescopic Vision to take a look at Angel Grove. After a bit of searching, I found the Power Rangers were in the park. To my surprise, I saw Kimberly, Tommy, and Billy were playing basketball with Jason and Trini. So, this was the time when Jason, Trini, and Zack were still around. But where was Zack? I got my answer when Kimberly got scared by a gorilla, which was revealed to be Zack in a costume. I soon realized that this was the day that Lord Zedd created Primator. Meaning that this is Episode 4 of Season 2. Which meant that it wasn’t that long ago when Lord Zedd first appeared here. Which also means that Tommy was still the Green Ranger. My heart started to ache as I watched Tommy and Trini. Thinking back to how we lost Jason David Frank and Thuy Trang. While I didn’t know them personally, I grew up watching their characters on TV. Characters that I was planning to destroy. Come on Venom 2009 - Stay Focused! You want to rule the Earth, don’t you?!

I watched the Power Rangers answer their communicators, and then teleport away. If I remember correctly, Zordon was going to be gone for a while, and Alpha would leave the Command Center to help some kid find his mommy.

After some time passed, Alpha did teleport to the park, and befriend Dylan as they were playing soccer. Now I haven’t created Primator just yet. Because in the episode, Primator tried to trick Alpha to get into the Command Center. But failed as Alpha activated his self-destruct sequence. So, no reason to repeat that. Instead, I was going to do something entertaining. I used the Z-Staff to fire a bolt of lightning towards the park.

Alpha and Dylan stopped playing as they saw the lightning hit the ground. Soon appearing before them was one regular Putty. “Aye-yi-yi! A Putty! But that’s the kind Rita uses!” Alpha yelled.

“I want you to beat up Alpha.” I ordered the Putty. Even though the Putty was on Earth, it could hear my orders from the Moon, as it made a run towards Alpha.

“Run Dylan!” Alpha yelled.

Dylan did as he was told, as he ran away, leaving Alpha to fight the Putty.


So, here is the next part to my arc. Alpha is just fighting One Regular Putty from Season 1.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who do you think will win?

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In the reboot movie, Alpha had those extendo arms like Marvel's Machine Man. Then Then he used it combatively in the Power Rangers Legacy Wars games. Plus in the comics Alpha-1 became a dangerous villain with techno interface abilities. I would imagine Alpha -5 can do all of this too although Zordon obviously programmed him to be docile. In a dire situation though I bet those combat protocols can be unlocked.

I say Alpha can beat 1 putty.

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Good set-up and continuation to this arc, Venom. Looks like Zedd is starting to have a corrupting influence on you. :D 😛 Let's see where this goes. 

As for the match, since this is early Alpha-5, he doesn't have much in the way of attacking power. He apparently was able to ward off some Putties in the episode "Power Ranger Punks", though, so he probably could at least get away. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
4.50 - DSkillz
5.00 - patrickthekid
4.50 - Pizza Guy

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.00 Total Combined Score
19.00 / 4 = 4.75 Final Rating on the match

Alpha 5: 3
Putty Patrol: 2

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