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Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)
The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

Rumble 20937 The Leprechaun vs. Jolly Roger
The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Echo (Marvel Comics) vs. Norman Nordstrom
Echo (Marvel Comics): 1
Norman Nordstrom: 2

Rumble 20935 Sterling Archer vs. Indoraptor
Sterling Archer: 1
Indoraptor: 0

Rumble 20934 Lenore vs. Sam (Trick 'r Treat)
Lenore: 1
Sam (Trick \'r Treat): 0

Match 20681 Rogue vs. Storm

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Nightcrawler wished his friend, Rachel Summers, a fond farewell as she severed their psychic link so the Excalibur team could go off to their next match. When he opened his eyes, the veteran X-Men noticed his teammate, Storm, looking back at him with a quizzical look.

STORM: Kurt, Who were you just talking to?

NIGHTCRAWLER: Rachel. I just wanted to check in the Excalibur team.

STORM: Hmm, between you and Sean you are going to get us into trouble.

NIGHTCRAWLER: It is precisely because of Sean’s ability to have a psychic conversation with Emma Frost without repercussions that I thought it was an okay thing to do.

STORM: No repercussions.. Yet. We shouldn’t be presumptuous. We don’t want it to appear as if we are trying to influence any of the other teams.

Nightcrawler chuckled.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Come now fraulein, I don’t think anyone here would be concerned that world class telepaths like Rachel and Emma could somehow be affected by Sean and me.

Storm lifted an eyebrow.

STORM: As if you ever needed telepathy to be convincing.

Nightcrawler responded with an impish grin.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Isn’t there anyone you would like to talk to before this is all over? We won’t be paired up against all the other teams, so you might not get a chance.

STORM: Of course, there is Jean and Logan, but something tells me I will get to talk to one of them in person very soon.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Goddesses' intuition?

STORM: I am the last one of our team to fight. There are nine other members of the other teams who have also not fought and will be competing in the final round, Iceman, Shadowcat, Rogue, Quicksilver, Feral, Kylun, Northstar, Sunspot, and Monet. If you take away the teams we have already been paired off against, that leaves Iceman, Rogue, Kylun, Northstar, and Monet. While I guess it is possible to be Monet, Rogue and Bobby are the only two that truly make sense to me as potential challengers. 

The two were joined in their conversation by teammate and Russian powerhouse, Piotr Rasputin.

COLOSSUS: I would have loved to have seen you paired up against Katya.

STORM: Really? I am not sure how our powers would mesh in a potential battle.

COLOSSUS: I was thinking more like a jousting match like your fight against Callisto for control of the Morlocks, ya? Both you and Katya have developed into strong capable leaders of X-Men teams and have both been trained by the best in hand-to-hand combat.

Storm thought it over.

STORM: That does sound like a very useful training exercise for both of us, alas it is not to be this time.

NIGHTCRAWLER: Out of curiosity, would you have a preference between Bobby and Rogue?

STORM: Not particularly, they both present unique challenges all their own.

COLOSSUS: What I am curious about is how Kurt has remained so calm all this time when Amanda appeared out of nowhere to participate in this tournament.

Storm’s eyes lit up.

STORM: Good point. Let’s get into that shall we?

Ororo and Piotr began to needle Kurt for his feelings on Amanda’s surprise appearance. Elsewhere, Pixie teleported into a room on the other side of the mansion where Gambit, Rogue, and Psylocke were throwing cards.

GAMBIT: Where did you disappear to, petite?

PIXIE: I was just visiting the Excalibur team, passing messages.

GAMBIT: Careful, you are one of us now, we don’t want to have to fold our hand because of disqualification.

PIXIE: Am I really on your team now?

GAMBIT: Absolutely, petite. Like I told you before, you won us a match, you with us.

PSYLOCKE: Remy is right, and we can’t risk losing it now when we are so close. If Cerise loses this match to Cyclops, we will be tied with Excalibur and the New Mutants for first place.

Rogue stood up and wrapped her gloved hand around Pixie’s shoulder.

ROGUE: The only reason we are even in that position is thanks to her, so don’t be too hard on the gal.

PIXIE: Thanks, uh, where are Wolverine and Jubilee?

ROGUE: Having a good ol’ sparring session in the next room. Jubilee is a little embarrassed about Paige knocking her out so she volunteered for some fist against fist time with Logan.

PSYLOCKE: He was very eager to accept. He definitely has some left over pent up rage after his loss to Jamie.

GAMBIT: He be feelin’ betta as soon as Rogue wins the next round. How you feelin’ chere?

ROGUE: Confident, but not as confident as ah once was.

PSYLOCKE: What makes you say that?

ROGUE: I know who I’m facing. With Cerise facing Scott, there is only one possibility left that makes sense. 

PIXIE: How can you be sure?

ROGUE: I think ah could have a good time fighting Iceman or Sunspot, but we’ve already been paired with the Original team and the New Mutants, so that takes out both the Bobbies. Throwing haymakers with Monet sounds like more fun than purse shoppin’ in an alligator swamp, but we’ve already faced of with Gen X too. I couldda maybe seen a fight with Northstar, but even a blind bear in a dark cave can see he going to be taking on Pietro. That leaves Storm. It’s gotta be her. Fighting Feral or Kylin wouldn’t be fair to them.

GAMBIT: Are you saying that Storm may beat you, chere?

ROGUE: Ah’m saying I’m excited to find out.

At that moment, Heather Cameron, Lifeguard, entered their room.

LIFEGUARD: It’s time. Your team is up for the first match of the last round.

ROGUE: No need to be vague, suga, I know ah’m fighting Storm.

LIFEGUARD: That is true, and I am so excited. I look up to both of you, and I can’t wait to see this match.

PIXIE: I have a question, Heather. Do you know if I am officially on the Blue Team now after stepping in for Jubilee?

LIFEGUARD: Yes, you are.

She looked around.

LIFEGUARD: Speaking of, your team seems to be a little short on members right now.

PIXIE: This is so cool. I will go get them.

Pixie teleported away and returned with Jubilee and Wolverine. The six members of Blue Team followed Lifeguard to the Danger Room where they were awaited by Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee, and Sunfire. The teams greeted each other warmly as a lot of shared history between the two teams had made them long time friends.

COLOSSUS: It is very nice that we are finishing this tournament against you all.

JUBILEE: I completely agree.

Storm and Rogue exchanged knowing glances.

A hologram of Charles Xavier appeared in front of the Danger Room.

XAVIER: Welcome my X-Men to the last round. You have all distinguished yourselves quite well so far and this tournament has exceeded even my lofty expectations. Storm, Rogue, it is your turn to square off in the Danger Room. You are two of the strongest, most powerful, most tenured X-Men we have. I can’t wait to see how you plan to take on one another.

PSYLOCKE: Query. When Jean fought Polaris, Magneto forbade her from using telepathy, will Rogue have any such restrictions?

XAVIER: Such as?

GAMBIT: Does she have to keep her gloves on for da fight?

XAVIER: Ah, I see. Well, the one with the most to lose from that ability is Storm. I think it is fair to give her the option, although I believe I already know the answer.

STORM: This training disguised as a tournament is designed to hone our abilities and skills in battle. In battle, one can nott choose which abilities their opponent can and can’t use. Such a thing would be absurd. Asking Rogue to do the same is undermining the true goal of this entire endeavor.

ROGUE: Are you sure about this suga?

Storm smiled.

STORM: Absolutely. As long as you understand that I don’t intend to let you touch me long enough to drain my power without a hurricane wind or bolt of lighting shooting you away.

Rogue chuckled.

ROGUE: Well threaten me with a good time, why don’t cha.

LIFEGUARD: Now that that is taken care of, if the two of you will make your way into the Danger Room, please. As always I am here to help if things get out of hand.

ROGUE: Let’s go, gal!

STORM: After you, my friend.

The two long time teammates walked into the Danger Room which transformed into the courtyard of the X-Mansion from the time when Rogue was a recent transfer from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

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Storm. She is in my opinion the single strongest X-Man ever(not including former villains that were briefly X-Men). As long as she keeps Rogue from touching her then Ororo pulls out the dub.

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Another good round for the Xavier Invitational Tournament, Johnny. Still like how you're melding the comradery and rivalries between the various X-Team members. 

As for the match, I'd have to agree that Storm should win this. Storm and Rogue know each other well, so with the sheer power and variety of Ororo's abilities, there's almost no way Marie's getting close enough for a touch or a strike before she gets taken down. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Pizza Guy
4.60 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
18.60 Total Combined Score
18.60 / 4 = 4.65 Final Rating on the match

Rogue: 1
Storm: 5

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