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Match 20695 Indiana Jones vs. Zorro

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The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 49



Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle.


On top of a mountain in the Mountain Zone, April O'Neil was trying to get Paba out of her yellow jumpsuit. But the fire ferret was moving too fast for the brown-haired woman to grab. “Can someone get this little bastard out of my clothes!” April yelled.

“Don’t worry, senorita.” A guy wearing black clothes appeared in front of April. “Zorro is here to save the day.” He said, before pulling out his sword.

“Wait! What are you going to do with that sword?!” April yelled.

Zorro didn’t respond as he started to swing his sword at April at a fast rate. When Zorro was done, April’s yellow jumpsuit burst into shreds. Paba was just fine as he landed on the ground and ran off. But as for April, she was completely naked.

“No, My clothes!" April yelled as she ran away to find some place to hide.

“You’re Welcome!” Zorro yelled to April.

“Hey, pal!” Someone yelled. Zorro turned around to see Indiana Jones. “If anyone is going to remove clothes from women, it’s going to be me!” Indy yelled.

“Well, well, Indiana Jones. Still making bad movies?” Zorro asked.

“At least I had another movie. When was the last time you were in a movie? Back in 2005?” Jones asked.

“You know what? I’m going to be nice, and just let you run off. Otherwise, I’ll do the same thing that Disney did; Destroy You!” Zorro yelled.

“I think someone needs a reminder as to why I was such a bad ass back in the 80's. By kicking your sorry ass.” Jones said.


So, here is the next part to my arc.


-This is Indy from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989).

-Weapons that Jones has are his whip and Kirito's sword from Sword Art Online (which Indy had used against Nagini in Part 29).

-This is Zorro from The Legend of Zorro (2005).

-Weapons that Zorro has are his whip and sword.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?

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19 hours ago, Pizza Guy said:

In a straight swords and whip fight then I’m backing Zorro without question. That’s literally his whole stick. Indy’s better with his fists and a gun.


Indy may not have the same skill with a blade as Zorro, but he uses his whip as much if not more then Zorro.

I'd wager Indy is as good with a whip. He is also faster, stronger, tougher, and better in fist fight them Zorro.

Jones holds almost every advantage, aside from swordfighting.

And he has the weapons, skills, and toughness to get past Zorro's sword, close the distance and turn this into a fist fight. 

Which Dr. Jones wins.

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5 hours ago, RiotGear said:


Indy may not have the same skill with a blade as Zorro, but he uses his whip as much if not more then Zorro.

I'd wager Indy is as good with a whip. He is also faster, stronger, tougher, and better in fist fight them Zorro.

Jones holds almost every advantage, aside from swordfighting.

And he has the weapons, skills, and toughness to get past Zorro's sword, close the distance and turn this into a fist fight. 

Which Dr. Jones wins.

Faster? Stronger? Tougher? In what ways? Need I remind you that Indy is College Professor who occasionally moonlights as an adventurer? Zorro meanwhile is a revolutionary fighter first and foremost and Antonio Banderas version in particular was trained by the OG Zorro(Anthony Hopkins) as a young man to dedicate his life to fight corruption and protect the innocent. Who do you honestly think will have the physical advantages: an American professor who only does field work occasionally or a Mexican revolutionary during the 1800s who fights regularly everyday? 

Also man it’s not like Zorro ain’t a good fist fighter himself. By feats he’s at least close to Indy:


Zorro can more then hold his own if this was a fist fight. Not that it’ll even get to that point anyways because both men are starting out with swords and Zorro is gonna slaughter Indy within a few seconds. Zorro is a trained master swordsman and Indy has zero sword feats to my knowledge. Zorro is gonna cut Indy to pieces.

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On 7/9/2024 at 9:28 PM, Pizza Guy said:

Faster? Stronger? Tougher? In what ways? Need I remind you that Indy is College Professor who occasionally moonlights as an adventurer? Zorro meanwhile is a revolutionary fighter first and foremost and Antonio Banderas version in particular was trained by the OG Zorro(Anthony Hopkins) as a young man to dedicate his life to fight corruption and protect the innocent. Who do you honestly think will have the physical advantages: an American professor who only does field work occasionally or a Mexican revolutionary during the 1800s who fights regularly everyday? 

Also man it’s not like Zorro ain’t a good fist fighter himself. By feats he’s at least close to Indy:


Zorro can more then hold his own if this was a fist fight. Not that it’ll even get to that point anyways because both men are starting out with swords and Zorro is gonna slaughter Indy within a few seconds. Zorro is a trained master swordsman and Indy has zero sword feats to my knowledge. Zorro is gonna cut Indy to pieces.


Zorro spends half his time as either a drunkard or an aristocrat depending on when in his time line you pull him from. It doesn't change what he can do.

Also Jones describes himself as teaching part time, not the other way around. He has been adventure sense he was like 8 years old. He also rode with Pancho Villa, so he's done the revolutionary thing as well. He is also a combat veteran of some of the most intense battles of WW1.

At almost 60 in Crystal Skull we see him take down whole groups of Spetznaz in melee combat. As in he basically winning a fist fight 1 v 6 against tier one special forces while almost a senior citizen. Point me in the direction of this version of Zorro doing anything close to that.

Indy also has bullet dodging feats in the Young Indiana Jones and we regularly see him out move people that are already pointing guns at him. He also, you know survived a nuclear bomb. So there's that.

He can also hit hard enough to send men sliding across the floor and KO two guys at the same time.

He can also hold his own in a sword fight as he takes out multiple sword wielding Thuggee and the like.

So yes. Jones is faster, stronger, has more combat experience, is better in a fist fight, is arguably just as good if not better at using his whip in combat, and a decent swordsmen himself.

Not that he needs to be he is fast enough to disarm Zorro with his whip. Close the distance and pummel Zorro into submission.

Also Indy won a boxing tournament and has wins over a couple of Olympic champion boxers.

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22 hours ago, RiotGear said:

At almost 60 in Crystal Skull we see him take down whole groups of Spetznaz in melee combat. As in he basically winning a fist fight 1 v 6 against tier one special forces while almost a senior citizen. Point me in the direction of this version of Zorro doing anything close to that.


I literally posted this in my last reply but I’ll do it again to once more prove that Zorro can easily take on groups of 6+ men in hand to hand combat. Sorry but nothing Indy’s done puts him ahead of Zorro here.

23 hours ago, RiotGear said:

Indy also has bullet dodging feats in the Young Indiana Jones and we regularly see him out move people that are already pointing guns at him. He also, you know survived a nuclear bomb. So there's that.

At 1:54 we see Zorro dodging gunfire.

And at 0:55 we see him dodge gunfire again. So if Indy’s a bullet dodger then so is Zorro by proven feats. Also I’m not gonna dignify the Indy nuke feat with a response. That’s just silly.

23 hours ago, RiotGear said:

He can also hit hard enough to send men sliding across the floor and KO two guys at the same time.

So has Zorro. At multiple points in the clips I just showed you. Stop acting like punching a guy hard is some outlying feat, that’s literally base level athletic human strength.

23 hours ago, RiotGear said:

He can also hold his own in a sword fight as he takes out multiple sword wielding Thuggee and the like.

Firstly I recall him punching out the Thuggees but I don’t recall him using a sword to defeat them. I do remember him using a sword to chop the bridge but that’s about it with Indy’s sword feats. Secondly taking out random mooks is not the same as facing a Master Swordsman that Zorro clearly is.

23 hours ago, RiotGear said:

So yes. Jones is faster, stronger, has more combat experience, is better in a fist fight, is arguably just as good if not better at using his whip in combat, and a decent swordsmen himself.

Not that he needs to be he is fast enough to disarm Zorro with his whip. Close the distance and pummel Zorro into submission.

No he is not! There is no feats in the films or otherwise that show Indy as anything but a base level athletic human, same as Zorro. To say he has any kind of athletic advantage over Zorro is ridiculous, they are both normal, athletic men period! Neither has any advantage over the other EXCEPT that one of them is actually a trained swordsman with countless feats to showcase his fencing skills, therefore in a purely battle of swordsmanship Zorro will obviously defeat Indiana Jones. 

Can you actually show me a feat of Indy disarming a sword with his whip btw? Cause I definitely don’t remember him ever doing that.

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This match-up is reminding me that I need to see those last two Indiana Jones movies and that Antonio Banderas did indeed do a second Zorro film. :) 

Decent set-up with good one-liners of Indy and Zorro taking shots at each other's box office success (or lack thereof, lol), but the set-up itself is pretty short. 

As for the match, it appears Zorro may have an edge in this one. True, Indy has the better weapon in Kirito's sword, but the question is whether he has the power to use it. Apparently, even Kirito had to level up before he could use it.

Meanwhile, Zorro is well-trained and battle-tested with his cutlass (not to mention that the cutlass is built for fast strikes, unlike Kirito's sword), so Zorro would likely get off some slashes before Indy. Add in the likelihood that Zorro is a bit nimbler than Indy, and this may be an uphill battle for Jones.

Zorro's definitely gonna work for this one, though. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - Pizza Guy
3.30 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
12.30 Total Combined Score
12.30 / 3 = 4.10 Final Rating on the match

Indiana Jones: 3
Zorro: 2

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