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Rumble 20846 Lenore vs. Komodo
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Venom (Flash Thompson) vs. Joey Wheeler
Venom (Flash Thompson): 3
Joey Wheeler: 2

Match 20732 Chloe Bourgeois vs. The Alien

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The Unforeseen Simulation Joint: Part 51



Summary: The mystery-being known as Cloud X9 has trapped all the CBUB Characters inside the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. The only way the CBUB Characters can get out is for them to fight each other to the death. There can only be one winner that will be allowed to get out of the dome. With no other choice, the CBUB Characters get into one massive battle.


Queen Kong used her hands to grab Lady Kong by the torso and hold the red gorilla up over her head. Lady Kong cried out as Queen Kong was spinning her around. Queen Kong threw Lady Kong up in the air and sent her flying over the battlefield of many characters.

Chloe Bourgeois, as Queen Bee, screamed in horror as Lady Kong was going to crash-land on top of her. The blond-haired girl got out of the way just in time as Lady Kong crashed onto the floor. Lady Kong was so dizzy that she was seeing bananas spinning around her head before she passed out.

"This is Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! There is no way I’m going to last long in this dome! There’s got to be a way out of here!" Queen Bee yelled.

While Chloe was looking around the battlefield, she saw something that shocked her. Not too far from Queen Bee was a door with a sign above that said, ‘Exit’.

“You have got to be kidding me?! There’s been an emergency exit here this entire time?!” Queen Bee yelled. Chloe made a run to the door. When Queen Bee opened the exit door, she was shocked by what was on the other side.


“What is this place?! Some kind of maze?! Of course it wouldn’t be that easy!” Chloe yelled. The blond girl then turned around to see explosions were going off within the dome. “But hey, if it leads me outside, then I’ll take it. Besides, a little hard work never hurt anyone.” Queen Bee said as she walks into the terrain.

-Some Time Has Passed-

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Queen Bee yelled as she stomped her foot down on the floor. She was lost in the terrain. To make matters worse, Chloe found out the hard way that this place was full of deathtraps. But with Chloe’s quick reflexes, she was able to avoid the traps.

“I’m starting to think this is a bad idea. I’m nowhere close to finding my way outside. At this rate, I might as well take my chances fighting in the dome. If I can find my way back to it.” Chloe said.

Just as Queen Bee turned around, she saw two black hands were coming for her. She ducked her head down in time and rolled herself onto the floor. When Queen Bee got to a far distance, she was shocked as in front of her was the Xenomorph from the first Alien movie. The Xenomorph let out a hiss at Queen Bee.

“Oh, that’s just great! Not only am I lost in this stupid place! But now I have to fight a Xenomorph!” Chloe yelled.


So, here is the next part to my arc.

Chloe Bourgeois as Queen Bee is fighting the Alien from the 1979 movie. 

As you just read in the setup, Chloe and the Alien are fighting in the Deathtrap Equalizer. Which means Chloe and the Alien will have to watch out for deathtraps or use the traps for their advantage.

Chloe does have a bag of Senzu Beans to help her heal up from any injury.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Who will win?

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Here is a video of Queen Bee:



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So, the match is on its last day. If anyone can, please vote, rate, and reply to the match.

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Good match-up and pretty good set-up, Venom, but it's still a pretty short story. I forget how Chloe got ahold of some senzu beans, though? 

As for the match, Chloe's Queen Bee powers should almost be more than a match for the Alien, and she could possibly reach the exit from there. The traps are just icing on the cake, especially since it wasn't too difficult for Ripley get the Alien sucked through that air lock in the '79 movie. 

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2 hours ago, DSkillz said:

I forget how Chloe got ahold of some senzu beans, though?

Chloe got the senzu beans in Part 42 where she fought Grumble Bee.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
3.60 - DSkillz
4.30 - JohnnyChany
4.80 - Boratz
4.50 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
17.20 Total Combined Score
17.20 / 4 = 4.30 Final Rating on the match

Chloe Bourgeois: 3
The Alien: 2

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