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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Lord Drakkon

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Along the Khazan Star Walk of Fame, Yamcha walked trying to keep his spirits high as he scanned the names etched into the ground beneath him. Each star, glittering under the sun, bore the name of a famous warrior. Characters with legendary database records, win-loss ratios that are historic.

None of them belonged to him. Yamcha could walk the road up and down, but he'd not see his name among them.

Puar floated beside him, his large eyes filled with concern. Puar was the ever faithful companion and knew when Yamcha was upset. Even if Yamcha tried not to show it.

"I'm totally the star of Khazan!" Yamcha declared, pumping his fist in front of him.

Puar tried to cheer him up. "You are amazing, Yamcha. Maybe you just need the right opponent to prove it and get your name added to the Walk of Fame!"

Yamcha puffed out his chest, trying to shake off his doubt. "I could beat any of these chumps, you just name 'em."

Puar eyes wandered through the names until he spotted another large star. "What about him?" he suggested, pointing to the name 'Exodus.'

Yamcha paused. Puar could almost hear the thick swallow Yamcha took. "Ah, well, I'm sure he'd put up a good fight. If he were here."

"He’s standing right there, Yamcha," Puar pointed out.

Yamcha glanced over at Exodus, who was surrounded by fans, signing chests and getting his picture taken. "He’s busy, Puar. Beating him in front of his fans would just be mean-spirited. Come on."

Puar sighed, knowing better than to press the issue. As the two continued to walk, Puar searched for another potential opponent. Suddenly, he perked up. "What about her?" he asked, pointing towards a figure down the path.

"Who is it this time? Whoever it is, they caught me fired up today," Yamcha looked to Puar's suggestion. He saw Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls, her blonde pigtails bouncing as she cheerfully signed autographs.

"You could take on Bubbles!" Puar said.

Yamcha’s face flushed. "Bubbles? Nah, I couldn’t do that. She’s, uh," Yamcha turned, chin in hand in mock thought. "Too, you know, cute. Yeah, if I fought her, the audience would think I'm some kind of bully. Besides, who wants to see me beat up a little girl? I’d totally win, of course, but it’d be bad for my image."

"Maybe you’re right, Yamcha. I'm sorry, I'm so bad at this," Puar responded.

"It's not your fault, Puar. We're going to find a challenge, I know it. In fact, I'm so pumped, I think I take on all the entire database. Beat every single one of those no-name weaklings just sticking around for the fame. Yeah. Take them on like ten or twenty and before I know it, I'll have my name on this walk in no time.

"Out of my way," commanded a voice from behind.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. The air grew thick and the new presence passing Yamcha and Puar by was down right sinister. Clad in black and white armor with a dragon motif, a figure stepped past him. His visor gleamed with a sinister light. He looked powerful, if I little over dressed.

Puar’s fur bristled, sensing the overwhelming energy emanating from the stranger. "Yamcha, who is that?"

Yamcha’s heart pounded in his chest as he recognized the figure. It was Lord Drakkon. Infamous rogue Power Ranger who was glad to murder whoever got in his way.

"Lord Drakkon," Yamcha whispered, feeling a mix of fear and excitement. If Yamcha remembered right, Drakkon hadn't been living in Khazan for a long time. And his win-loss ratio was in Yamcha's favor. Maybe...

"Hey, excuse you, you big jerk. Show some respect when you pass a former guardian of Earth," Yamcha declared to Lord Drakkon, who stopped and slowly turned his visor to the duo.

Darkness seemed to surrounded Drakkon in that moment. He slowly turned his head, his visor reflecting the now nervous energy crackling around Yamcha and Puar. A moment of silence stretched between them, the bustling sounds of the Walk of Fame fading into the background.

Drakkon’s smirk was almost visible beneath his helmet. "Former guardian of Earth? How quaint," he said. "I’ve crushed worlds, Mr...Yamcha, Right?"

Drakkon chuckled. "What do you know about respect? Please, not one person has ever respected you. Don't think you have what it takes to speak to me."

He turned to continue his way, but Yamcha's anger flared. Clenching his fists, "Big words from... a loser!"

Drakkon stopped in this tracks, hand on the hilt of his sword now.

"What’s the matter, Drakkon?" Yamcha continued. "Can’t handle that your are just loser in this city? Afraid to tell you this buddy, but my winning streak is about to get started and you're first in line."

Drakkon chuckled, the sound dripping with contempt. "You? A winning-streak? Don’t make me laugh. You’re nothing but a pathetic Goku wannabe."

Drakkon turned to face Yamcha, his weapons drawn. "But if you insist on embarrassing yourself, I’ll gladly oblige."

Yamcha’s pulse quickened, his mind racing. This was it—the challenge he had been looking for. Yamcha slid into his fighting stance, Puar hovering anxiously beside him.

"You’ll regret underestimating me, Drakkon. I’ve got a few more skills than the rangers you're used to."

Puar's eyes flicking between him and Drakkon. "Yamcha, be careful…"

Drakkon raised his hand, and a pulse of dark energy crackled to life around it, the very air seeming to warp and twist under his power. "I’ll make this quick. You won’t even have time to regret your foolishness."

With a roar, Yamcha charged forward, fists blazing with energy as he aimed directly for Lord Drakkon.


Yamcha - Saiyan Saga

Lord Drakkon - Evo 3

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It's always hard for me to judge Yamcha objectively separate from how his character is treated as a joke in the majority of DBZ. I know he is strong and highly skilled and his Wolf Fang Fist and Spirit Ball where great in the Budokai games. With that being said I'm still going Lord Drakkon. I think he is strong enough to take down at least the lower leyel DBZ characters of the Saiyan saga.

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Wow! An arc where Yamcha is the main character. I think he has what it takes to beat this evil Tommy.

Alos, I give the setup a 5.0.

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Yamcha is very tough in this era and I'd consider him above a typical ranger in power scaling. Drakkon can take out multiple ranger teams so I think he might be the favor.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - Venom 2009
4.50 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.50 Total Combined Score
14.50 / 3 = 4.83 Final Rating on the match

Yamcha: 3
Lord Drakkon: 3

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Sorry I missed out on voting on and rating this, Russ. It's a good chapter to your Yamcha arc. 

I'd have needed to do more research on Drakkon, though. Everything I've looked up from a glance says he's "multiversal level", but that could mean a lot of things as far as how he scales.  

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On 8/6/2024 at 4:10 AM, DSkillz said:

Sorry I missed out on voting on and rating this, Russ. It's a good chapter to your Yamcha arc. 

I'd have needed to do more research on Drakkon, though. Everything I've looked up from a glance says he's "multiversal level", but that could mean a lot of things as far as how he scales.  

All good. Glad for the comment and support, regardless.

Been wanting to do a few matches again so I figured I'd go ahead post some fun ones that I've wanted to do for awhile.

And yeah, I think on most occasions, I'd say Drakkon would win this fight. Ended in a draw, which is fine by me as I have plenty more opponents for Yamcha.

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