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Match 20736 Mike Haggar vs. Max Thunder

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Backstage, Mike Haggar got ready for his upcoming matchup against Max Thunder in his locker with friends Guy and Maki Genryusai of the Bushinryu dojo.

MIKE HAGGAR: Did you see that punk kid, Gunloc, dedicating his matchup down in Georgia to my daughter, Jessica? I told him to stay away from her. Part of me wants to fly down there and give him a reminder of why he should listen to my warnings.

MAKI: That loser went and lost his match to Raiden. He isn’t even worth your time.

GUY: Yeah, and you need to focus on the man in front of you. It’s great that you are getting back into the ring, but it would be a mistake to think you can just plow through all your opponents like you used to.

MIKE HAGGAR: I know. I know. But the strength is still there and so is the desire. Thanks again for coming out and supporting me.

MAKI: Of course.

GUY: Anytime.

The camera then switched to ringside. Fireworks and pyro went off above the entrance way as the fans in attendance cheered in jubilation.

JIM ROSS: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the CBUB Heavyweight Championship tournament. I’m Jim Ross and joining me tonight is my longtime partner, Jerry “the King” Lawler.

JERRY LAWLER: It feels so good to be teaming up again, JR.

JIM ROSS: Yes it does. And we have some great action in store tonight live from the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

JERRY LAWLER: You’re not kidding, Chicago is the perfect venue for this first round matchup between Mike Haggar and Max Thunder because given their history, it could turn right into a street fight right from the opening bell.

JIM ROSS:  Absolutely, King. On one side there is Mike Haggar, the former mayor of Metro City. But don’t let that title fool you folks, he earned his election by helping to clean up the streets of Metro City with his bare fists.

JERRY LAWLER: Mike Haggar is an absolute legend in this industry, JR.  He may have wrestled his whole career in the Capcom Wrestling Association, but everyone knows his name.

JIM ROSS: And his opponent tonight is also no stranger to mixing it up outside the ring. Professional wrestler, Max Thunder, helped the Wood Oak City Police Department clean up a criminal syndicate from their town by taking to the streets and putting down the gang personally. These two hard hitting veterans of the squared circle are not what you want to see in an alleyway if you’re on the wrong side of the law, and tonight they promise to deliver an absolute slobberknocker.

The entrance music for the CWA wrestler, Hugo Andore, filled the arena.

JIM ROSS: Well, that’s not the music I was expecting.

Hugo’s manager, Poison, walked down the entrance ramp followed by the behemoth grappler.

JERRY LAWLER: You think Hugo got confused on when his match is?

JIM ROSS: I don’t know.

Hugo held open the ropes for the pink haired Poison as she stepped into the ring. As he himself stepped over the ropes, Poison asked for a microphone.

JERRY LAWLER: Well, I’m not going to complain. Anytime Poison wants to come out here and show off her big, massive… handcuffs. I’m all for it.

POISON: CBUB Championship Wrestling is just getting started and I already have a bone to pick. You see, your soon to be heavyweight champion, Hugo, is scheduled to wrestle against Bass Armstrong in the first round.

JIM ROSS: That is accurate.

POISON: There is only one problem, Hugo has already beaten that dollar store Hollywood Hogan! Check the records. So why does he have to face him again when he has already proven himself superior? Hugo should have a bye to the second round and everyone knows it. The only thing I can think of is that the powers that be around here were bribed by that haughty heiress, Helena Douglas, to try and help out one of her stars.

JIM ROSS: That’s a mighty big accusation she is throwing out there.

POISON: There’s only one way to find out. Callisto, Harley Quinn, get your asses out here right now and explain yourselves!

JERRY LAWLER: Oh my god!

JIM ROSS: Poison has just called out the commissioners of CBUB Championship Wrestling.

Bass Armstrong’s music then echoed through the arena as he appeared at the top ramp of the entrance way along with his daughter and fellow wrestler, Tina. They walked with purpose to the ring.

JIM ROSS: That is not Callisto or Harley Quinn.

JERRY LAWLER: No, it’s even better. It’s Tina!

Tina Armstrong wore her trademark cowboy hat, boots, jeans, and American flag bikini as she waved to the audience.

JERRY LAWLER: I have never felt more patriotic!

JIM ROSS: Control yourself, King!

The Armstrongs stepped into the ring and Bass was granted a microphone of his own.

BASS ARMSTRONG: If Hugo is too scared to wrestle me again, all he has to do is say so!

Bass stepped in Hugo’s personal space. Anger spread across the giant’s face as Bass inched closer. Poison quickly stepped in between them.

POISON: That isn’t it at all, you oaf. My concern is not only for Hugo but for the success of this federation. You see, when you are a new organization hoping to bring in a new audience you need to give them something to be excited about. You need to give them new never before seen matches so can you establish a fanbase. I know you two wouldn’t understand things like this because you wrestle in that second-rate wrestling promotion, but that’s how this business works.

Tina took umbrage with this and got in Poison’s face.

TINA ARMSTRONG: How dare you! You show some respect when you’re talking to my dad!


TINA ARMSTRONG: Because if you don’t, I’m going to rock you right here and now and beat you into a pulp! How is that for something the audience hasn’t seen?

JERRY LAWLER: This is great!

An unfamiliar entrance theme then played throughout the arena; it was a haunting carnival theme. Harley Quinn appeared at the top of the entrance way.

HARLEY QUINN: As much as I love the chaos, everyone here just needs to relax for a minute. I’m not about to give away Tina Armstrong vs. Poison for free, ya know?

Tina and Poison turned away from each other and looked at Harley, as did Hugo and Bass.

JIM ROSS: Commissioner Harely Quinn is here, She and Callisto have been helping run the CBUB since its inception and were unanimously chosen to be the joint commissioners of the CBUBCW.

HARLEY QUINN: I hate to admit it, Poison, but ya right. It’s too soon to be doin’ rematches and if we want to be seen as a legitimate organization, we need to honor the records of the CBUB. So, it is my decision that Hugo’s prior victory be recognized, and he receives a first round bye.

BASS ARMSTRONG: I don’t get to compete in the championship tournament at all?

TINA ARMSTRONG: That’s not fair!

HARLEY QUINN: Take it up with the competition committee. It’s too late to change the matches now, the tournament has already started.

TINA ARMSTRONG: Maybe I can walk up this aisle and you and I can sort this thing out personally.

HARLEY QUINN: You don’t want those problems, sweetheart. I play rough, I’ll crave in your pretty cranium before you get the chance to compete in your own championship tournament.

Bass Armstrong calmed down his daughter and the two left the ring in disappointment. Harley Quinn also took her leave as Poison and Hugo remained in the ring to celebrate their good fortune. 

JIM ROSS: What a crazy turn of events.

JERRY LAWLER: I don’t think I have ever seen anything like that happen before, JR.

Poison and Hugo’s  brief celebration was soon interrupted by the sound of Mike Haggar’s music. Mike made his way to the ring with a white towel over his shoulders.

JIM ROSS: There’s no time to dwell on it, it seems, as Mike Haggar is now on his way to the ring. Business is about to pick up.

Mike Haggar threw off his towel and stepped in the ring. He and Hugo stood face to face staring at one another.

JIM ROSS: Things may boil over right here right now. Both Mike Haggar and Hugo are from the Capcom Wrestling Association, but they have somehow never had a match against one another. It has been a dream match for the CWA faithful for some time.

Poison placed her hand on Hugo’s chest.

POISON: Not now, he has to earn the right to face you, Hugo. let’s get out of here, our job is done.

Hugo and Poison left the ring and Hugo kept his focus on Mike Haggar the entire time. After they disappeared behind the curtain, Max Thunder made his way to the ring to the delight of the crowd.

JIM ROSS: Ladies and gentlemen, it was just made official that the winner of this upcoming match will take on Hugo Andore in the second round. Haggar may have his eye on Hugo, but he needs to focus on what’s in front of him right now,  and that is Max Thunder.

Max Thunder stopped before entering the ring to greet his friends Blaze Fielding and Axel Stone, who had made the trip from Wood Oak City to Chicago to cheer on their friend.

JERRY LAWLER: These are two legit tough guys, JR, I don’t think I can pick a winner between them. Even if I could, I wouldn’t say it out loud. I don’t want one of them coming after me.

JIM ROSS: Lucky for us, we don’t have to pick a winner. We can just enjoy the match.

The opening bell rang. Mike Haggar and Max Thunder charged at one another.

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The love our community has for wrestling, specifically Jim Ross, makes me smile.

I don't know much about Max, but Haggar is THE man. Tough as hell so I think I'm leaning his direction.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Pizza Guy
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.50 Total Combined Score
14.50 / 3 = 4.83 Final Rating on the match

Mike Haggar: 3
Max Thunder: 1

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