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Rumble 20842 Spike Spiegel vs. Grid Alien
Spike Spiegel: 3
Grid Alien: 2

Rumble 20841 Cool World vs. Jana Sky-Born (Jungle Girl) vs. Edwin Alva
Cool World: 0
Jana Sky-Born (Jungle Girl): 3
Edwin Alva: 0

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Archmage: 0
Vecna: 6

Rumble 20839 The Tick vs. The Mask
The Tick: 0
The Mask: 3

Dino Ultrazord vs. Hoth
Dino Ultrazord: 5
Hoth: 1

Match 20739 Frieren vs. Alastor

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Frieren vs Alastor


“Woah! Are those laser swords? Where do I get one of those?” 


“I wouldn’t recommend it Mr. Stark, least you cut off one of your arms by accident.”


“Aw come on Fern! Do you really think I’m that clumsy?” 


“From my observations your clumsiness is matched only by your cowardliness Mr. Stark.”


Up in the stands overlooking the matchup, the red haired warrior and the purple haired mage continued to bicker over the Warrior’s supposed cowardly nature. Seated next to the arguing pair was a petite female elf with notably long white hair, who unlike them was actually watching the matchup going down in the arena, her seemingly aloof facial expression was nevertheless watching the ensuring clash of “laser swords” closely.


“Mistress Frieren did you by any chance meet any of these Jedi the last tournament you attended?… Mistress Frieren?” The young mage Fern lightly tapped her mentor’s shoulder.


“Hmm? Oh sorry Fern I was lost in thought for a moment there. What was your question again?” Frieren sheepishly admitted.


“Did you see one of those people with the laser swords the last time you attended this tournament!? What did that announcer call them again? Joodi? Getti?” Stark snapped his fingers impatiently as he tried to remember.


“They are called Jedi Knights as I recall Stark, and as a matter of fact I do remember meeting a young, sassy little Padawan named Obi-Wan Kenobi last time I was here,” Frieren smiled in nostalgia once more. “Himmel was as impressed by his ‘laser sword’ as you were Stark and pestered Obi-Wan endlessly if he could get one for himself.”


“And did he ever get one?” Stark asked excitedly.


“Nope. Obi-Wan informed him that only Jedi may carry a lightsaber I’m afraid,” Frieren told him with a cheeky smile.


“It’s for the best Mr. Stark, please don’t pout,” Fern gently patted the red haired warrior who had slumped in his seat and was wallowing in depression. “So Mr. Stark and Mr. Heiter attended the tournament with you then Mistress Frieren?”


“Oh yes, we were between missions at the moment and when Himmel heard that supposedly only the very best up and coming fighters were asked to attend the tournament we couldn’t stop him from joining,” Frieren giggled a little as she monologued.


“Did you also participate in the tournament Mistress?” Fern asked another question.


“I almost did, but then I mentioned to the judges that I was over 1,000 years old and well I guess that was too old for a ‘Young Fighters’ tourney,” Frieren explained.


“Apologies Mistress Frieren. I sometimes forget how old you are,” Fern sincerely said.


“It’s fine Fern, I enjoyed watching nonetheless. It was fun watching Himmel compete, even if he was a reckless fool most of the time. Those were some fun times,” Frieren’s smile notably became more bittersweet as she idly fiddled with the ring on her finger.




“Excuse me for a moment Fern, I need to run by the concession stand again,” Frieren stood abruptly and left Fern and Stark in their seats. 


Shortly after entering the long hallway, halfway towards the concession stand though the regal elf slowly stopped. Only after making certain that no one was around did the powerful mage allow a few tears to drip down her face as she remembered the face of a young man that she missed more than she let on to her companions, a man that to this day she regretted that she never got the chance to get to know better.


“Awww, isn’t this just a sad little picture. So very, very sad.”


“H-huh? Who’s there?” Frieren quickly wiped away her tears and looked around, trying to find where the mysterious voice came from.


“Losing someone you care for is always such a heartbreaking experience. Particularly someone you had so many things left unresolved. So many things left unsaid.”


“Whoever you are come out now or I walk, I have no time for games,” Frieren tried to compose herself by putting in her usual emotionless face.


“No need to be so hasty my dear. And if I might be so bold, I think you’d look much better if you just smiled.”


From out of the shadows stepped a very peculiar looking man. He was quite tall but very thin and wore a pinstripe coat with blood red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. In his left hand he carried a cane with what looked to be some kind of microphone attached to the end of it. His hair was as red as his clothes but with black tips at the end of it, and at the top of his head two large, deer like ears protruded straight into the air, and between them Frieren could spot what looked like two small antlers sticking out of the crown of his head. But by far the most striking thing about this man was the wide, unflinching smile he wore across his face. It was not the sort of smile that one wore to present a friendly gesture, but one that seemed almost purposely menacing and unsettling.


“Who are you exactly?” Frieren asked in a monotone voice.


“Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you madam, quite the pleasure,” The now named Alastor held out his hand to shake.


“And do you often stalk crying women from the shadows Alastor?” Frieren asked as she pointedly ignored his outstretched hand.


“Ha, ha, perish the thought my dear. Can you blame a gentleman for stumbling upon a distressed lady whilst taking a walk and feeling chivalrous enough to ask if she’s well?” Alastor smoothly deflected the accusation.


“Are you a contestant then? Did you get lost on your way to the arena floor? You do know there are signs that can direct you there right?” Frieren pointed out sharply.


“Oh don’t make me laugh dearest, I don’t waste my valuable time on such pointless nonsense, unlike some adrenaline loving meat heads. See I prefer to spent my time on much more productive projects. Like assisting lost souls with problems that require a special kind of help,” Alastor leaned down to look the much shorter woman in her disinterested face. 


“And what do you know of my problems Alastor?” Frieren impassively questioned.


“I know a broken, desperate soul when I see it my dear, call it a special talent of mine. Now a little birdy told me you were looking for Heaven, but what if I told you I had a certain contact who could make that journey exponentially shorter?” Alastor offered the elven mage.


“What are you Alastor?” Frieren cautiously asked.


“Let’s just call me your personal guardian angel, sent to give you a special kind of miracle,” Alastor cryptically said.


“You’re a demon. Aren’t you?” Frieren bluntly surmised.


“…..Well… yes of course I am. Why? Don’t tell me a trivial detail like that is gonna-“




“ARRRGGGHHH! What the fuck-“ A shocked Alastor was knocked to the ground from the surprise blast and for the first time wore a shocked look on his face as he stared at Frieren aiming her staff at him.


“Do you know what the demons of my home called me? Frieren the Slayer. Let me show you how I got that name,” Frieren said as her staff began to glow with white energy.




So a bit of a first for this arc, an unsanctioned fight starting outside the arena. See I actually planned on making this a regular fight with Frieren going against Charlie Morningstar but then I realized Charlie didn’t have enough combat feats to justify a matchup so I decided to switch her out with Alastor and here we are. Anyways it’s Alastor vs Frieren in a fight to the death. Who wins? The Radio Demon or the Demon Slayer?

Edited by Pizza Guy
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Videos always appreciated Pizza Guy, because I am not familiar with these characters. Should probably go with the demon slayer slaying the demon but I just enjoyed the Alastor montage too much. I'm putting my chips on the Radio Demon.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - JohnnyChany
4.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
8.50 Total Combined Score
8.50 / 2 = 4.25 Final Rating on the match

Frieren: 2
Alastor: 2

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