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Silk vs. Lillith Aensland
Silk: 5
Lillith Aensland: 0

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Match 20740 Loa vs. Water Snake

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The young X-Men team of Surge, Anole, Bling!, Gentle, and Loa made their way to the Danger Room after being summoned by Emma Frost.

ANOLE: This is so awesome. I can’t believe we are actually getting to compete in this.

SURGE: It is a little strange that Miss Frost basically reformed the Hellions team for this tournament but none of the other training squads from back then like the New Mutants squad or the Chevaliers or the Alpha Squadron.

ANOLE: Are you kidding me? This team here is so much better and stronger than any of those teams. It’s like an all-star team for our generation. You were the leader of the New X-Men team, I was the leader of the Alpha Squadron, Roxy was the leader of the Chevaliers, and Nezhno is the only one anyone even remembers from Storm’s team. Not to mention our secret weapon.

Victor Borkowski wrapped his arm around the shoulders of his good friend, Alani Ryan.

LOA: Victor what are you talking about? I’m not a secret weapon.

BLING: Don’t sell yourself short, Alani. He may be on to something. We all have seen what you can do, but not many people have.

GENTLE: I am curious to see the fruits of our long training and how we will stack up against some of the more veteran teams.

SURGE: Me too.

ANOLE: I am just glad we are all getting a shot. All of us, the Hellions, Elixir. For a while I was worried it was just going to be Laura and Pixie.

LOA: Did you pick up any tricks or tips while watching the first tournament?

Victor smiled.

ANOLE: Maybe a few things here and there.

The team arrived at the entrance of the Danger Room and came across the first team they were lined up against led by a familiar face.

BLING: Hey, how’s it going Miss Jones?

FIRESTAR: I am doing well, Roxy. Eager to get some proper training in.

Surge took note of the four women standing behind Angelica Jones: Namorita, Water Snake, Silhouette, and Stacy X.

SURGE: These are all members of the New Warriors?

FIRESTAR: Yes they are. These are the four that were willing to come answer the call when I sent it out. Nita and Water Snake took some convincing, but Janelle and Miranda were a yes from the word go.

STACY X: Always willing to help usher in the next generation

SILHOUETTE: As a mutant, a New Warrior, and a Secret Avenger, I feel like I have a foot in multiple worlds. If this looming threat is as serious as the X-Men appear to fear then I want to be a part of the fight against it, for the sake of all of those groups. We are here to help train, but make no mistake we are also here to win.

NAMORITA: You got that right.

BLING: I just want to know which one of us is going to be fighting. Who’s up first?

A hologram of Emma Frost appeared before them.

EMMA FROST: I can answer that. But first let me welcome you all to the second Invitational tournament. No secrets here, we are looking for the best of the best for an upcoming mission being put together. The two combatants for this round will be Loa from the Young X-Men team and Water Snake from the New Warriors team.

FIRESTAR: Interesting.

Water Snake stood in a soldier’s stance.

WATER SNAKE: I am ready for battle.

FIRESTAR: Be very cautious in your approach, Faira. Loa may look like a sweet girl, but behind that sweet smile is a power that needs to be respected and accounted for. 

WATER SNAKE: What do you mean?

FIRESTAR: Alani can phase through any physical object and that physical object crumbles on the other side, be it weapon or body part.

WATER SNAKE: Understood. I will have to adjust my strategy. There are multiple ways to achieve victory.

ANOLE: Is it fair that Miss Jones is giving this inside information about Alani to Water Snake? Shouldn’t she be going in blind. Isn’t the point of training to have to think on your feet?

FIRESTAR: Giving this information to Faira so she has some understanding of her opponent gives her no more of an advantage than Alani already has. Alani  is well versed in Atlantean history, mythology, and culture. For goodness sake, she has a pendant that allows her to breathe underwater and has fought side by side with Namor against the Atlantean vampires, the Aqueos.

NAMORITA: That would make this contest a great test for her.

WATER SNAKE: A unique challenge for me as well.

SURGE: I believe that’s the idea.

EMMA FROST: One more detail, darlings, this fight won’t be actually taking place in the Danger Room. The Danger Room is currently reserved for a different pairing. However, a special location has been selected for this fight as well as a special guide.

A portal opened up by the New Warriors team and the teleporter, Blink, stepped through.

BLINK: Hello everyone, if you will kindly follow me to your destination.

ANOLE: Cool. Road trip.

The New Warriors and Young X-Men team followed Blink through her created portal and ended up in a secluded section of the Jersey Shore.

FIRESTAR: A somewhat surprising venue for the showdown.

STACY X: It might make it too easy for Faira. If she can get Loa in the water and snatch away that pendant, then it’s all over

NAMORITA: That would be a risky strategy considering Loa can phase through Faira’s hand and dissolve it to pieces were she to be too slow with her reach in.

BLINK: Combatants are you ready?


LOA: Ready.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
1 Total Votes cast
5.00 Total Combined Score
5.00 / 1 = 5.00 Final Rating on the match

Loa: 0
Water Snake: 3

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