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Silk vs. Lillith Aensland
Silk: 5
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Jack Pumpkinhead: 1

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Korra: 1
Kid Goku: 0

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The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

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The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 20742 Opul Yun Sat-Yr-9 vs. Lorelei (Mutate)

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Teams and Set-up




The Hellfire Club team of Sebastian Shaw, Harry Leland, Jason Wyngarde, Courtney Ross, and Azazel sat in ornately decorated chairs around a round table. Their holding room had stone walls and a fireplace, in stark contrast to the rooms many of the other teams brought in for the tournament resided in. This was a condition set forth by Sebastian for the Hellfire Club’s inclusion, and the Gamemaster had readily accepted.

The five members of the team were going over the list of other participants that the White Queen, Courtney Ross, had written down when they were revealed.

SAT-YR-9: Shaw, did you know that Selene was bringing the Upstarts to this thing?

SEBASTIAN SHAW: Yes. She had mentioned that that was going to be her angle when I first told her about the tournament. I figure she not only wants to gain the power for herself but also knock off the other high-ranking members of the Hellfire Club at the same time. Not a bad strategy if I’m honest.

SAT-YR-9: I wonder if it will end up being White Queen versus Black Queen. I do wish Viper was allowed to accompany me.

HARRY LELAND: I think Selene had the right idea.

MASTERMIND: What do you mean?

HARRY LELAND: Shaw, I am not sure about this. I know you believe this Gamemaster can benefit the Hellfire Club in some way, but you see the way things are lining up. It’s like some god forsaken Roman gladiator bloodsport out there. I don’t think we have assembled the right type of team to compete in something like this.

MASTERMIND: Don’t be such a coward, Leland. We all knew we would have to get our hands dirty.

SEBASTIAN SHAW: He is correct. And you should have learned by now that any battle of significance isn’t won by brute strength, it is won by intelligence and cunning. 

HARRY LELAND: But how can we prepare when we don’t even know who our opponents will be?

AZAZEL: It matters not to me. Bring on any one of them and I will put them down.

SEBASTIAN SHAW: That is the kind of confidence you need, Leland, and one of the reasons I reached out to Azazel.

AZAZEL: I trust this will prove to be a mutually beneficial partnership.

The LED screen encased in the red brick flashed that the following match would pit the Hellfire Club against the Savage Land Mutates.

MASTERMIND: It is time to raise the curtain on our first performance.

HARRY LELAND: Oh god, I hope I am not picked to face off against one of those genetic freaks.

Inside the Savage Land Mutates room, some simmering tensions were boiling up as they awaited their first match. Sauron and Zaladane looked over their brainwashed teammate, Shanna the She-Devil. The mutate, Lani Ubanu, also known as Lorelei, confronted Vertigo.

LORELEI: I saw that the Marauders are here, hopefully you can remember which team you are fighting with and that it is not Sinister’s.

VERTIGO: I could ask the same of you as a former member of the Brotherhood.

LORELEI: I only followed Magneto. who had given me my powers, and that was a long time ago. You flip flop between the Savage Land and the Marauders all the time. There is no way of knowing where your loyalties truly lie.

SAURON: Be quiet both of you, you are both guilty of having turned your back on the Savage Land!

ZALADANE: As did you a couple of times, Sauron. None of that matters now. What is important now is that we have all come together to gain the power to control the Savage Land once and for all and make it safe from any external invasions.

VERTIGO: That’s right.

Zaladane turned her attention back to Shanna.

ZALADANE: I must say brainwashing the She-Devil into being our fifth member was a stroke of genius, Sauron. Her connection to the Savage Land is as strong as Garrok’s. As long as it stands, so will she. With that and her strong fighting abilities, it will be tough for anyone to take her down.

Shanna remained silent with a blank expression on her face.

SAURON: It seemed only fitting that she fight for the true benefit of the Savage Land. Even if it is unwilling.

VERTIGO: I am surprised Ka-Zar has not appeared yet to try and rescue her.

LORELEI: He is clearly afraid of me. I could put him under my control again in an instant and he would be sitting right here next to her.

SAURON: Ka-Zar is not afraid. He may be lurking around any corner. Or perhaps one of the fighters here is working on his behalf to get her back.

ZALADANE: Many members of the other teams have ties to the X-Men so it isn’t unlikely.

SAURON: How sad for them if they are matched up and beaten by the woman they came to rescue.

The LED screen in their room flashed with the title card Hellfire Club vs. Savage Land Mutates.

ZALADANE: It is time.

SAURON: We will crush those elitist social parasites.  I hope I am the one chosen and that I get the chance to drain Sebastian Shaw’s energy from his smug face.

The screen in both the Savage Land and the Hellfire Club’s rooms then switched to the words Sat-Yr-9 vs. Lorelei. 

SAT-YR-9: Hmmm…

SEBASTIAN SHAW: You can rest easy Leland, it would appear that first up is our most recent member. She will get the chance to prove that she really belongs in our ranks.

Arcade’s sadistic, gleeful face appeared on the LED screen.

ARCADE: Hello ladies, a few tidbits before we get started. This is one of the fights I was most looking forward to because I designed it myself. Within the walls of my fun house I have placed 40 male mercenaries. Your objective will be to find and coerce to your side as many of them as you can using your considerable “gifts”. Then you will use your small army to obliterate your opponent.

The doors in the respective rooms raised up.

ARCADE: Do keep in mind there is a time limit. We do have plenty of action to get to after all. So don’t be slow about it or we will blow up the entire thing. Literally!

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Although Opul is much more powerful. Lorelei can do the game that Arcade set up, coercing  male mercenaries to do her bidding better. But Opul can fight them off and Lorelei wouldn't be able to defend herself was well personally. Opal would wiin in the end.

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On 8/4/2024 at 7:55 PM, leroypowell3 said:

Although Opul is much more powerful. Lorelei can do the game that Arcade set up, coercing  male mercenaries to do her bidding better. But Opul can fight them off and Lorelei wouldn't be able to defend herself was well personally. Opal would wiin in the end.

The game was set up to emphasize both of their abilities to get others to do their bidding. While Sat Yr-9's is only listed as having the ability to control those that are weak minded, Lorelei's potential victims are always of the male variety. 

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Another good chapter to your ever-expanding arc, Johnny. I'm wondering if betrayal may become a factor amongst all these X-Villains. 

Also, sorry about missing a couple of the previous matches. 

As for the match, this is now dipping into comics territory I'm not real familiar with, so I had to do some research. After looking up both ladies, Lorelei's hypnotic abilities just seems to be more powerful. I'm thinking Lorelei recruits more of the mercenaries to her side and may just overwhelm Opul's side. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - SSJRuss
5.00 - Boratz
4.60 - DSkillz

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.60 Total Combined Score
14.60 / 3 = 4.87 Final Rating on the match

Opul Yun Sat-Yr-9: 1
Lorelei (Mutate): 3

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