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Match 20758 Fortress Maximus vs. Terminus

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Megastory 30.1


Previously: On a secret mission, The Autobots work on a backwater world using The Dinobots as security. The world is in Thanagar territory and when the Thanagarians come and find Cybertronians occupying one of their worlds The Dinobots invite a skirmish.



Wham! A walup of an uppercut sent Sludge on to his dino back. Right next to Snarl. Who was next to Grimlocke who as next to Swoop who was next to Slag.

The Thanagar commander hovered before them. “Not as tough as you thought eh?”



“For the love of Primus, Grimlocke! You’re supposed to be guarding the operation! Not picking fights with Thanagarians!” Kup was livid.

“We were guarding the operation- from them.” Grimlocke explained. “They didn’t care about us! We work in alien territory all the time! As long as we keep to ourselves we have no problems! We’re doing this quietly because we don’t want the Decepticons to find out about this! Now I gotta go in there and smooth things over.”

The reason Optimus Prime had the Dinobots guard the operation was because the energon here was only a cover for a more powerful energy source. An artifact of unknown origin, dating back to even before Cybertron was inhabited. The reason Cybertron knew about it was because one of the original Primes- Prima- hid the artifact here.

The inhabitants of the planet were brought here by ancient Cybertronian to cover the hidden treasure. They did not know of the artifact and never developed enough to discover it. When Thanagar expansion covered the planet, Cybertron wrote it off as a secondary protection. Thanagar, never discovered the artifact. The succession of Primes passed on the knowledge of the artifact so that it could be protected should unsavory forces discover it. Each Prime always assigned a spy on the planet so that they would know if the Thanagarians came close to discovering the treasure.

Not quite yet, but Thanagar would certainly discover it within a year. It was time to move it. Thus the project in which the Dinobots were entrusted to guard.



In conference with the Thanagarians, the Kup tried to explain their business here without telling too much.

“We don’t want to bring our war to you.” He assured them.

“Everywhere you are, your war is.” said the Thanagar commander.

“At least it follows us.” Kup countered. “That’s why we intended to come, do our do, and get out.”

“We should warn you. If this artifact would be of interest to your enemies, then it would be of interest to the Alliance of Evil.”

Kup snorted.

“They come for it, they’ll have to get through us.”


* * * * *


For all their worry over known enemies coming here, neither Autobot nor Thanagarian anticipated the arrival of and unrelated threat.

An armored colossus descended from the sky and mightily landed on the planet’s surface.

“We know of this being.” said the Thanagar commander. “But we have never encountered it. Your warriors took a beating and are not up to fighting this thing. We have only a patrol ship. Not suited for this type of combat.”
“Don’t worry.” Kup told him. “The Dinobots were just our first line of defense. Fortress Maximus. You’re on.”

The base that the Autobots worked out of began a somewhat slow transformation. It became a mech being towering nearly as tall as the newcomer.



Fight Parameters:


Fortress Maximus vs. Terminus

This is of course Titan sized Fortress Maximus not the normal sized one that they usually depict in the comics.

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Good chapter for your Megastory arc, leroy. One correction, though: At 3 km tall, Fortress Maximus is much larger than the 150 ft. Terminus. 

As for the match, while Fortress Maximus has the definite size advantage, I'm thinking Terminus is more powerful. I'm thinking Terminus wins, and the Thanagarians and other Autobots may have to step in. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
3.80 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz
4.00 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
12.80 Total Combined Score
12.80 / 3 = 4.27 Final Rating on the match

Fortress Maximus: 2
Terminus: 4

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