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Match 20759 Siryn vs. Dragoness

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Teams and Set-up




Siryn watched in somewhat disbelief on the big screen inside her team’s waiting room as the lifeless body of Sat-Yr9 was dragged away after being gunned down by a mercenary group under the control of the mutate, Lorelei.  Her teammates Marrow, Nocturne, Black Tom Cassidy, and Juggernaut also turned their attention to the screen.

MARROW: There is no room for error here.

Nocturne looked over to her one-time Excalibur teammate, Juggernaut.

NOCTURNE: Assuming we get out of this, one of us is going to have to tell Captain Britain we watched the death of the alternate version of his ex-girlfriend and didn’t stop it.

JUGGERNAUT: I wonder if it will make him upset or if he will be relieved?

NOCTURNE: She murdered this world’s Courtney Ross, his actual ex-girlfriend. I am guessing his feelings will be at least complicated.

JUGGERNAUT: Maybe we should tell Betsy, and she can tell him.

NOCTURNE: That works for me.

The shadowy visage of the Gamemaster appeared on their LCD screen and he addressed Siryn directly.

GAMEMASTER: Theresa Cassidy, how have you been enjoying the games thus far? Is it everything you thought it would be?


GAMEMASTER: Out of all the participants that we have here with us, you are the most surprising. You have never been a villain, not really. I could say the same for Shanna and Aurora, although they are here under less voluntary circumstances. What are you hoping to get from this? Or are you here on mission for one of those X teams?

SIRYN: My reasons are my own.

GAMEMASTER: It doesn’t really matter. The rules are the same for everyone here, as you will soon enough find out.

Mojo’s appeared on the screen in place of the Gamemaster.

MOJO: Even sooner than you think, my little singing bird. Spoiler alert, you're up next!

Mojo disappeared and the text “Team Juggernaut vs. Mutant Liberation Front” appeared on the screen.

Inside the Mutant Liberation Front’s waiting room, the team of Stryfe, Reignfire, Tempo, Dragoness, and the Von Strucker twins watched the fights between Silver Samurai and Lady Deathstrike and then Sat Yr-9 and Lorelei mostly in silence. However, Stryfe felt the repeated glances from Tempo and reached out to the chronokinetic mutant telepathically.

STRYFE: What’s on your mind?

TEMPO: I want to be confident that we have the best team possible. Do we have the best team possible?

STRYFE: You are questioning my recruitment choices?

TEMPO: I know you weren’t around when Reignfire was leading the MLF, but I’m sure you must have heard the stories. He is unhinged and loose cannon, with this much at stake I don’t believe he can be trusted.

STRYFE: In this game you need power, and Reignfire packs plenty of it. When I made a request for him as a potential teammate, the Gamemaster brought him back to life somehow. I am sure it was meant to be a display of his abilities to further entice my participation, and it worked. Reignfire has as much to gain by our team winning as anyone else in this tournament, that alone should keep inline. At least for long enough for us to win.

TEMPO: What about Fenris? The Von Strucker twins? Really? Could we not have gotten Forearm, or Reaper, or Wildside?

STRYFE: I could have, yes, but it’s hard to tell how motivated any of them would have been. It’s hard to tell where anyone’s loyalties truly lie these days with as much flip flopping between sides as there has been. But those two, those two I know exactly what’s in their hearts. And right now, they are motivated by a need to prove themselves and prove Selene wrong for not recruiting them to her Upstarts team. I can use that.

The twins in question, Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker, waited patiently by the screen for the next match to be announced after Sat Yr-9 was defeated.

ANDREAS VON STRUCKER: The Upstarts have not fought yet. Perhaps we will get lucky and be paired against them right off the bat.

ANDREA VON STRUCKER: That would be an ideal arrangement. We could really show Selene the huge mistake she made in not recruiting us.

ANDREAS VON STRUCKER: If it were up to me we would be paired against that nepo baby, Shinobi Shaw.

Nearby, Dragoness, Tamara Kurtz, let out a loud chuckle.

DRAGONESS: You two calling someone else a nepo baby with a straightface is hilarious.

Before Dragoness and Fenris could get into it, the big screen showed the next matchup, “Team Juggernaut vs. Mutant Liberation Front”.

TEMPO: Which one of us will it be?

The suspension was short-lived as the screen quickly reset to “Siryn vs. Dragoness”.

DRAGONESS: I’m up first. How exciting. I don’t know what the deal with that team is or what that X-Man thinks she is doing here. But I’m going to ensure she regrets her life choices. Ha Ha Ha.

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Another good chapter to your The Play For Power arc, Johnny. Good to see some the side of some of the more heroic characters infiltrating this tourney. 

As for the match, Siryn's powers seem a little more diverse, so I think she takes Dragoness. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.60 Total Combined Score
9.60 / 2 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Siryn: 4
Dragoness: 1

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