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Yamcha Takes on The Database - Bomberman (Act Zero)

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Yamcha lay in a bed at Khazan General Hospital after his fierce battle with Lord Drakkon. Despite the excellent nurses, the wound his midsection reminded him of how close he had come to losing his life. Drakkon's blade had found its mark, impaling him as a last effort to defeat Yamcha. It was with the last bit of strength that Yamcha had to counter with his Spirit Ball Attack, surprising his enemy from behind and ending their duel. More than the wounds, what stung more was the draw—a fight that ended with no clear victor, doing nothing for his record or his reputation.

Puar sat on the windowsill, watching over Yamcha for the last two days. "You were amazing out there, Yamcha. I mean really. And look on the bright side, you didn't lose!"

Yamcha sighed, staring at the ceiling. "Man, all that and for what, Puar? A tie? My name’s still not on the Walk of Fame. It’s like I basically accomplished nothing."

Puar floated over, his eyes full of sympathy. "Don't say that, Yamcha. I think people will be really impressed you nearly defeated Drakkon. That guy is no push over."

Yamcha nodded reluctantly, "I guess you have a point..."

"You just need to find the right challenge," Puar continued. "Someone who you can prove yourself against."

Yamcha felt his spirits rise just a little. 'I mean, if I don't get back to my feet and try again, then what good am I?" He thought to himself, letting the nurses return to finish his last healing treatment before going about his way.


"What are we doing here, Yamcha? This place gives me the creeps," Puar said, protesting now that Yamcha was back on his feet and wandering the streets of Khazan just hours after leaving the hospital.

Yamcha found himself wandering through the industrial district of Khazan, a place he normally wouldn’t frequent. He wasn't sure why, but he felt a presence calling to him. Something dangerous maybe. Problem was, he wasn't sure what it was he was looking for or what was causing the presence to begin with.

Yamcha shrugged, his hands in his pockets. "Just… looking for something. I don’t know what yet, but I’ll know it when I see it."

The area was filled with old warehouses and factories. The more they ventured, the more the area seemed abandoned. The sun was setting, with made Puar hover close.

As they walked past an abandoned warehouse, Yamcha felt the strange presence coming from within. Or just underground. He was close, but it was still faint. "I think I may have found my next challenge, Puar." challenge waiting to be met. His instincts kicked in, and he stopped in his tracks, glancing at Puar.

Puar took a nervous breath, "I don't think this is a good idea, Yamcha."

"You're right. Stay here, I'm going to check it out."

Yamcha pushed open the large, rusted door and stepped inside the dark warehouse. The interior was vast, with rows of old machinery and crates stacked haphazardly. The place smelled of dust, decay, and old oil. The sound of the door echoed through the empty space, adding to the eeriness of it all. 

Puar hovered anxiously just outside the door, "Yamcha, be careful in there!"

Yamcha waved him off with a reassuring smile. "Relax, Puar. I’ve handled worse than this."

He may have not defeated Drakkon, but he had to admit, the battle did reassure him that he wasn't just some weak human. He could handle whatever was calling out to him. The presence seemed to be coming from deep within the warehouse. Yamcha moved down the stairs and through the rows of machinery. Eventually, he found an empty elevator shaft, which he flew down, getting closer to the source.

The next chamber he found himself in were more like corridors. He walked and walked, but the further he got, the more he felt like he was being watched.

"This place is a maze and I'm getting nowhere," he said. Yamcha decided to blast a hole through a wall when he froze, feeling faint figures moving beyond the shadows around him. He found that he was at a cross-section. Yamcha channeled his ki to create a ball of energy, illuminating his immediate area. Yamcha’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, and he saw them: two figures standing in the corridor ahead of him. They were tall, clad in armored suits that glowed with a menacing red and yellow light. Their faces were obscured by helmets with visors that gave off an eerie, electronic hum.

Yamcha could feel that presence still calling him from beyond. Whoever they were, they weren't the ones calling him.

"I'm not sure who you are, but if you've come to stop me, you're going to be disappointed." Yamcha said.

The two figures moved in sync, staring daggers at Yamcha. From the corridors behind him, Yamcha could feel two more opponents lurking.

Yamcha tensed as one of them spoke a raspy, metallic voice, devoid of emotion. "You are not supposed to be here. Leave, or be terminated."

Yamcha smirked, his confidence returning despite the odds. "If you guys think you can stop me, you’re welcome to try. I could use a good warm-up."

The room buzzed with tension as the four armored figures powered up, their suits humming with energy. They moved with terrifying precision, surrounding Yamcha and cutting off any possible escape routes. Each one of them generated what looked like bombs in their hands, ready to hurl them at him.

On instinct, Yamcha clenched his fists and gathered the energy he'd been holding onto, shifting it into ki blasts as he leapt into the air. His back struck the ceiling in seconds. He'd forgotten about the maze. They had him trapped and surrounded. This wasn't going to be straightforward.

He bounced off the ceiling as the first wave of explosives were fired at him. Yamcha countered with a volley of energy blasts. 

The fight was on.


Saiyan Arc Yamcha - 80% health. No senzu beans.

Four Bombermen - Level 2 Bombs(Quantity) , Level 2 Speed, Level 2 Fire(Damage)

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Awesome set up and am loving main character Yamcha! I'm team Yamcha on this one and am looking forward to his journey to continue!

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7 hours ago, ThePhenomenalOne said:

Awesome set up and am loving main character Yamcha! I'm team Yamcha on this one and am looking forward to his journey to continue!

Glad you're enjoying it, dude. Yamcha is a fun character to explore with this concept.

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Hopefully Yamcha will win this time. I like the match and give it a 5.0.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - patrickthekid
5.00 - Venom 2009
4.50 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - ThePhenomenalOne

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
24.50 Total Combined Score
24.50 / 5 = 4.90 Final Rating on the match

Yamcha: 6
Bomberman (Act Zero): 1

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