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Silk: 5
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Pumpkin Jack: 4
Jack Pumpkinhead: 1

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Korra: 1
Kid Goku: 0

Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)
The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

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The Leprechaun: 0
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Al Rossi: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO, FIGHT FANS!  We are back with more TCC sanctioned competition, drawing ever closer to our 200th battle under the leadership of broadwaybeyonder!  It’s Al Rossi… 

Andel Sanap: And Jedi Master Andel Sanap, may the Force be with you all! 

Al Rossi: Bringing you the call on all the action!  But we’re not coming from TCC Arena!  We are set up outside the mansion of that grisly horror host, the Crypt Keeper! 

Andel Sanap: Tonight, the TCC has declared that leading up to the 200th battle we will be witnessing 2 contests taking place simultaneously!  The first is a race for survival featuring the Crypt Keeper and the fairest of them all Snow White. 

Al Rossi: Remember, the TCC have selected the combatants from the winners of broadwaybeyonder’s most well received and popular battles.  Snow White was the victor of a test of wills with Cinderella in Disney World, while Crypt Keeper managed to defeat Gooey Gus in one of the ‘beyonder’s first bouts*. 

*To see how those matches went down, click here! 

Match 16928 Snow White vs. Cinderella - CBUB Rated Matches - The Comic Book Universe Battles

Match 15700 The Crypt Keeper vs. Gooey Gus - CBUB Rated Matches - The Comic Book Universe Battles

Andel Sanap: Snow White isn’t a stranger to TCC competition, however.  She also took part in that race through Gotham and participated in the first Battlsphere.  Well, briefly.  Which is why I’m impressed with Snow White’s courage in facing off with the Crypt Keeper! 

Al Rossi: Umm…

Andel Sanap: Al?  She did agree to this contest?  Didn’t she? 

Al Rossi: Oh yeah, sure she did.  Um, she just might not have known who her opponent was.  Or where the fight was. 

Andel Sanap: Allen!   

Al Rossi: Oh look!  The monitors!  Our cameras inside the Keeper’s house are showing us Snow White being beamed into the crypt!  Let’s listen in! 

Snow White: Goodness!  Where am I? 


Snow White: EEEEEEEEEEE!! 

Crypt Keeper: Heh heh heh!  Did I scare you?  This’ll be easier than I thought! 

Snow White: Who… who are you? 

Crypt Keeper: Well, you’re the ‘fairest of them all’?  Well, lady, meet the foulest of them all!  I am the Crypt Keeper, and I’m your ‘stiff’ competition tonight! 

Snow White: Oh my!  I’m supposed to… fight you? 

Crypt Keeper: Heh!  Not necessarily, my pretty ‘ghoul’.  All you have to do to win is to escape my creaking crypt.  But if you can’t get out before the stroke of midnight, you lose and stay here with me forever!   Heh heh heh! 

Snow White: Forever?  In this gloomy place? 

Crypt Keeper: You got it!  And just in case you need a little more motivation, I’ve got just the thing for you! 

Andel Sanap: Al, what’s he talking about? 

Al Rossi: He’s walking over to his table and picks up a remote.  He turns on an old TV monitor.  Hey!  Folks, we’re getting footage of someone chained to a table, with an enormous blade on a pendulum swinging back and forth above them! 

Andel Sanap: Who is that woman?  It looks like… BY THE FORCE! 

Snow White: Cindy! 

Crypt Keeper: Heh heh!  That’s right!  Cinderella is imprisoned somewhere in my house, as well.  Can you find her, free her, and escape from my crypt? 

Al Rossi: Keeper!  This wasn’t the way the contest was supposed to go! 

Crypt Keeper: Aw, let a ghoul have a good time! 

Snow White: I might be afraid, but I won’t let you hurt my friend! 

Cyrpt Keeper: So you accept the challenge? 

Snow White: …(sigh) Yes.  I do. 

Crypt Keeper: Perfect!  Now let’s get this monster bash started! 

Referee: Combatants ready?  3!  2!  1! Commence combat!   



Andel Sanap: A click of the Keeper’s remote and Snow White goes down a trapdoor! 

Al Rossi: She has 3 hours until midnight, folks!  Can Snow White rescue Cinderella?  Will she try to save herself?  Will the Crypt Keeper have the last laugh?  We’ll have to wait and see, because our next battle is about to start!  Stay tuned! 



Snow White has 3 hours to escape the Crypt Keeper’s house. 

She can choose to save Cinderella, but still wins if she escapes without her. 

Crypt Keeper can use any of the ‘street level’ creatures from his stories to scare and trap her (No magic users). 

Game On! 

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Snow White is f*cked. There's no Prince Charming to save this oblivious beauty. Should've thrown her a few dwarves to even it out. Unless she uses some of that charm and singing voice to get some of those creatures on her side. I'm going with The Crypt Keeper.

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Ah, so this is the start of the Battlesphere 3 contest? Cool. I hope people that actually signed up for it comment on these matches. 

Good set-up, broadwaybeyonder. Good way of somewhat continuing the story of past matches. 

As for the match, unless we consider the grown-up version of Snow White from Once Upon a Time (and I'm personally not even what that version can do, since I haven't watched that show), I don't like the princess's odds here. I can't think of a single peril the film version of Snow White got out of on her own. 

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Maybe if this was Once Upon a Time’s Snow White or even the Snow White and The Huntsman’s version we’d have a fight. But sadly the Disney animated version just has no combat feats so I’m afraid I must vote for the Crypt Keeper.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - Pizza Guy
4.30 - DSkillz
4.50 - SSJRuss

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
13.40 Total Combined Score
13.40 / 3 = 4.47 Final Rating on the match

Snow White: 1
The Crypt Keeper: 3

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Al Rossi: Things aren’t looking good for the fairest!  She runs down a torch lit corridor pursued by a horde of zombies! 

Andel Sanap: Every attempt that Snow White has made to escape the Crypt Keepers mansion has been blocked!  Half of her time has gone!  She only has 90 minutes left! 

Al Rossi: She’s really dragging, Andel!  She stops to catch her breath by a suit of armor, but those creeps are right behind her! 

Andel Sanap: Now she’s shoving the armor!  She might not be strong enough, but… Yes!  Down goes the armor, and the princess takes off running again! 

Al Rossi: That can only barely slow the horde down!    Now she’s stopping again.  She’s reaches for the wall to steady herself and… 


Andel Sanap: By the Force!  Another secret passageway! 

Al Rossi: Snow is sent tumbling head over heels down a chute and out past a sliding panel into another dungeon in the mansion.  Wait!  Look!  It’s Cinderella!  Snow’s stumbled onto where she’s being imprisoned with that pendulum! 

Cinderella: Snow!  Help me! 

Snow White: Cindy?  I’ve been so frightened! 

Cinderella: Please, Snow, there’s no time!   Untie me before it’s too late!  Hurry! 

Andel Sanap: You can do it, your highness!  Snow White rushes to the table and unties the ropes!  … Wait.  The ropes? 

Al Rossi: She’s got Cinderella loose!  Snow pulls her off the table just as the pendulum blade crashes into it! 

Andel Sanap: Um, Al? 

Cinderella: Thank you, Snow!  You saved me! 

Snow White: We still have to get out of here!  Maybe there’s another secret passage somewhere! 

Crypt Keeper: AHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Heh heh heh heh!  There’s is no way out! 

Al Rossi: Crypt Keeper!  Snow is in a bad way, folks, but with Cinderella maybe she had a chance! 

Andel Sanap: Al? 

Al Rossi: Not now, Andel!  This is just getting good! 

Snow White: Even if I don’t win this game, at least I was able to save Cinderella! 

Crypt Keeper: Heh heh heh!  Are you sure about that, princess? 

Andel Sanap: AL! 

Al Rossi: Oh what is it?! 

Andel Sanap: When Crypt Keeper showed Cinderella in that pendulum trap, wasn’t she bound with chains, not rope? 

Al Rossi: … Yeah, she was, wasn’t she?  Why would Cryptie make it easier for Snow to free her unless… uh oh. 

Snow White: What do you mean?  I was able to free Cinderella before the pendulum hurt her! 

Cinderella: Hmm hmm.  Too bad it still wasn’t in time. 

Snow White: Cindy?  What’s wrong with your voice? 

Crypt Keeper: Heh heh heh heh!  Sorry, dearie!  It wouldn’t be a ‘Tale from the Crypt’ without a twist! 

Al Rossi:  Andel!  Look at Cinderella!  Her face!  Her eyes!  And… are those… FANGS?! 

Crypt Keeper: Before this stupid game started, I introduced Cinderella to a very old pal of mine!  He gave her a whole new look.  Too bad she won’t be able to check herself out in the mirror anymore!  HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH! 

Snow White: CINDY!  NO! 

Cinderella: Don’t be afraid, Snow.  We can still be friends.  And now you will never be afraid of anything.  EVER AGAIN!  SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! 



Crypt Keeper: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Heh heh heh heh heh haaaaaaaaa. 

Referee: Um, Winner: Crypt Keeper! 

Al Rossi: Well, I didn’t predict this match would end in Disney Princess vampires, but that’s the way it goes. 

Andel Sanap: Mercy!  Report to the Crypt Keeper mansion!  And you better bring the Winchester brothers with you! 

Al Rossi: Match 198 is in the books!  But Sandiego vs Peel is still going on!  Stay tuned to see how match 199 ends as we make our way to number 200, followed by Battlesphere 3! 

Crypt Keeper: So, ladies, would like something to drink after that ‘tale’?  I have some O negative in stock!  Heh heh heh! 

Cinderella: I think I’d rather pay a visit to my stepmother and stepsisters.  Care to join me for a bite, Snow? 

Snow White: Mmm.  Sounds delicious!  Prince Charming is going to be so surprised! 

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