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Match 20798 Kir Kanos vs. Nick Gant

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Megastory 1.7



Previously: A small team consisting of Mako, Nick Gant, Leroy Greene and Bolin investigate a danger that they have yet to uncover. They are lead by Kir Kanos who is secretly working for this enemy. The group gets into a fight with another team- Frozone, Battlestar and Black Goliath who are looking into the same enemy.



Frozone was impressed with Mako’s skill. But the young dude wasn’t a vet. Black Goliath and Battlestar had Bolin and Nick Gant on the ropes but naturally restrained themselves when it was clear they had won.

Now that everybody had cooled down it was time to talk.

“We were here taking down a group of villains.” Bolin explained. “You jumped in and we thought you were back up for them. Sorry we didn’t recognize you, you’re not like famous.”

“We’re looking into some kind of super powered religious cult. Don’t know anything about that do you?”

“I do.” Leroy volunteered, almost with relief.

“We should work together on this.” Bolin suggested, his youthful excitement showing.

“I already got some friends coming at another angle.” Frozone told them. “But the more the merrier.”

“Speaking of more,” Mako looked around. “We have one more on our team. Where’s Kanos?”


* * * * * * *



Kir Kanos held back, watching and listening. He needed to report this.

“Masters. My team is compromised. They’ve partnered up with a band of costumed heroes.”

“We are not at a phase in our plans where we can be overly exposed. Since they cannot be turned your team must be eliminated.”

“I understand. It will be done.”

Understanding that something like this could happen, Kir Kanos never wore his Imperial Guard uniform around his team. Now that it was time to kill them, this would be the perfect disguise to conduct the assault.

There was a number of ways to execute this- hit them one by one. Set them up in a trap and blow the place up. Even hire someone to do it for him. The problem was he liked them. They deserved a fighting chance.

Going at them alone was not smart. He knew the extent of their skills and abilities. As a team they could totally destroy him. This would have to be done as a series of hits. One person at a time.

His first target was Nick Gant.

An untrained telekinetic, Nick kind of mulled his way through battle. He had good instincts and he rolled well with new developments but he was not a key member of the team.

Nick had gone on a snack run, getting some things for the others. Kir Kanos was suited and masked and allowed himself to stand right in the open. His very presence caused other pedestrians to keep away.

Not seeing him right away, Nick noticed the sudden absence of people. Then he saw Kir Kanos. With the Imperial Guard uniform and mask he didn’t know who he was but he knew that he was trouble.

Suddenly happy that he brought his gun, Nick used his mind to levitate it over his head. The red-garmented assassin flipped his spear and charged.


Fight Parameters:



Kir Kanos is out to assassinate his old team- Nick Gant. But he wants to give him a chance so he faced him head-to-head. Only one of them walks away.

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Well as an Imperial Royal Guard, Kir Kanos was very well trained in various combat and warfare tactics, which included training for how to kill a Jedi. So with Nick’s powers closely resembling a Jedi’s, his lack of formal training, and only minor experience in combat, I think that Kir Kanos bags his first kill.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
4.40 - Pizza Guy

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.40 Total Combined Score
9.40 / 2 = 4.70 Final Rating on the match

Kir Kanos: 3
Nick Gant: 0

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