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Match 20805 Lily Rochefort vs. Miu Furinji

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Asuka Kazama paced back and forth in the dojo she had recently regained from her rival  Lili de Rochefort. The affluent self taught martial artist had agreed to sell it back to Asuka after the seventh King of the Iron Fist tournament, but only on the condition that Asuka made Lili her business partner. Asuka had reluctantly agreed and now her family's legacy was thriving thanks in no small part to the unconventional tactics suggested by Lili. The dojo was now filled with students on tatami mats learning Kazama style martial arts.  

But this newfound success had  come at a price. Lili’s suggestion was to go to other dojos and challenge them for their sign. Once they acquired the signs of rival dojos those dojos’ students and neutral observers would flock to the Kazama dojo in earnest. Asuka hated to admit it, but Lili was proven correct. Asuka still had her reservations and the arrogance that came along with her plan’s success was making Lili even more unbearable. 

Lili approached Asuka with a self satisfied smile and her cat, Salt, nuzzled in her arms. “Oh how I do love walking in here and seeing the fruits of my genius.”

Auska groaned as she looked at the dojo signs they had already collected proudly on display; she then turned back to Lili.

“The dojo is doing well now, I think we can stop going to other dojos looking for a fight,” she stated.

“What? We just started getting on a roll,” Lili retorted. “How else are we going to promote the dojo? We can’t go back to your old plan of just competing in the King of the Iron First and hoping for the best.”

“If we keep antagonizing other dojos, they will come after us,” said Asuka.

Lili giggled. “My sweet little Asuka, it’s a little late to be worrying about that now. They are definitely already going to come after us. We just need to be ready.”

Asuka groaned again. One of the new students stepped up to the two young women.

“Sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help but overhear. If you are looking for a dojo to challenge that would not only bring you more notoriety but would also make the other dojos think twice about coming after you, I know of a place.”

Lili rubbed her chin. “We’re listening.”

“The Ryozanpaku Dojo is really only known by true martial artists but it is highly respected, and it is the home of some of the most feared martial artists around.”

Lili scoffed. “I’ve never heard of it.” She then caught the eye of Asuka who wore an expression of recognition. “Have you heard of that dojo, Asuka?”

Asuka nodded. “Yes, they have six martial arts masters whose specialties run the spectrum from karate, judo, and kenpo, to muay thai and weapons training.”

“Hmmm, sounds like a solid setup to really make some serious cash,” Lili remarked. “They must do quite well financially.”

Asuka shook her head. “I don’t think so, they only have one disciple and he is just some random high school kid and I don’t think he comes from a wealthy family.”

Lili was perplexed. “That doesn’t make any sense. How do they make money?”

Asuka shrugged.

Lili furrowed her brow. “So is this kid right, are they really that respected and feared?”

Asuka did not answer immediately but the look in her eye told Lili all she needed to know.

“Ok, my interest has peaked, Asuka, let’s go and challenge this dojo for their sign,” Lili declared.

Auska thought it over. “I guess it would be a good challenge. But let this be the last one.”

“If they truly have the reputation that this kid says then it will be the last one we need for a while,” Lili reasoned.

The next day, Lili and Asuka traveled to the Ryozanpaku Dojo. They arrived in front of a large wooden gate..

Asuka glanced at the gate, then back at Lili. “Are you really sure about this?”

Lili set Salt down gently before walking up to the gate and knocking firmly. “Absolutely. Just think of the prestige, Asuka.”

They waited for a response, but none came.

 “Maybe we should just leave,” Asuka suggested.

“Patience, Asuka.” 

Inside the dojo, Miu Furinji was enjoying a rare moment of solitude. The others were all out: Kenichi was with Kensei Ma and Renka Ma, investigating something important, Apachai and Shigure were spending time with Honoka, and her grandfather was away on business. Even Sakaki had convinced Akisame to go out for a day of gambling, leaving Miu alone to clean and tend to the dojo.

As she swept the wooden floors, Tochumaru, Shigure’s pet mouse, scurried up to her. He squeaked in a way that caught her attention. Miu paused and knelt down to listen to the tiny creature.

“What’s that, Tochumaru? Someone’s at the gate?”

Miu set down the broom and headed to the entrance. She opened the gate and saw Azuka Kazama and Lili de Rochefort standing there expectantly. 

Miu greeted them with kindness. “Hello! How can I help you?”

Lili wasted no time and cut straight to the point. “We’re here to challenge the master of this dojo for your sign.”

Miu’s eyes widened slightly, but she quickly composed herself and nodded. “I see. Please wait here for a moment.”

Asuka and Lili exchanged puzzled looks as Miu disappeared inside, only to return shortly with a notebook and two cups of tea. She offered the tea to her guests. Asuka was hesitant but Lili quickly took her cup and took a sip.

“Your dojo has proper manners, I’ll give it that much,” she quipped.

Miu held out the notebook and explained. “You’ll need to write down your names, addresses, and fighting styles in this register. Also, there’s a fee of 10,000 yen per person to challenge the dojo.”

Lili almost spat out her tea. “You want us to pay to challenge you?!?”

Miu was  unfazed by the indignation in Lili’s voice and nodded politely. “That’s right. It’s dojo policy.”

Asuka leaned over to Lili and whispered, “I guess this is how they make money.” She then turned her attention to Miu. “Does the cost to challenge change depending on which master you face?”

“No, it is a flat rate. However, at the moment it’s a moot point because all of the masters are currently away so if you wish to challenge this dojo you will be facing me,” Miu explained.


“I feel obliged to warn you that this is my home and I am more than capable of defending it.”

Lili, still irritated, waved a dismissive hand. “This is absurd. I’m not paying to fight some girl living in a dojo.”

As she spoke, Salt, who had been wandering near Lili’s feet, approached Miu. Miu’s eyes lit up with delight at the sight of the fluffy white cat.

 “Oh my gosh, is that your cat?  It's so cute! Can I hold her?”

Lili, her irritation at a boiling point, scooped Salt into her arms, and glared at Miu. “Absolutely not. I don’t let just anyone’s filthy hands  touch Salt.”

Miu’s shoulders slumped slightly and a huge look of disappointment crossed her face. 

“Let’s just get out of here, Auska. This was a waste of time.”

As they turned to leave, panic set in for Miu, and her boundless love for cats got the better of her judgment.

“Wait! How about this: if you can beat me, I’ll give you the dojo’s sign. But if I win, you have to let me hold your cat!”

Asuka immediately turned back and extended her hand to Miu before Lili could protest. “Deal!”

Lili glared at Asuka, then turned her icy gaze on Miu. “Fine.”

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On 8/28/2024 at 7:34 PM, leroypowell3 said:

Never heard of this anime. I'll have to look Miu up to see what she can do.



Okay so Miu seems a bit more skilled and definitely more powerful. She gets my vote.

It's pretty fun I just stumbled upon it when I was looking at underused anime characters to use and I ended up watching most of the episodes on YouTube.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz
4.30 - Pizza Guy

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
13.90 Total Combined Score
13.90 / 3 = 4.63 Final Rating on the match

Lili De Rochefort: 2
Miu Furinji : 5

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