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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
Grunkle Stan: 2
Damien Thorn: 1

Jessica Priest vs. Facehugger
Jessica Priest: 2
Facehugger: 6

Arclight vs. Avalanche
Arclight: 0
Avalanche: 3

Robocop vs. Durge
Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

Lord Zedd vs. Ransik
Lord Zedd: 6
Ransik: 0

Match 20810 Lord Zedd vs. Freddy Krueger (The Entity)

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I am Lord Zedd: Part 8


So, I'm in the body of Lord Zedd; sitting on my chair; watching Rita Repulsa fight Tommy Oliver as the Green Ranger. I have to say this was entertaining. Goldar was watching the fight to as he was standing near my right side. I could see the look on Goldar’s face, that he wanted Tommy to win. No doubt that Goldar didn’t want to work for Rita again.

Tommy played the Dragon Dagger to power up his Dragon Shield. Rita used her wand to fire a stream of energy at the Green Ranger. While the attack hit Tommy, the Dragon Shield was protecting him. The Green Ranger was pushing himself against the attack, as he was making his way towards Rita.

“Fall, Green Ranger! Fall!” Rita yelled, as she kept on firing the stream of energy.

“Never!” The Green Ranger yelled, as he unleashed a burst of green energy from his body that canceled out Rita’s attack. Tommy jumped into the air and was going to use the Dragon Dagger to attack Rita.

"No!" Rita yelled, as she used her wand to block the attack. However, the Dragon Dagger broke the wand in half. While Rita was in shock, the Green Ranger delivered a kick that sent the witch flying across the room. Rita slammed against the wall, and then fell to the floor. She tried to get back up, but the fight had taken its toll on her.

“Congratulations, Tommy. You are the winner. Now destroy her.” I said.

"Please, No!" Rita yelled.

Goldar laughed in anticipation of seeing the death of Rita Repulsa.

But as for the Green Ranger, he couldn’t help but feel pity for Rita. Back in the old days, he would have done anything to get rid of Rita. But this isn’t what he wanted. This was too cruel.

The Green Ranger then looked at me. “No. I won’t do it.” He spoke.

I guess I shouldn't be disappointed. Unlike Goldar, who was growling like a dog. While Rita herself was surprised.

“Oh? After everything Rita has done to you and your friends, you don’t want to kill her? She made you into a weapon; Forced you to hurt your friends; Tried many times to take over your world; Made you all suffer; How is it that you don’t want to kill her?” I said to the Green Ranger.

“While I may not forgive Rita, she is the reason why I became a Power Ranger in the first place. I want justice - Not revenge! I will not put her down like a dog for your amusement. If anything, Rita needs to be judged for her crimes.” The Green Ranger said.

“How noble of you, Tommy.” I said to him. I then looked over to Rita. “Well, you gave it your all. So, I will make your death quick.” I pointed my Z-Staff at her.

"No! Don’t!" Rita yelled.

I used the staff to fire lightning at Rita, causing the evil sorceress to yell in pain as she was being electrocuted. Within seconds, Rita was nothing more than a pile of ashes.

Goldar gave off a wicked grin of seeing his former empress dead.

While I couldn’t see the Green Ranger’s face, I could tell by his body language that he was shocked. “You didn’t have to killed her!” Tommy yelled in rage.

“You’re right; I didn’t need to. You were supposed to do it. I told you both that this was a fight to the death. You may not have wanted to kill Rita, but she wouldn’t have hesitated killing you. Heck, give her a chance, she would have killed your friends. Especially the Yellow Ranger.” I said, thinking back to the Once & Always special.

“You can say whatever you want to help you sleep at nights. But what you’ve done is wrong. Now that we’re done with your sick game, send me back to Earth like you promised.” The Green Ranger said.

“Of course. But first, here is a parting gift.” I used my Z-Staff to fire a red energy beam at the Green Ranger. Once Tommy got hit by the beam, he fell onto his hands and knees and went back to his civilian form.

Tommy slowly stood back up, as red energy was fading in and out of his eyes. “I will obey you.” He said to me.

Good he was now under my control. Practicing with Lord Zedd’s magic had paid off.

I stood up from my chair and walked over to Tommy. “You are going to help me destroy the Power Rangers. However, now isn’t that time. When I send you back to Earth, you will be back to your normal self and will have no memory of what happened here. But when the time does come, you will become my servant permanently. I just need to give you a code. Let’s see... Oh, here’s one. When I say, ‘Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Sucks’, you will remember that you work for me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord Zedd. I understand.” Tommy said.

“Good. Now off you go.” I used the staff to fire a white-energy beam that teleported Tommy back to Earth.

Goldar looked at me, as he was confused. “But master, I don’t understand? Why not have Tommy go ahead and destroy the Power Rangers?” He asked me.

“Because I know Zordon is holding out on the Power Rangers.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Goldar asked.

“Zordon has in his possession another Power Coin. It is more powerful and can turn someone into the White Ranger. No doubt Zordon will give the coin to Tommy, once the Green Rangers powers are gone. When that happens, I will have a more powerful Ranger by my side.” I spoke.

“But Lord Zedd, since you restored the Green Ranger’s powers, doesn’t that mean Zordon won’t make Tommy into the White Ranger?” The golden alien asked.

“That’s if Zordon knows. For all he knows the Green Ranger’s powers are still in a weak state. Besides, I’m sure if I keep on attacking the Earth, Zordon will eventually make Tommy into the White Ranger.” I said.

Once I get my hands on the Zeo Crystal, Zordon will have to use everything in his arsenal.

Later, it was nighttime; well at least by Angel Grove Time. Everyone was asleep inside the Moon Palace. Well except for me that is. I was in Zedd's room, lying on his bed, and watching TV. When I started to live in the castle, I found out that Lord Zedd didn’t have a television. No wonder Lord Zedd was so determined to take over the Earth. He didn’t have anything to keep him entertained. I had Finster make me a TV that allowed me to watch all the channels from Earth.

Right now, I was watching Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Of course I have seen this movie before, as well as all the Freddy Krueger movies. Once the movie came to an end, I soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found myself standing in some kind of room. It looked like a hellish construct of a boiler room. But there was something familiar about this place.

“Where the Hell am I?” I asked myself.

I soon heard the sound of laughter. I looked for the source of it, and I was shocked as I saw Freddy Krueger.

“Oh, I can tell you that Hell has nothing on this place.” Freddy said.

But I noticed something different about Freddy. He looked scarier, more evil, had a glove that was fused with his arm, and was wearing a black trench coat. I soon realized that this wasn’t Freddy Krueger. This was the Entity from Wes Craven's New Nightmare. The movie took place in the real world, where Freddy was just a fictional character, while the Entity itself was a real-life Freddy Krueger. I also realized that this was the Entity’s own boiler room, and I was trapped in a dream. Now that I think about it, New Nightmare came out in 1994. The same year for Power Rangers Season 2. Crap don't tell me New Nightmare takes place in the Power Rangers universe.

“Nice to finally meet you, Lord Zedd. Or do you prefer me calling you, Venom 2009?” Freddy asked.

I was shocked as he knew who I was. “How do you know that!” I yelled at him.

“Oh, I took a little peek into your mind. Ever since you merged with Lord Zedd, your powers have drawn me to you, like a bee to honey. I’ve been keeping an eye out on you for some time.” Freddy said.

“So, what it is you want from me?” I asked him.

“I want your body. Well, Lord Zedd’s body that is. Once I rip out your soul, I’ll take Zedd's body out for a joyride and bring carnage onto the Earth. I will be unstoppable. Not even those Power Rangers will stop me.” Freddy said.

“Ah! Like I will allow that. I’m not afraid of you. Maybe if you were the original Freddy Krueger from the movies, then I would be worried. While he may not be real, you’re nothing but a joke compared to him.” I spoke.

“So, I’m a joke, am I? Well, I’ll give you a punch line that will knock you dead.” Freddy said.


So, here is the next part to my arc.

I as Lord Zedd will be fighting the version of Freddy Krueger from Wes Craven's New Nightmare. 

I know how to use Lord Zedd's powers and abilities.

I hope everyone will enjoy this match. Will I survive here?

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Zedd is the self proclaimed 'Lord of Evil'. Sombody like Freddy would be working for him. But since Venom 2009 is Zedd this may a harder fight than it should be. I still think Zedd will win though.

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Another good entry to your Lord Zedd arc, Venom. This is taking another interesting turn. :) 

As for the match, I could be wrong, but I'm having a feeling Freddy is just a manifestation from your mind, brought to life by Zedd's powers as you're still learning to control them. That or this is a dream. 

Either way, I'm thinking you either regain control of the manifestation or see the dream through. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - SSJRuss
5.00 - Boratz
4.50 - DSkillz
4.40 - Pizza Guy
5.00 - Macklemore

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
23.90 Total Combined Score
23.90 / 5 = 4.78 Final Rating on the match

Lord Zedd: 5
Freddy Krueger (The Entity): 2

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