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Match 20812 The New Warriors vs. The Sith Order

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Megastory 34


The Sith Invasion


Previously: After their scuffle between Frozone and his friends and Mako and his comrades, Frozone indicated that they were looking into some kind of religious cult. He further advised that there was another group on the other side of the country investigating this cult as well.


When it came to his attention that a cult was taking in mutants, metas and other supers, Night Thrasher got his team- The New Warriors- right on it.

Former President David Palmer had informed him that others were on the case too. A young man named Leroy Greene was undercover along with a handler Vanessa Lewis. Plus the veteran, part time superhero Frozone started sniffing around.

The New Warriors were the main entity. Anything found would come to them. While Frozone went east, Night Thrasher’s team followed a lead in the west.

Someone was paying for information. About everything. World governments, military powers, mutants and meta-humans. Data like this was always being exchanged on the dark web. This buyer though. Seemed to be ignorant of even the basic understandings of Earth.

Because of implied ignorance, the seller offered a series of live lectures. This would allow for on the spot questions.

This meeting place is where the New Warriors monitored.

Surveillance was critical. The buyers had to be identified. From there, their goals could be assessed and counter-measures could be draw up to thwart them.

None of the audience was identifiable. The men and women all had a darkness to them.

“It seems a military invasion would be unwise.” one of the dark men commented. “As it would only rally the heroes.”

Another of the dark men spoke up. “Even the unsuccessful despots would oppose us. I think this world would be better off left alone.”

“A wise perspective. But The Emperor wants this. So we will find away.”

With shocking suddenness, one of the dark men whirled around and reached out with his hand. A Force choke caught Nova and a Force pull drew his out into the open.

Seeing her teammate in peril, Firestar blasted the Sith Lord, impressed by his invisible shield. Speedball and Namorita emerged next, which prompted the dark men to ignite their their red laser swords.

Night Thrasher didn’t want to gather information this way but now their only avenue was to capture a prisoner.


Fight Parameters: The New Warriors battle three Sith Lords hoping to capture one of them. The Sith are out to kill.


New Warriors-


Night Thrasher







The Sith-


Darth Malgus

Darth Bane

Darth Revan

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - SSJRuss
4.00 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.00 Total Combined Score
9.00 / 2 = 4.50 Final Rating on the match

The New Warriors: 1
The Sith Order: 2

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