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Rumble 20842 Spike Spiegel vs. Grid Alien
Spike Spiegel: 3
Grid Alien: 2

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Cool World: 0
Jana Sky-Born (Jungle Girl): 3
Edwin Alva: 0

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Archmage: 0
Vecna: 6

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The Tick: 0
The Mask: 3

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Dino Ultrazord: 5
Hoth: 1

Match 20823 Master Yoda vs. Starkiller


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Chapter 33: The Spark within the Upside Down
With his eyes closed in deep meditation, the Jedi Master known as Luke Skywalker started reflecting on all that had recently transpired. Shortly after Grogu’s decision to return to the one that he saw as a father, Luke was approached by his sister to help the galaxy against the threat of the Cobra Organization. It was a war that had come and gone within a short period of time. The organization that was bent on complete domination had been defeated once and for all with the death of Cobra Commander. Many of their troops and allies had dispersed throughout the different galaxies. The Jedi Master had once again set off on his own path to rebuild the Jedi Order. Despite the victories in the galaxy and the alliances that they had formed during the short war, Luke had felt an uneasiness within him. While sitting deep in his meditation, he could feel a darkness that was lurking across the galaxy.
While the growing darkness troubled the young Jedi Master, he could feel the Force moving in ways that he had never experienced before. It was calling out to him in ways that he had never felt before. In his meditation, he could sense the Force working toward a balance between the light and dark. In his studies through the ancient Jedi texts and his training in the Force, he had heard of this but never experienced it like this in his daily meditations. It was as if the Force itself was calling out not only to him but beyond the realm of the living to face this rising darkness. From his own connection with the Force, Luke knew that it sought balance within the entire universe. Despite his efforts and his connection, he found himself having trouble understanding what the Force was trying to convey to him. It was as if there was a massive shadow that blinded him from the will of the Force. 
His eyes shot open once he sensed the arrival of his sister and her husband through his connection with the Force. He soon felt presence of his trusted droid, R2-D2 approaching. The Jedi Master glanced back and saw R2 rolling up to him. With the friendly beeps that the trusted droid had made, Luke was made aware that his sister had arrived on the Millennium Falcon. Luke shook his head while rising to his feet. He nodded at his companion while assuring R2 that he would be coming along shortly. R2 let out several gentle beeping sounds around spinning around and rolling out of view. The Jedi Master soon gazed out at the horizon and took a moment to breathe before going to see his friends. He let out a sigh before walking along a trail that he had crafted in the forest. While heading toward the Falcon, the Jedi Master could hear the soothing sounds of life all around him. Despite his hesitancies about fighting in another war, he knew that he had to protect the life that thrived all around him. He had to protect the peace that this galaxy had found itself in after so many years in darkness.
His eyes adjusted to a clearing in the woods, and he saw an opening up ahead. In that opening, he could see the outline of the old raggedy ship known as the Millennium Falcon. Even after all this time, the Jedi Master still found it funny how an old shop such as that had become a beacon of hope in the galaxy. Luke walked out of the tree line and saw Leia and Han standing alongside the towering wookie known as Chewbacca. C3PO soon stepped around a corner and alerted the others that Luke had arrived. Leia’s eyes lit up as she gazed upon her brother, and Han had reacted just as Luke would have predicted. While there was a smile on the smuggler’s face, he kept himself contained with a certain level of swagger that only someone such as Han Solo could muster. Chewbacca roared out while throwing out his arms to embrace the young Jedi.
"It's about time, kid! I was about to leave!" Han said before busting out a large grin.
"Oh Han, Luke was probably just busy. Weren't you, Luke?" Leia said with a warm smile.
"It is good to see all of you. I must apologize, the temple is not ready yet. I don't have much in the way of a place to sit." Luke responded with a calm voice. 
"We figured as much. CHEWIE, get the table and chairs!" Han yelled.
Chewbacca let out a loud roar before heading back toward the Falcon.
"Master Luke, it is so good to see you..." 3PO said before being interrupted by R2D2.
A table set for the group of friends as they reminisced with one another.  There were laughs while memories were shared of their past experiences. They enjoyed eating together and drinking together while R2 and 3PO bickered in the background. As the sun started to set, Han and Chewbacca stood up to get the area cleaned up. R2 and 3PO also headed off to assist Han with the cleanup. Luke and Leia stayed behind to talk with one another. The Jedi Master could sense that there was something troubling his sister while she looked down over a fire.
“You can sense it can’t you?” Leia asked while glancing back at Luke with her dark brown eyes.
“Yes.” Luke replied calmly.
“I haven’t told Han yet.” Leia said shaking her head while trying to break down in tears.
“How far along are you?” Luke asked.
“Just found out.” Leia replied with a small smile.
“That is not what is troubling you.” Luke replied as he stood next to his sister.
“I know that I should be celebrating with Cobra’s defeat, but…” Leia said before going silent.
“You can sense a rising darkness.” Luke replied.
Leia nodded before looking up at the stars. “I am scared what this could mean for…” Her lips started to shake as her thoughts circled around her unborn child.
“I will protect you and your child.” Luke reassured her.
“What are you sensing through the Force?” Leia asked.
“I am not sure. I have never felt anything like this before. Even with the days of the Empire, this is something…” Luke shook his head while trying to process his thoughts. “The Force is working towards balance, but the darkness is growing stronger with each passing day.”
“What is the Force doing?” Leia asked.
“I don’t know.” Luke replied with a tired look. “I have tried reaching out, but it is overwhelming. Something is coming and I don’t know what to do.”
Within the Upside Down,
With a loud scream, the unstable Darkside user known as Starkiller impaled the lethal mutant with his fiery red lightsaber. Wolverine shrieked with pain but to Starkiller’s surprise, he did not go down too easily. Weapon X quickly healed and lunged at his opponent. Galen Marek unleashed his power upon the mutant. Wolverine was thrown through structures within the Upside Down and beaten to a pulp. The Darkside user was almost impressed by all that Wolverine could endure. It seemed that with every attack that Starkiller unleashed, Wolverine just kept getting back up. Marek felt as if this mutant had a rage that was almost equivalent to his own. The berserker rage that filled Wolverine’s veins drove him to continuously charge the powerful Force with bloodlust. Despite his rage and his bloodlust, Starkiller was far too powerful. He could not land a killing blow on the powerful Force user. After a lengthy battle, Starkiller grew tired of his battle with Weapon X.
The Darkside user unleashed a powerful Force attack upon Logan and buried him deep within the Upside Down. Starkiller only stopped once the Wolverine’s blood curdling screams had drowned out completely. He took a step back and started breathing heavily. Marek glanced over at the fragments of the Infinity Stones. Even as fragments of what they once were, he could feel the power radiated off those small pieces. Galen wiped away the sweat from his face and took a moment to catch his breath. As he stepped closer toward the powerful fragments, he felt a voice inside of him trying to plead with him to turn around. The conflicted Darkside user felt as if Juno was begging him to turn around. Galen gazed over the fragments of the Infinity Stones and closed his eyes. He thought about Juno and the time that they had spent together, but his memories soon turned toward Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Chiss had promised him true power over the galaxy along with the hope of resurrecting Juno.
Galen opened his eyes and looked down upon the fragments once again. He reached inside a pouch and pulled out a container. Through the Force, he moved the small fragments into the container and twisted his hand until the container was tightly sealed. He shrugged while remembering Juno. The Darkside user tried to ignore the conflict within him as he looked off into the distance. He could feel an uneasiness within this dimension. It almost seemed as if this strange world had been the site of much death and destruction. Starkiller sauntered past the many vines that had covered the surface of the world as he head back toward the direction of the interdimensional pane that would bring him back to Earth. As he walked through the Upside Down, he could feel the pain within growing with each step. Galen closed his eyes and fell to his knees as the conflict started growing stronger within him. He tried to shake off the voice of Juno as he tried to overcome the conflict with his burning desire to bring her back. He needed her by his side once he achieved the power that he needed to rule the galaxy in his own image. He needed to save the galaxy from itself and he needed Juno by his side. Starkiller stood to his feet and shook his head.
He soon felt a presence entering into this strange world. Starkiller slowly opened his eyes and looked over at a small green creature sitting on a large stone. Despite the size of this small creature, the Darkside user could sense that he possessed a great power. He had connection in the Force that was something that Galen had not sensed in anyone else in a long, long time. The small green creature had a smile that was warm and compassionate. He had deep and dark eyes that had seen more than many could ever fathom. From his past life, Galen recognized this small green creature. The memories were from archives that he had seen when training with his old master. Starkiller's mouth dropped open as he felt the very air escape his lunges. He then shook his head and tried to regain his composure.
"How? How are you alive? How are you here, Yoda?" Starkiller snapped.
"Mysterious and vast is the Force. Called me here it has." Yoda replied with a warm voice. 
"It should not have brought you here. You should not be here! I... I am not afraid of you! I will strike you down!" Starkiller screamed while taking out his lightsaber hilt.
"Conflicted you are. Full of fear, anger, and hate you are. Release them you can and free you will be." Yoda said gently while trying to calm down the Darkside user.
"I will do what I have to do! I will do what I must to make sure that this universe survives! Everyone has failed this universe, including you. I will not let that keep happening. I will bring her back by any means necessary!" Starkiller cried out as fiery yellowish shade came over his eyes. Starkiller ignited his fiery red lightsaber while pointing it at the former Jedi Grand Master.  
Yoda closed his eyes and shook his head in disappointment. He took out his small lightsaber hilt and ignited the fiery green blade. "Fulfilling the will of the Force, I must do." Yoda said while looking over the unstable Darkside user.
This battle takes place in the Upside Down, shortly after Starkiller’s battle with Wolverine. Yoda has been resurrected through the Force to combat the rising darkness. Can Yoda either defeat Starkiller or will Starkiller defeat the Grand Master?
Master Yoda – has been resurrected through the Force. He is in his prime and is armed with a lightsaber.

Starkiller – has just beaten Wolverine in battle. He is armed with a lightsaber.

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Starkiller vs. Prime Yoda. We've never even seen prime Yoda. I don't think it's ever been done. Being 900 years old, even at prime age he would still have centuries of experience over Starkiller. That should be enough to put him over.

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Well both have technically gone toe to toe with Sidious, although in Starkiller’s case he probably took him off guard and only briefly held the upper hand. Once Sidious got his bearings Starkiller barely lasted a few seconds before being killed.

So Yoda likely wins. 

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43 minutes ago, Pizza Guy said:

Well both have technically gone toe to toe with Sidious, although in Starkiller’s case he probably took him off guard and only briefly held the upper hand. Once Sidious got his bearings Starkiller barely lasted a few seconds before being killed.

So Yoda likely wins. 

This sounds pretty convincing.

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Was going to give this to Starkiller handily until I saw it was Prime Yoda. Isn't he a little below Sidious in terms of power, and that's only cause Sidious has the Dark Side of the Force to fall back on? I think he has this.

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