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Hoth: 1

Match 20826 Black Widow vs. Jessica Priest


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Chapter 34: The Critical Meeting

"It seems that the disgraced abomination was no upgrade at all. The droid was intercepted by someone else and the hunter that you sent was eliminated." Lex said while throwing a data pad down on a table in front of Grand Admiral Thrawn. 

"Do you see this as a failure?" The Grand Admiral asked while twiddling his thumbs.

"Of course," Lex replied while walking around the room with his hands crossed behind his back. "We sent a pathetic abomination to track down a droid that could potentially expose all of us. The Council is not ready to make itself known to the universe. We are not ready to begin with our plans." 

"I could not agree with you more, Mr. Luthor. The droid has information that would be an unfortunate setback, but this was not a failure." Thrawn replied.

Lex turned his head and shot a piercing glare at the Chiss Imperial. "How do you figure that, Grand Admiral?"

"Because now we cannot go under the assumption that are enemies are oblivious to our endeavors. As we are in the process of gathering weapons from across the universe and building unspeakable armies, our enemies are already becoming more and more aware of an immediate crisis. I would agree that it is important to obtain the droid and make sure that they do not acquire the information that it has, it is also important to know what our enemies are prepared to do. If we can learn how they will operate and react to a threat, we can defeat them before we even declare war." Thrawn replied.

A smile formed across Lex's face. "You are one of the few that can take a failure and turn it into a victory." Lex replied.

"Failure and defeat are not an ending but an opportunity. Once we realize our own weaknesses, we can then condition them into strengths. We can find the strengths of our enemies and exploit them. In time, the Council will have a stronghold in this universe. Once we make ourselves known, then our enemies will be overwhelmed with what we can do." Thrawn replied.

"Impressive." Lex said while shaking his head. "My intelligence has found that the droid will be delivered to a space station that is circling around the Milky Way for scientific research. It was a Stark/Wayne joint venture. I am going to send orders to Jessica Priest to intercept the droid." Lex replied.

"Why Priest?" Thrawn asked with an inquisitive expression.

"She will see to it that no witnesses are left." Lex replied.

Back on Earth,

While watching over Syndrome working tireless on his teleportation device, Jessica Priest had become overwhelmed with boredom. She sighed while reaching down into her pocket for a cigarette. The sadistic assassin rolled her eyes once she realized that she was all out. Priest cussed under her breath while rising to her feet. 

"I'm heading out." Priest said to Lori Quaid while walking toward the door.

Lori simply nodded while going to work out in a tennis routine that she had loaded into her tablet. The sadistic assassin sauntered toward her car and opened the door. After sitting back in the driver's seat, the assassin reached down to look inside her middle console. To her annoyance, there was no sign of a pack of cigarettes. Jessica leaned back and gritted her teeth. She reached down to put her key in the ignition and listened as her car roared to life. Before she could speed away, her phone started to ring. Jessica glanced down at the screen and saw a private number listed. The assassin answered the phone to see who was contacting her.

"Leaving so soon, Ms. Priest?" Mercy Graves answered.

"I was just heading out for some cigarettes." Jessica replied while rolling her eyes.

"That is not a good habit to have." Mercy replied.

"What do you want, Graves? I am growing bored just watching people run around in a lab all day." Priest hissed.

"My employer has a job in mind for you." Mercy replied.

"About damn time." Priest said while shaking her head. "I thought one of the world's richest men would have more in mind for me than just sitting around."

"Don't worry, Ms. Priest, this assignment will be right up your alley." Mercy replied.

"Where is it?" Priest asked while gritting her teeth. 

"Space." Mercy replied. 

In Space,

There was a slight chill in the air once the ship entered into outer space.  Despite her frustrations about her assignment, the former KGB agent leaned back against her seat. After the gravity was turned back on in the ship, Natasha stood up and started walking around the cabin. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent glanced out into the endless abyss of outer space and sighed. With all the battles that she fought alongside the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, the famous Black Widow had seen space a time or two. While she was not opposed to going to space, she felt this assignment was beneath her in some ways. She even told that to Fury before he extinguished his cigar and told her that her was not asking. The Avenger heard the computer announcing that they were approaching the space station soon. Natasha walked over toward her seat and sat down as the small vessel latched onto the space station.
Black Widow stepped into the space station and was led toward a meeting room. She sauntered past the Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises logos. The trained agent took mental notes of her surroundings while looking over the different individuals that were working in the space station. She soon saw a door open in front of her and the red-headed assassin walked into the room. There was no sign of the android that she was supposed to meet with. Natasha sat down and crossed her fingers. Before she left, Fury had warned her that there may be other interested parties that would be looking to intercept the cargo that Natasha was supposed to be getting. The Avenger had brought some of her weapons along but remained optimistic. She thought most would be foolish to try and break into this space station that was created as a joint venture between Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne. 
Natasha soon heard voices from outside the room. The Russian spy raised her head once the door opened. It did not take long for her green eyes to adjust to the sight of the massive android that entered the room. She almost smiled after hearing the android talking amongst the other agents that were stationed within the facility. This large android spoke of a massive hunter that he had faced in an unknown world. Despite its size and technology, the hunter proved little to no difficulty for the freelance peacekeeping agent. While the android known as Death's Head spoke of his battle against the hunter, Natasha realized that there were no records of his battle on this unknown world. It was as if the battle had never even taken place. She almost scoffed before rising up to her feet. 
Natasha soon heard voices from outside the room. The former Russian spy raised her head once the door opened. It did not take long for her green eyes to adjust to the sight of the massive android that entered the room. She almost smiled after hearing the android talking amongst the other agents that were stationed within the facility. This large android spoke of a massive hunter that he had faced in an unknown world. Despite its size and technology, the hunter proved little to no difficulty for the freelance peacekeeping agent. While the android known as Death's Head spoke of his battle against the hunter, Natasha realized that there were no records of his battle on this unknown world. It was as if the battle had never even taken place. She almost scoffed before rising to her feet. Natasha smiled while walking up to greet the android assassin. She discreetly scoped him out from head to toe to make mental notes of the weapons in his possession. Before she could say a word, the android started to speak to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
“You are the Black Widow, yes?” Death’s Head asked while looking down upon the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
“I am.” Natasha replied in her thick accent.
“You are here to collect the droid that you are searching for, yes?” Death’s Head responded.
“Wait, what do you mean by droid?” Natasha asked.
Soon a droid rolled up from behind the massive android. Natasha glanced down at the astromech droid that once belonged to the Mandalorian known as Fenn Rau. “This is the droid that you sent me to collect, yes? I successfully collected it and brought it to you for payment, yes?” Death’s Head responded while keeping his attention on the former KGB agent.
“I suppose that is a yes.” Natasha replied while slowly shaking her head.
Natasha exchanged the payment for the droid. Her green eyes slowly gazed down upon the droid, and she smiled. “Well, I guess all this way for you. Hopefully you are worth the trip.”

After providing clearance codes, Jessica Priest was able to discreetly make her way onto the ship. She rolled her eyes while looking over the Stark Industries and Wayne Enterprises logos. “Not much in the way of security.” She scoffed under her breath while slowly walked through the station. There were a couple science officers walking around up ahead and the assassin quietly took cover within one of the storage rooms. The deranged assassin took out her weapons and smiled while taking out a couple explosives. Once the hallway was cleared, Priest stepped out of the storage room and started setting explosives throughout the facility. While quietly making her way through the space station, a door suddenly opened in front of her. The deranged assassin’s eyes locked onto a young female scientist. The young scientist stood quietly as her body started to tremble. She looked over the intruder and immediately recognized that she was trouble.
A smile formed over the bright red lips of Jessica Priest as she lifted a finger in front of them. With a soft “shhh”, Jessica slowly started walking toward the young scientist. Backing up, the scientist started to breathe heavily as her heart started to pound against her chest. Tears started to form in the eyes of the young scientist while her eyes started to swell. Soon the tears ran down her cheeks as she could not control the sobs. “It will be quick.” Jessica said softly as she grabbed the scientist by the shoulder. “Please. Please.” The scientist begged before Priest sliced through her throat with the blade that she had in her hands. The young scientist fell to her knees while blood ran out of her throat. The deranged assassin smiled while watching her fight for her life. Jessica soon turned her attention back toward the door.
While she wanted to have fun, she was here for a mission, and she needed to see it through. Jessica walked out into the hallway and saw a massive android at the end of the corridor. She cussed under her breath once her eyes fell upon the massive machine. Priest then smiled once she saw an airlock not far from the android. With a quick, she realized that she could use the security codes that she was given to override the system and knock the android out of the space station. After looking over her surroundings, the assassin formed a plan to trick the android into the airlock. She started sprinting as fast as she could down the hallway and used the security overrides to cause a power outage in the space station. Once the trap was spring, everything started moving according to what she had devised. After Death’s Head unknowingly entered the airlock, the deranged assassin blew him a kiss before launching him into the endless abyss of outer space. Priest soon turned around and saw a familiar face standing in an adjacent hallway.
“The Black Widow. Damn, I have been wanting a piece of you for a very long time.” Priest said with a chuckle.
“Jessica Priest.” Natasha scoffed while shaking her head. “Who got you out of dumpster and sent you here?”
“I bet you are just dying to find out!” Jessica laughed before taking out her weapons.
Black Widow was able to knock the small droid back into the room. She immediately shut the door and leaped around a corner for cover. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent took out her weapons and sighed. “I guess this was more than just an easy pick up.” She muttered under her breath.

The battle takes place in a space station. Natasha is trying to protect/secure the droid that once belonged to Fenn Rau. Jessica Priest has been sent to either obtain the droid or destroy it. Jessica was also given orders to leave no witnesses. 

Black Widow is armed with two pistols, multiple knives, and her wrist gauntlets.

Jessica Priest is armed with two pistols, multiple knives, and baton.

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As a Spawn villain, Jessica Priest should actually be a match for Black Widow. I think Widow would win the votes by popularity but it should be a closer fight than we think. I say Widow because she has a bit more to offer in stealth which is where she will got to when head to head doesn't really work out.

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Another very good set-up, Boratz. This is another believable and exciting story. 

As for the match, after looking up Priest, she apparently became a She-Spawn at some point in the comics. Does Jessica have her She-Spawn powers in this match, @Boratz, or is she fighting as a normal (albeit very skilled) human? That may make all the difference in her fight against Widow. 

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2 hours ago, DSkillz said:

Another very good set-up, Boratz. This is another believable and exciting story. 

As for the match, after looking up Priest, she apparently became a She-Spawn at some point in the comics. Does Jessica have her She-Spawn powers in this match, @Boratz, or is she fighting as a normal (albeit very skilled) human? That may make all the difference in her fight against Widow. 

Normal human

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Heh, I think I forgot to log out last night. :D  

19 hours ago, Boratz said:

Normal human

Ah, well in that case, I have a feeling Black Widow probably wins this one. 

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