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Match 20828 Leroy Green vs. Kir Kanos

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Megastory 1.8


Previously: Coming into contact with Frozone and his comrades, Mako, Leroy Greene, Nick Gant and Bolin realized that both teams were investigating a religious cult focusing on meta humans. The very cult that Kir Kanos served. Kanos had lead the team hoping to bring them in but now that they were compromised, he was told to eliminate them. Giving them a fair chance, he went after them one at a time, starting with Nick Gant.



Nick Gant fell even easier than he anticipated. It showed how weak he truly was.

Kir Kanos disposed of the body and got ready for his next target.

Leroy Greene was a master martial artist. But that was the extent of his positives. He was not a warrior. He didn’t even like to fight. He avoided it as much as he could. Still, when push came to shove he put down a foe with impressive skill. But that was the problem. Greene was too soft. All that an enemy had to do was kill him quickly.

Allow Greene to call upon that glow technique and you’ll wake up on the floor a few hours later. Another weak point. He wasn’t fierce enough to end an enemy.

Skilled as he was, a man like Leroy Greene was no use to the Empire. Kir Kanos would honor him with a death by combat.


* * * * * *


Leroy enjoyed his time alone. Nick and Bolin and Mako were great friends but they kept him from meditation. He knew that she as watching him and appreciated that she respected his need for this quiet.

After a while he felt bad for ignoring her and called out, “Hello Vanessa.”

Vanessa Lewis came close and sat down in front of him.

“I didn’t want to interrupt you.”

“I know. Thank you.” said Leroy. “Why have you not joined our group?”

“I think I’m in a better position being out of sight. I get to see things that you don’t.

“Like what?”

“Your guy Kanos. He’s not honest with you. I don’t know what his angle is but he’s reporting to somebody.”

“We’re reporting to somebody. So is Mako.”

“No this is different. I don’t think he’s on your side.”

“I’m not.” Kir Kanos called out, showing himself a few feet away.

Knowing how dangerous he was, Vanessa pulled out her piece.

Kir Kanos didn’t react beyond a glance.

“I’m going to lay this out plainly, Leroy. Fight me. To the death. And I’ll let her live. Refuse or not give it your all and I’ll kill her and then I’ll kill you.”

“Why are you doing this?” Leroy asked incredulous. “We are allies.”

“Your tools. And your usefulness is done. Let’s do this the right way.”

“Or maybe I’ll just put you down and…”

Before Vanessa could finish her sentence, Kir Kanos went at her. She took a shot and missed and Kanos aimed his imperial issue blaster and shot her in the shoulder. He closed the distance but before he got within reach of her, Leroy stepped in and engaged him.

“I accept your challenge.” He said through gritted teeth. “Stay back Vanessa. Let me do this.”

Right away, Leroy began to glow a golden luminescence.

Kir Kanos nodded with resolve. Leroy was taking this seriously. Right out of the gate he was not going to be holding back.


Fight Parameters:


Fight to the death.


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Pretty good chapter to your Megastory, @leroypowell3, if a little short. 

As for the match, I'm not finding a lot of specifics about Kir Kanos's abilities. All I'm seeing so far is that he's a bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe that can take on Jedis. That being the case, I'm not sure how much of a chance your namesake from The Last Dragon has against him. 😛 

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