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Match 20834 Misfit vs. Peni Parker

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Misfit, real name Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, perched on the ledge of an old building in the city of Blüdhaven. Charlotte was on a fact finding mission for Barabara Gordon and she watched from the shadows, her eyes trained on a group of suspicious men moving crates into a dilapidated warehouse.

"Gotcha," she whispered.

With her mission complete, Misfit grinned slyly and activated her teleportation. She blinked out but then something went wrong. Instead of the dark skyline of Gotham or even her little apartment, she was somewhere else entirely. She landed in a burst of pink smoke and stumbled on some unfamiliar pavement.

She squinted against the blinding light of the sun. her eyes struggled to adjust. Blüdhaven’s moody, shadowy streets were nowhere in sight. Instead it had been replaced with bright colors around every corner.

“Where the heck am I?” she wondered as she looked around. 

Charlotte tried to teleport again, aiming to get somewhere familiar, but she reappeared only a few feet away. 

“What the.. this has never happened before.” She looked down at herself with confusion. “Something’s seriously wrong with my powers.”

As she scanned the area, her attention was drawn to a mural on a brick wall a couple of blocks away. The artwork depicted a hero she didn’t recognize clad in red and blue. A group of tourists was gathered around, snapping photos and marveling at the art.

She approached the mural, hoping it might hold some answers, but her thoughts were interrupted by a commotion nearby. A gang of thugs emerged and surrounded the family taking pictures. Misfit’s instincts kicked in. She teleported forward, fists raised, ready to fight.

But before she could land a punch, a large red mech crashed down from above. The mech’s eyes glowed bright, and with mechanical precision, it disposed of the thugs in seconds. The tourists, though a little frightened by the imposed appearance of the mech, thanked it before quickly making their way down the street.

“Wow, that was awesome!” Misfit exclaimed. “Are there a lot of robot heroes around here? ‘Cause that’s a first for me.”

Misfit stared, wide-eyed, as the mech's hulking frame shifted and its chest opened to reveal a young girl in the pilot seat. Peni Parker, dressed in a futuristic suit, looked like she was barely in her teens with her hair styled in a messy bob. She stepped out of SP//dr and wiped a bit of sweat from her brow and smiled with a modest expression.

“Not that I know of. I’m pretty much the only one, the one and only Peni Parker.  But to be fair, this isn’t even my world.”

Misfit blinked, taking in the girl’s casual demeanor and youthful appearance. “Wait, hold up. You’re like...what? Fourteen? Fifteen? Shouldn’t you be in school or something?”

Peni laughed softly. “Fifteen. And I could ask you the same thing. You look barely older than me, that mask isn’t fooling anyone.”

“That’s what Barbara always says, I still don’t think she takes me seriously enough.”

Peni tilted her head, confused. “Barbara who?”

“Never mind.” Misfit waved her hand dismissively. “But, hey, you said this isn’t your world? Does that mean you were zapped here too?”

Peni nodded. “Yeah, I’m from another dimension. I got pulled here to meet up with some friends of mine, Peter Parker and Miles Morales. But I haven’t found them yet.”

Misfit looked at her blankly. “Peter Parker? Miles Morales? Who are they?”

“You don’t know Spider-Man?” Peni asked, pointing at the mural.

“That guy?” Charlotte squinted at the mural. “He’s your friend? Do you think that he, like, has the ability to help me get home?”

“I don’t even know your name,” stated Peni.

“Oh, where are my manners? My name is Charlotte but I go by Misfit.”

“Where is your home, Misfit?” Peni inquired.

“Gotham City”

“Never heard of it,” said Peni. “However, We have traveled all over the Spider-Verse together. If anyone can get you back to wherever you're from, it’s Peter.”

Misfit felt more relaxed, and she let out a relieved laugh. “Finally, some good news. I was worried I might be stuck in this weirdly bright city forever.”

Peni looked thoughtful for a moment. “So you were summoned here , like me?  Do you have any spider powers?”

Misfit snickered. “Nope, no webs here. But I do have super strength, fast healing, and I can teleport.. normally.” To demonstrate, she teleported to one side of the mech, then to the other. “See? Pretty cool, right? I can usually go farther but I am having some issues with that at the moment.”

“Whoa, that’s pretty cool!” Peni said, clearly impressed. “I wish I could teleport. That would make piloting SP//dr so much easier.”

“How did you even get that thing?” asked Charlotte.

Peni’s smile faded slightly, and she leaned against the mech’s leg.. “My dad built SP//dr. He… died fighting to protect people, so I took over the role. I didn’t have much choice, but it’s been worth it to help people.”

Misfit felt empathy for this new acquaintance. “That’s intense. I get it, though.”

Peni then turned the question back on Charlotte. “What’s your story? Why do you dress like that?” 

“I wanted to be Batgirl so bad that I would dress up just like her to go fight crime, but Barbara kept telling me I was too young. Said I’d get myself killed.” She shrugged. “But here I am now, I fight alongside her, I kinda proved her wrong.”

Peni’s eyes sparkled with understanding. “You’re never too young to be a hero. We just have to work a little harder to prove it.”


Charlotte grinned as she felt an instant connection with the young pilot. A thought came to her suddenly.

“Okay, this might sound strange but can I ask something else of you?”

“Sure, what’s up?” Peni replied.

Misfit’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “Would you be up for a quick sparring session? One thing I have learned since becoming a hero is that you always need to get in your training when you can so that you can be prepared for anything. I don’t get many chances to test myself against a big mech. What do you say?”

Peni looked hesitant. “Training is a big thing for us too, butI don’t know… I don’t want to hurt you.”

Misfit chuckled and gave her a thumbs-up. “Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a healing factor, remember? I’ll be fine. Also…” Charlotte teleported all around Peni. “I don’t plan on taking many hits,”

Peni raised an eyebrow. “Every fighter has a pattern in their attacks, once SP//dr figures out yours, it’s game over.”

“I’ll just have to defeat you before I get too predictable,” Misfit declared confidently.

“Hmmm, not likely.”

 “Hey, if I mess up your mech, don’t get mad at me, okay?  We are just trying to become better heroes.”

“I doubt you could damage SP//dr, but... okay. Let’s do this.”

Both girls took their positions and  sized each other up. Misfit cracked her knuckles, and Peni climbed back into the mech, the SP//dr's eyes lighting up as it powered on. They exchanged smiles, both eager to see what the other could do.

“Good luck, Misfit,” Peni said over the mech’s speakers.

“You too, Peni,” Misfit replied, “Let’s make this fun!”




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Another good chapter to your Batspider arc, Johnny. Man, how many heroes are in the Bat and Spider families? 😅 

As for the match, it's hard to get a read on the strength of either Misfit or the SP//dr armor, so I'm not sure who'd win this skirmish. Misfit's healing factor may allow her to hold out for some time, though, especially as she teleports around. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.60 - DSkillz
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.60 Total Combined Score
9.60 / 2 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Misfit (DC Comics): 0
Peni Parker: 3

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