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Robocop vs. Durge
Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

Lord Zedd vs. Ransik
Lord Zedd: 6
Ransik: 0

Flash Gordon vs. Galtar
Flash Gordon: 5
Galtar: 2

Rumble 20846 Lenore vs. Komodo
Lenore: 0
Komodo: 1

Venom (Flash Thompson) vs. Joey Wheeler
Venom (Flash Thompson): 3
Joey Wheeler: 2

Match 20845 Venom (Flash Thompson) vs. Joey Wheeler


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“I summon my Axe Raider in attack mode!” Joey smirked, Yugi had introduced him to a few new kids and this one was quick to pick up duel monsters. “Don’t think I’m gonna go easy on you Parker just because we just met. Look at this, my stop defense magic card! This card lets me change your ground spider from defense to attack mode” 


Peter grimaced. This game was a fun distraction, but Yugi and his friends were something else at it. The game was apparently big in Japan and supposedly Yugi and Joey won some big tournaments. 


“Now I attack with Axe Raider destroying your Ground Spider. That brings your life points to a measly 300”


“But with my Spider Web Field Spell, your Axe Raider is changed to defense position and it can’t change it’s battle position till the end of your next turn.”


“So it is. I end my turn.”


“Well it’s my turn then. I draw-” Peter Parker was interrupted by a copy of The Daily Bugle being tossed on the desk knocking over both his and Joey’s decks. Standing there was the same musclebound Flash Thompson with a scowl on his face.


“Why do you do it Parker? You feel too puny so you gotta put Spider-Man down?” Flash pointed to the headline, “Masked Web-Head Terrorizes City. He grabbed Peter by the sweater-vest, “I’ve got half a mind to belt you right no-” 


It was now Flash’s turn to be interrupted as Joey forcibly pulled him off of Peter. “Hey watch is buddy-”


“You watch it Brooklyn. Some card game doesn’t make you a match for me. I start for varsity-”


“And I don’t like you messing with one of my pals.” The two stood facing each other fists clenched, waiting for the least excuse to come to blows. As Peter tried to stand up the bell rang and Mrs. Winterhaller entered.


“Eugene, Joseph, Peter take your seats and put those blasted cards away!” The English teacher had grown frustrated with the increased popularity of duel monsters since these exchange students had arrived for a semester abroad. 


“After school by the bleachers Wheeler. If you’re man enough to face me instead of hiding behind cards and English teachers.”


“Anytime Eugene” Joey retorted, pulling his eyelid down with his left pinky finger as he did so. 


“Guys there’s really no need to-”

“Boys I will not ask again!” The three took their seats, Peter dreading the fight that seemed destined to break out by Joey misguidedly defending his honor. 


Joey smirked, Flash had brought his posse to watch. He had only grabbed Tristan, Yugi, Tea, Bakura, and Peter seemed adverse to the fighting, but he and Tristan had gotten into plenty of trouble. Part of the reason he found Flash so irritating is because of how long they had treated Yugi poorly. 


“It’s a shame you brought your girlfriend to watch you get beat so badly Eugene.” Joey taunted Flash with his real name, “You bring Osborn to bail you out?”


“You bring Taylor to bail you out?” The two were already verbally sparring as Tristan and Harry both claimed to be here in case the other was fighting dirty. Before either Harry or Tristan could try and defuse the situation, the first punches had flown and the fight was on.




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2 hours ago, Macklemore said:

It's gotta be Flash, still. Joey was fine and all but Flash was renowned around the whole school to be a "beat you up if you looked at him wrong" type of kid.

Flash definitely is a bully and can beat people up, but Joey is no stranger to physical violence either.


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Good set-up, Twogunkid. I watched very little of YuGiOh! back in the day, but you seem to integrate its characters alongside some of Spider-Man's pretty well. It also looks like an interesting battle of high school jocks. 

As for the match, after looking up Joey, he's apparently athletic and a skilled fighter, just like Flash. Joey was also in a gang, so it's possible that he may have a tougher edge to him. He also seems to take a lot of punishment in his duels. Just doesn't feel like I know enough about Joey, though, to determine how well he'd hold his own fighting Flash outside of a card duel. 

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