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Flash Gordon vs. Galtar
Flash Gordon: 5
Galtar: 2

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Match 20847 Flash Gordon vs. Galtar

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Megastory 26.4


Previously: The Defenders of the Earth were recruited by the Evil Queen (they don’t know that she’s evil) to fetch Thirteen Treasures of Rule. She lies that Prince Ren of Octopon is after them for nefarious reasons. She also tells them that Ren has the compass that can direct a seeker to all of the treasures. They track down the RLS Legacy not knowing that Bloth’s pirates have taken the ship and sold it to the Kingpin of Crime. Wilson Fisk sent his nautical man John Silver to inspect the vessel when the Defenders of the Earth came to it and Flash Gordon ended up in battle with John Silver.



As the greatest air breathing warrior of Atlantis, Galtar was given the golden lance- a mystical weapon that almost guaranteed victory to its wielder. The mystics had declared a great danger was coming upon the Earth. Galtar volunteered to go out and face it.

Little did he know that this evil was ready for him. Ursula- the sea witch- captured him and poisoned his body with dark water. This process placed his will under the Dark Dweller. Since Ursual served the Dark Dweller, Galtar was placed in her service as a surface dwelling agent.

A one time granting of mystic power allowed Ursula to devastate Octopon. Galtar was sent to confiscate the Treasure of Rule which King Primus kept to protect his kingdom. Primus had already sent his son, Ren away with the treasure, anticipating the danger. Galtar’s mission was fruitless.

Still, he learned of the compass which was also in Ren’s possession so he took up the task of pursuing the prince of Octopon.

He was known to be in alliance with the crew of the RLS Legacy. Locating that ship was simple enough with the magics he had access to.

However, others seems interested in the Legacy too.

When he caught up to the vessel, people not associated with the flying ship were all around and aboard it. He needed to go in and see what was going on.


* * * * * *


Defeating John Silver was tricky. This cyborg guy wasn’t the John Silver he had fought beside against the Harvester aliens. But now, just like then, he wasn’t that good a fighter.

Once Silver went down. Things got really crazy. Someone else was attacking. Gordon was thinking the police but they usually announced themselves.

He came upon a strongly built young man, questioning one of the pirates. There were three others that were already down.

“Where is Prince Ren?”

“He ran away in another boat. We were going to get him later.”

“You won’t be getting him. I will.” Galtar then stabbed him.
“Who are you!” Gordon exclaimed.

Galtar whirled on him bringing his golden lance up in a defensive position.

“Unless you’re going to tell me where Prince Ren is, you should back off.”

A little irked, Flash Gordon stood where he was. Even from this distance he got a look at the other man’s eyes and disliked the blacked over feature.

“Funny,” he snorted. “I’m looking for Prince Ren too. Although I think it might be better if I find him first.”

“The only thing you’ll find is the end of my lance!” said Galtar just before rushing at him.


Fight Parameters:


Galtar vs. Flash Gordon


who wins?



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Pretty good Megastory chapter, leroy, if a little short. Looks like a battle between blonde '80's heroes. Funny that I never watched either of these shows back in the day, though. 

As for the match, since Galtar trained to be a warrior since he was a boy, it feels like he has the edge in combat skill. Since Flash has also already been stabbed per the set-up, it looks like Galtar may win this one.  

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Boratz
3.70 - DSkillz
4.00 - ThePhenomenalOne

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
16.70 Total Combined Score
16.70 / 4 = 4.17 Final Rating on the match

Flash Gordon: 5
Galtar: 2

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