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Robocop vs. Durge
Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

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Match 20849 Robocop vs. Durge


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Chapter 35: Ghosts in the Machine 
The red and green lightsabers clashed while the ground started to crack by the sheer power of the Force. Lightning was unleashed from the left hand of the former apprentice of Darth Vader while the former Jedi Grand Master was able to deflect the attacks with ease. While it has been years since the Jedi had seen combat, his years of being one with the Force kept his abilities in intact. With the perfect opportunity, Yoda lunged forward and sliced through an opening on his enemy. Starkiller cried out in pain and dropped to his knees. He started panting while the hatred fueled his soul. His yellowish eyes caught a glimpse of his small green opponent standing still with his back turned. The Jedi Master extinguished his fiery green blade and turned his head back to look upon his enemy. Galen groaned while trying to get to his feet, but he stumbled back down to his knees. He glanced back up at the Jedi Master and could see the compassion in his deep dark eyes.
“What are you waiting for?” Starkiller spit out while throwing his lightsaber hilt down on the ground. “Kill me.” He begged while shaking his head.
“Nothing will you have or gain by the ability to take the life of another.”  Yoda said calmly while looking down upon his enemy. “But everything you could gain by the compassion and mercy you share with another.”
“I don’t understand. I’ve…” Starkiller choked while reflecting on his teaching from Darth Vader. “I’ve lost everything. I tried to do what was right and I still lost everything. This universe… It’s too far gone… I’m too far gone…”
“Hard it is when taking the path of what is right. Too far gone, one is never.” Yoda said while sitting down beside the former apprentice of Darth Vader.
“What they have planned…” Starkiller said with tears forming in his eyes. “It will take more than you.”
“United we can become.” Yoda said with a warm smile.
“I have to make sure they don’t get their hands on those fragments!” Starkiller cried out while rising to his feet.
The former apprentice of Darth Vader unleashed a power blast of Force Lightning upon the case that carried the fragments of the Infinity Stones. He screamed as a surge of pain rushed throughout his body. The yellow in his eyes had started to fade as he could hear the voice of Juno calling out to him. Galen glanced over and saw Yoda trying to stop him from sacrificing himself. The powerful warrior was able to push the former Grand Master back long enough for him to unleash all the strength that he could muster onto the case. The small Jedi shielded his eyes as a blinding light flashed throughout the Upside Down. Once the light faded, Yoda opened his eyes and looked around in all directions. He then saw an image of Galen becoming one with the Force. A satisfied smile formed across the wrinkled cheeks of the former Grand Master as he nodded at the spirit of Galen Marek. For the first time in a long time, Galen smiled as his spirit departed from the Upside Down.
The former Jedi Grand Master sighed while dropping his head. Unsure of what the Force was calling him to do now, the small green Jedi closed his eyes in meditation. His dark eyes slowly opened once he sensed something deep beneath the surface of this strange world. A smile formed across his wrinkled cheeks as he closed his eyes and lifted his hand. Through the Force, the former Jedi Grand Master lifted boulders high up into the air. Pieces of the world were ripped from the ground as dust rained down from the boulders that were floating high in the air. The powerful Jedi soon threw away the boulders and planet’s shard. He gazed down into the large clearing that he had created. Deep down in the pit, he saw a muscular figure entangled in the same black vines that covered the surface of the Upside Down. Yoda moved the vines away from the figure and looked down upon the man. The man opened his eyes and looked up at the small green creature standing over the opening.
"Who the hell are you, bub?"
Delta City, Michigan
Omni Consumer Products Headquarters
Looking over the diagnostics and schematics, a young OCP employee was keeping an eye on an old project. Growing up, she heard the stories of this project while it was in action, but it had since been decommissioned. Rather than destroy this project, OCP decided to maintain it in one of their laboratories in the event that the project could prove useful again in the future. Despite the decision to maintain this project, many at OCP had scoffed at the idea of overseeing and maintaining the former project. In fact, many had seen it as nothing more than a relic during a less civilized time. However, this young employee took pride in her work. Since she was assigned to oversee the maintenance of this old project, she strived to keep the cyborg up to date with all the current technological advancements. She remembered hearing stories as a child about the exploits of this former project and even heard personal testimonies about being rescued by the project known as RoboCop. 
Even though she took pride in her work and strived to do her best by maintaining the decorated officer, she found herself mocked by her fellow OCP employees. Often, they would ridicule her as being in a dead-end position that was leading nowhere. The relic known as RoboCop was an obsolete design that was no longer useful in today's world. She maintained her composure every day in defending her position and the cyborg that she viewed as a hero. 
"Why waste your time with this? This was around when the Old Man was alive and well. Your career is heading nowhere."
She heard these sentiments almost day in and day out. Even with all the negative comments, she kept her head held high. The young employee enjoyed her time with the former decorated officer. In the back of her mind, she felt that one day RoboCop may be needed once again to save the city from the corruption and evil that lurked all over the world. Little did she know that day was coming soon that RoboCop would be reactivated to face an unforeseen threat.
Standing outside the OCP Headquarters,
Durge watched over the building and studied the different mechanisms of the facility. He looked over the people coming and going. The bounty hunter even analyzed the security that was built into the facility. While planning his assault on the OCP Headquarters, the Gen'Dai bounty hunter saw an alert on his wrist gauntlet. The dangerous warrior pressed a button on his gauntlet and looked over a hologram image of Grand Admiral Thrawn. 
"Have you retrieved the devise?" The Grand Admiral asked.
"Soon." Durge replied before looking over the Headquarters once again.
"I should remind you that this device will be important in the days to come." Thrawn with a small grin.
"I will get it done." Durge hissed before ending the transmission.
Durge looked over the entrance of the OCP Headquarters once again. After formulating a plan of attack, he prepared his weapons for the assualt. The dangerous bounty hunter made his way toward the facility. He took out several thermal grenades and threw them in different areas of the entrance of the OCP. In a matter of seconds, everything went to chaos. Explosions shook the world around while civilians ran in all directions. Durge took out a blaster and shot down several security guards that ran out to see what was taking place. With a couple other well-placed grenades, the bounty hunter destroyed multiple cyborgs that were activated to face off against the unknown threat. The heavily armed Gen'Dai bounty hunter made his way through the facility. He shot down countless employees and guards along the way in a bloody rampage through the Headquarters. Multiple security units rushed toward the direction of the attacker, only to be shot down with ease. 
As he walked through the facility, Durge followed the locator beacon on his tracking fob toward the center of the facility. While the facility went on a lockdown, Durge watched with annoyance as several large metal doors shut all around. The dangerous bounty hunter saw this as a hinderance that created an inconvenience for his mission. Despite OCP's best efforts to stop the Gen'Dai bounty hunter, they came up short when Durge was able to break through the metal doors. The dangerous hunter soon made his way into one of the laboratories. Looking over the different equipment being tested, and machines being created by the OCP scientists, the bounty hunter continued on his path. He followed the beacon toward the end of the laboratory where he came face to face with one of OCP chief scientists. It was an older man that had a line of sweat dripping down his face. Before the man could plead for his life, Durge shot him down with one of his blasters. The bounty hunter soon made his way toward a secure door and looked over it before hearing another presence enter the room. 
With sirens and alarms blaring throughout the Headquarters, the young OCP employee ran into the laboratory that held the RoboCop project. Tears started rolling down her face as she could hear the screams from outside the laboratory. The young woman's eyes soon shifted toward the table that held RoboCop. Even though her eyes started to swell from the tears, she wiped her face with the back of her hand. She pushed herself up to her feet and ran toward the computer. Typing as fast as her fingers would allow, the young woman was able to reboot and activate the former cyborg officer. While RoboCop was being activated, the young employee opened an area on the wall that contained a large assortment of weapons that the officer had used during his time of duty.  The young employee soon heard a noise that filled her with relief. She turned back and saw the cyborg started to move. 
RoboCop ripped away the cords and wires that were connected to him. He looked around the room and scanned his surroundings while stepping away from the table that had retrained him. A whimpering sound soon caught the attention of the decorated officer, and the cyborg soon turned his attention toward the source of the crying. Murphy looked over the crying woman. While his face and eyes were emotionless, the young woman felt a sense of comfort in his presence. Murphy reached out his hand for the young woman to grab and he helped her up to her feet.
“What seems to be the problem, ma’am?” RoboCop asked while gently patting her shoulder.
“They’re… They’re dead. My coworkers… They’re all dead.” She sobbed while trying to wipe away the tears.
“Who has done this?” RoboCop asked while taking a step back.
“I don’t know. He was not human!” She cried.
“Where is my equipment?” RoboCop asked.
The young employee pointed over at the opening in the wall. Alex Murphy sauntered over toward his gear and started equipping himself with all his weapons. The alarms and sirens continued to roar throughout the OCP Headquarters while RoboCop finished arming himself for battle. He looked down at the young woman and nodded.
"Stay here and stay hidden. I will be back shortly." RoboCop said before sauntering toward the door.
Once he stepped out in the hallway, the former officer drew his Cobra assault cannon. From his memory banks, the former officer reflected on his battle with Clearance Boddicker and his gang. After a moment of analyzing his memory drives, the cyborg moved forward through the Headquarters. There was heavy black smoke that filled the hallways and sparks of flames of along the floors. RoboCop walked past several bodies of fallen OCP employees before hearing a commotion from one of the laboratories. The cyborg officer walked through the thick smoke and into the laboratory where he found the assailant standing next to a secured door.
"Stop now!" RoboCop ordered in his robotic voice.
Durge glanced back and shook his head. "I don't have time for this." He growled while turning to face the cyborg.
"Dead or alive, you're coming with me!" RoboCop declared.
"I think I'll take my chances." Durge replied before drawing his blasters. 
Durge has broken into the OCP Headquarters to steal a device. RoboCop has been reactivated to stop the intruder. Can RoboCop defeat the bounty hunter, or will he fall at the hands of Durge?
RoboCop is armed with his Auto-9 pistol, a Cobra assault cannon, machine gun, data spike, grenade and smoke bomb. 
Durge is armed with two blasters pistols, a blaster rifle, a vibroblade and one thermal grenade. 

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Very good set-up as usual, Boratz. I'm not that familiar with Star Wars stuff, but it feels like I'm right there with them. RoboCop is also right in-character. 

As for the match, after looking up Durge, it feels like he's just about in another league from Murphy. I think he goes through RoboCop and continues his search for the device. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.80 - DSkillz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
4.80 - ThePhenomenalOne

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.60 Total Combined Score
14.60 / 3 = 4.87 Final Rating on the match

Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

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