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Galtar: 2

Rumble 20846 Lenore vs. Komodo
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Venom (Flash Thompson) vs. Joey Wheeler
Venom (Flash Thompson): 3
Joey Wheeler: 2

Rumble 20850 Venom and Jill Valentine and Cammy White vs. Storm and Anakaris and Dhalsim


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In honor of the Marvel vs. Capcom 2 rerelease, an official tournament involving all the characters in the game separated into three person teams (just like in the game) that make sense to me.

NOTE: To get the number of teams to an even 16 I eliminated the overpowered characters like Thanos, Shuma-Gorath, and Blackheart and the lowest level characters like Dan, Servbot, and Roll. Also, no Son Son because she isn't in the database yet and was an extra person.

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Read more about Venom at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia: Venom Spiderfan.org: Venom Marvel.com: Venom

Cammy White
Read more about Cammy White at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Wikipedia The Fighters Generation IMDb

Jill Valentine
Read more about Jill Valentine at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Wikipedia www.ugo.com Jill Valentine's Page

Read more about Storm at Wikipedia
Official Site: Marvel Comics Links: Wikipedia: Storm Uncannyxmen.net: Storm Marvel.com: Storm

Read more about Anakaris at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Anakaris' Wiki Astral vision Darkstaklker plot guide

Read more about Dhalsim at Wikipedia
Official Site: Capcom Links: Wikipedia Street Fighter Wikia Fighters Generation

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Storm through use of Thunder can do direct pain to the Venom symbiote and I don't think anyone else is a challenge for her. Storm also is no slouch in hand to hand combat seeing her fights with Callisto.

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Storm vs. Venom: Lightning makes very loud sounds, and when you're aiming lightning at the symbiote it's bound to be put out of commission the more you barrage it with sounds. There's always a chance for Venom to win if he immediately goes for the kill after Storm, but it's not Eddie's MO so it's a moot point to consider.

Cammy White vs. Anakaris: Anakaris should have this, and I vaguely consider Anakaris to actually be the strongest member of team 2. He has Jedi Levels of Telekinesis that Cammy White has no answer to.

Jill Valentine vs. Dhalsim: It's a fair point to make that if Jill could fight back against Wesker's programming, she could possibly fight back against the illusionary fires that Dhalsim would throw at her. Don't think she stands a chance against Dhalsim in a real fight still, but at least she has that going for her.

Mix and match all these fights and the end result ends up being the same nonetheless. I think Team 2 is vastly stronger.

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