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Match 20854 Arclight vs. Avalanche


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Teams and Set-up




Inside the twisted Battle Dome decorated and furnished by Arcade,. Amelia Voght and Shinobi Shaw, fought in an intense, yet uneventful duel. The two danced around each other for what felt like an eternity. With every advance from Shinobi, Voght blurred between places, vanishing and reappearing in puffs of mist always out of reach from his assault. She switched to offense to attack Shaw, but he used his mutant ability to phase to nullify her physical attacks. Shaw switched up his strategy and pulled out a gun to shoot Amelia which she immediately dissolved into mist.

SHINOBI SHAW: You're only delaying the inevitable, foolish woman. Sooner or later, you'll slip, and when you do...

AMELIA VOGHT: Don't flatter yourself, Shinobi. You're as likely to catch me as you are a compliment from your father.

Both mutants smirked, and their endless game of cat and mouse continued. Suddenly, the oversized LED screens around the arena flickered, and the grotesque visage of Mojo appeared. His eyes bulged with annoyance.

MOJO: This is terrible! No one's even landing a punch! Do you see these ratings? THEY'RE DROPPING! People are switching the channels from boredom!

The screen showed a graph with a red arrow trending downward.

MOJO: Arcade! Fix this! NOW!

Suddenly an explosion of electricity emerged from the floor  Both Shinobi and Amelia were momentarily stunned. A metallic arm containing mutant power nullifying collars rose up from a trap door and collared both mutants. They were then electrocuted again before being dragged away by Mojo’s minions. Mojo’s face then appeared on the LED screen of every waiting room.

MOJO: Listen up, you ingrates! I don't want to see any more of these snoozefest fights! You fail to entertain the crowd, you get the hook. Simple as that! Now GET IT TOGETHER!"

Arcade’s face then appeared on the screen.

ARCADE: You were warned.

Finally, the Gamemaster appeared on the screen in a three way split screen with Mojo and Arcade.

GAMEMASTER: I don’t think we will have anything to worry about from this point forward.

In Toad's Brotherhood waiting room, consisting of Pyro, Avalanche, Masque, Phantazia, and Toad himself, the group exchanged glances.

MASQUE: Well, if that's the standard, I'll have to make sure and finish my fight quickly. That’s not usually my strategy but I’m not about to end up like Shinobi or Amelia.

Pyro slapped a hand on Masque’s shoulder.

PYRO:  Don’t worry, mate. Just go in hard, burn fast, and be aggressive. You’ll be fine!

Despite the ending of the previous match, Toad  could not help but be excited for the fights to come. He was so thankful that his former team had elected to follow him once again and try to win this tournament. Toad clapped his hands together with joy and grinned.

TOAD: No matter what this is brilliant! It is brilliant that we are all together once again under my steady leadership. I knew it, I just knew you all would come around! The Brotherhood, back together! We’re gonna show all these other groups why we’re the best! Not only the best version of the Brotherhood but the best team ever assembled! No one’s gonna mock us after this!

PHANTAZIA: It's our time now. These other teams are about to find outwho they’re dealing with.

TOAD: Exactly! They’ll never laugh at us again.

The LED screen flashed once more, and the names  of Toad’s Brotherhood and their next opponents appeared. The Marauders..

In the Marauders' waiting room, the team watched with minimal reaction as Shinobi and Amelia were dragged away and their mood did not change much during Mojo’s threats. Finally after the three men running the tournament disappeared from the screen, Scalphunter laughed and tapped his gun against his leg.

SCALPHUNTER: Did you see that mess with Shinobi and Amelia? Pathetic. You won’t catch me playing keep away. I’m going to hit hard and fast and add another scalp to the collection.

He turned to his other teammates Lady Mastermind, Chimera, Arclight, and their leader Mr. Sinister. The long living geneticist was barely paying attention as he leaned against the wall and stroked his chin.

MR. SINISTER: I wonder if the Gamemaster would allow me to collect them as test subjects. They  could still be useful in my experiments.

ARCLIGHT: I don’t see why not. It would be more useful than just killing them like the other losers in this thing.  Plus, if we win I’m sure the Gamemaster will let you keep all those other mutants as your guinea pigs.

SCALPHUNTER: When we win.

ARCLIGHT: That’s what I meant.

Chimera crossed her arms.

CHIMERA: If or when we win there is no guarantee all of us will all be around to see it. The only winner who’s been soft so far is Siryn. She’s the only one who didn’t kill her opponent. Dragoness still breathes.

Sinister looked at her and lifted an eyebrow.

MR. SINISTER: Would you be as merciful if you were to face certain opponents?

CHIMERA: What are you asking, Sinister? Ask it straight.

MR. SINISTER: I am just curious how you will fight if you are selected to face one of your old comrades from the Sisterhood of Mutants.

CHIMERA: We had a deal, Sinister. I live to loot and plunder it doesn’t matter who the victim is.

MR. SINISTER: Spoken like a true pirate and a true Marauder.

CHIMERA: Do you intend to interrogate Regan as well? She was also in the Sisterhood.

LADY MASTERMIND: Spare me your doubts. My loyalty is to the Marauders. I will not hesitate to destroy any of our enemies.

The LED screen inside their waiting room flickered again. This time, it showed the upcoming match: Arclight versus Avalanche. Arclight's eyes lit up with excitement. She cracked her knuckles.

ARCLIGHT:  Finally! I always wanted to see how my shockwaves would measure up to that dirt-pusher's seismokinesis. This will be fun.

In Toad’s Brotherhood’s waiting room, Avalanche stood up and rolled his shoulders. Pyro grinned at him.

PYRO: This is it, mate. You’ve got this in the bag.

Avalanche adjusted his gloves.

AVALANCHE: Damn right, I do.

The corresponding steel doors in both waiting rooms opened upward , and Avalanche and Arclight stepped into the dimly lit corridor leading to Arcade’s Battle Dome.



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On 9/14/2024 at 9:40 PM, leroypowell3 said:

I think Avalanche can block Arclights attacks and then hit her back pretty hard. He seems to be the wrong kind of opponent for her.

Interesting, I would think their powers would contrast nicely.

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21 hours ago, JohnnyChany said:

Interesting, I would think their powers would contrast nicely.

Well Avalanche  seems to have more control of his shockwave effects. I've seen him do stuff similar to earthbending whereas Arclight just pushes waves through the ground. Maybe she can do more but I haven't seen her but once or twice.

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