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Match 20855 Jessica Priest vs. Facehugger


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Jessica Priest


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 Chapter 36: Escaping Disaster
There was not much Jessica Priest could do against her opponent. It seemed as if every attack that she tried to land on the Black Widow, her enemy was able to counter it with ease. In a last-ditch effort to find a victory, the deranged assassin set off the explosives that she planted throughout the station shortly after her arrival. After hearing the deafening sounds of the explosions and feeling the floor shake beneath them, Natasha was able to break one of the wrists of the assassin and dislocated one of her shoulders. The deranged assassin screamed out in pain before the Black Widow knocked Jessica unconscious. The main lights throughout the station had gone out and only the dim emergency lights remained on. Despite the flashing security lights and the alarms ringing throughout, the Black Widow was able to keep her composure. She slid across the floor and knelt alongside the astromech droid. Looking directly at the droid, she put both of her hands on the droid. With a calm voice, the Avenger was able to talk directly to the droid.
“We are going to get off this rig.” She said calmly before the droid responded with a series of beeps. “I am going to take that as an okay.” Black Widow responded with her thick Russian accent. The droid followed close behind the S.H.I.E.L.D. operative while sparks started shooting out of the different exposed wires. As the pair raced through the crumbling space station, Natasha knew that time was of the essence. They had to get to her ship before the station’s oxygen and gravitation systems were compromised. She caught a glimpse of Stark’s different security protocols at work while his different machines tried their best to extinguish the different flames throughout the facility. Even with the efforts of the different security robots, Priest had set up enough explosives to cause a system wide catastrophe. The station was going to crash on the nearest planet and that would mean the end for the S.H.I.E.L.D. operative.
After reaching the port where the shuttle brought her, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent felt a sense of relief. That moment of relief was cut short once she saw that the craft that transported her there was also destroyed by one of Jessica Priest’s explosives. Black Widow cursed under her breath before wiping the palm of her hand against her face. The Avenger leaned back against a wall and slumped down to her bottom. The astromech droid rolled up next to her and let out another series of beeps. Natasha smiled at first while putting out her hand to pat the top of the droid. “I’m sorry little guy but I don’t know where else to go.” She said with a half-hearted smile. While losing hope in escaping with her craft, she heard a loud bang at the end of the hall. The Black Widow jumped to her feet and drew one of her pistols. Her eyes widened as she stared at the direction of the sound. She soon found herself overcome with relief.
“You are in need of assistance, yes?” Death’s Head said before walking toward the Avenger.
“Yes.” Black Widow replied while holstering her pistol. “I hope you know a way off this thing.”
“Come with me if you want to live, yes?” Death’s Head replied before turning to the end of the hallway. “We can use my ship.”
“That sounds lovely.” Black Widow smiled.
Natasha and the astromech droid followed Death’s Head toward another one of the station’s ports. The Avenger smiled as she and the droid loaded up into the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent’s ship. While the ship roared to life, the Black Widow leaned back and strapped herself into her seat. After everything that occurred within the space station, the Avenger hoped to be back on Earth soon. As Death’s Head’s ship was preparing to depart from the destruction of the space station, they felt a violent shake. A piece of debris had fallen against the ship of the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent. Black Widow grabbed onto her seat and shot an intense look at the android warrior. Death’s Head did not seem affected by what was happening around him. He kept his hands on the controls and steered his way toward the port’s exit. Sparks and flames started to surround the escaping ship. Despite the turbulence, Death’s Head was able to successfully steer his way out of the destruction and into the void of outer space. Natasha breathed a sigh of relief while leaning her head back against her seat. After a short moment of relaxation, the moment was interrupted by the android warrior.
“Do you know where we are heading, yes?” Death’s Head asked as he turned his head toward the Avenger.
“Yes, we are going to Earth.” Black Widow replied before giving the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent a copy of the coordinates on Earth for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.
The deranged assassin moaned as she rolled to her side. Her dark brown eyes slowly opened and started to adjust to the dimly lit area. There was a sharp pain in her hand and arm that her opponent had injured before being knocked unconscious. Jessica Priest popped her shoulder back into place, but her wrist was completely fractured. "What a bitch?" She muttered under her breath while reaching into one of her pouches for a strap. Priest ripped off a piece of metal bar and was able to strap her wrist into a splint. Looking around in all directions, she realized that it would not be long before the space station would face complete destruction. Despite the pain in her arm, the assassin giggled after realizing that she brought this much destruction to a space station that was created as a joint project by both Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne. She spit out a wad of blood before stumbling to her feet.
While walking through the corridors, the space station started to violently shake which caused Priest to slam her body against one of the walls. She grunted while pushing herself away from the wall. The mercenary soon found a large amount of fire and debris blocking one end of the hallway. “Damn.” She hissed while walking into one of the research rooms. With her good hand, she wiped away the blood from her mouth while walking over toward a series of large shattered vials. She took a moment to look over the research that was being done within this room. The station continued to violently shake, and Priest fell forward against the counter that held these large glass vials. Jessica looked over the counter and saw that there were about twelve large glass containment units that were all shattered. The shards of glass were spread out over the floor beneath her. The mercenary took a moment to catch her breath before taking out her phone. She looked over the schematics of the station and found a route back to her ship.

Before leaving the room, the assassin looked over a cracked computer screen that was in front of the different broken vials. She could barely make out anything on the screen due to the damage that was sustained, but she was able to make out a name for a Chief Research Officer in that area of the station. The name was spelled Yutani. Jessica pressed her fingers across the screen and scrolled down to another name that she did not recognize off hand. It read, "manumala noxhydria." She rolled her eyes and shook her head before stepping back. "I don't have time for this." The mercenary looked around the room to see if there was anything she could use to help her in her escape. While moving toward the exit, Jessica reached into one of her other pouches. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and immediately started cursing under her breath. The mercenary realized that they must have been crushed in her fight against the Black Widow. "That red haired bitch!" She hissed before throwing away the crushed pack of cigarettes. 

Priest stepped into one of the other hallways that connected to this research area. As lights flickered and alarms roared, she could hear something in the midst of the chaos. It sounded like something rummaging through the debris that was scattered across the floor. Jessica squinted her eyes to see if she could make out what was scurrying around the debris. Her dark eyes widened as they caught sight of a small creature with several legs. There was a moment of calm and stillness before the small creature jumped toward the assassin. With a quick reflex, Jessica drew her pistol and shot the small creature before it hit the wall. The creature's body dropped to the floor and its blood started dripping down the wall. Jessica's looked over the creature and then heard what sounded like steam coming off the wall. She looked over the blood and saw that it was eating away at the wall and floor. Priest released that this small beast must have had acidic blood. "What the hell is this thing?" She mumbled under her breath before standing up. Over the alarms, she could hear what sounded like more scurrying and thumping within the darkness of the ship. 

The sadistic mercenary realized in that moment that she not only had a matter of moments to escape the destruction of this space station, but she had to survive against these small creatures as well. She leaned back against a wall and holstered her pistol. Jessica took out what ammunition that she had left. Rolling her eyes, the mercenary scoffed once she realized that she only had one clip left. She still had her knife and baton; but with the acidic blood of these small creatures, she knew that those items would do more harm than good. Jessica looked down at her phone once against and studied the layout of the space station once again. She then reached down and took out her pistol. Despite her other hand still throbbing with pain, the deranged assassin gripped her phone as tight as she could. With what little time the station had left before its destruction, Jessica knew she had to escape quickly. She could hear the small creatures crawling throughout the air vents and shadows. 


Shortly after being beaten by Black Widow in a fight, Jessica Priest is trying to escape from a space station that is about to be destroyed. In the chaos, several facehuggers were set loss. Can Jessica survive and make it back to her shuttle or will become a victim to either the facehuggers or the station's destruction?

Jessica Priest - is armed with one pistol, knife and baton. She has fifteen minutes before the space station is destroyed. 

Facehuggers - there are 11 facehuggers left. 

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Another very good chapter to this arc, Boratz. You get a great sense of suspense as everyone tries to escape the space station. 

As for the match, Priest is gonna have a tough time at this after taking a beating from and getting her wrist broken by Natasha. Not to mention the limited ammo and arsenal that she has. The Facehuggers are some sneaky creatures, too, and they either have to be evaded or taken out with care. If a less combat-trained Ripley can survive them and the more mature versions of Xenos on a couple of occasions, though, a more trained and experienced Priest just may have a chance, even with her injuries. 

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