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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
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Damien Thorn: 1

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Match 20861 Sheena, Queen of the Jungle vs. Necalli


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Sheena, Queen of the Jungle


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Megastory 17



The Thirteen Treasures of Rule were artifacts even for ancient Atlanteans. They had used their power to thrive their civilization. Octopon was one of the colonies that the Ancients had established even before ascending to the next level of existence. When Atlantis fell it wasn’t simply a continent that sank beneath the waves. Wars on many fronts quickly turned to loses. A universe spanning civilization became a memory in less than 100 years. Most Ancients ascended. Some retreated to distant galaxies or even pocket dimensions.

Those that remained on home Earth, blended into the trailing human population. A few maintained an Ancient colony from before the fall. It had been overrun by other humans but the Ancients mere presence uped their culture beyond all of their neighbors. This island nation which took on the name Octopon housed the Thirteen Treasures of Rule.

Knowing how powerful they were, and seeing how that power corrupted those who had it, The leaders of Octopon decided to dispurse the treasures around the world. Should their power be needed, they could always be regathered.

The first treasure to be removed from Octopon was donated to a people who would eventually become the Aztecs. The treasure was forgotten long before Aztec was a thing but it never left the area. The memories of mages and history tellers turned into legends and fairy tales. But if one could track the legend back far enough. They would find that it was true.




The hunt was good so far. Nobody knew that they were hunting for the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. This particular one had been move so much throughout history that others were probably looking in an old location for it.

The search party was not what he wanted but their guild would smell soldiers for hire a mile away.

This jungle girl, understood what they wanted even if she didn’t ‘understand’ and she was willing to guild them to their destination.

The legend was that this particular treasure of rule was the first to be removed from Octopon. By the time the Aztecs became the Aztecs, the treasure that had been given to them was forgotten.

Only tribal peopled even talked about it.

The jungle girl guild was named Sheena. A blonde white woman among Mexican tribal peoples was odd but the team rolled with it. She kept them safe and got them where they wanted to go in less than a day.

There was no temple or shrine or any indication that something powerfully important was here. Just overgrown plant-life.

One of the tourists started the true search.

Sheena eyed him, even as she looked out for dangerous animals.

She knew what was here and was beginning to wonder if her party was here specifically for that.

Among her people it was called the light stone. No one touched it. Most never even really came around it.

In his hand was a glowing stone. A few others rushed over to him excited to see. Sheena stayed back, nervous about what would happen.

Suddenly the stone glowed brighter, and the man holding it began to scream in pain. Something was changing him. Something was growing out of him. When things settled down a new person was standing in his place.

Still waiting to see what this was all about, Sheena’s eyes widened as the new man began to attack the others. He killed them quickly and then went to the nearest fallen one and crouched over him.

She didn’t understand, but the violence was enough. Sheena leaped down intending to tackle him. But the shirtless man dodged her tackle.

Rolling out of it, Sheena faced the enraged man. Ready to send him back to the hell that he came from.

Fight Parameters:


Battle to the death.

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