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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
Grunkle Stan: 2
Damien Thorn: 1

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Jessica Priest: 2
Facehugger: 6

Arclight vs. Avalanche
Arclight: 0
Avalanche: 3

Robocop vs. Durge
Robocop: 1
Durge: 4

Lord Zedd vs. Ransik
Lord Zedd: 6
Ransik: 0

Match 20862 Team Fortress 2 vs. Master Chief


You Be The Judge
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Team Fortress 2

Master Chief

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Note: Continuing the storyline from the contest. 



Mark looked on in shock as Sakura and Ayane exchanged blows, their movements a blur of precision and power. The clash of their fight echoed through the room, the neon lights casting dramatic shadows on their fierce expressions.

Sparky the Eevee barked excitedly, its tail wagging as it watched the fight unfold. Mark, caught between wanting to help and knowing he was outmatched, stayed rooted to his seat, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the fight progressed it became clear that Ayane was the more ruthless fighter, while Sakura landed blows, Ayane returned them twice as hard. Sakura landed a high kick on the ninja girl’s face, Ayane’s head snapped back and she fell to the floor. Sakura moved in to finish her foe just as Ayane swept the schoolgirl’s legs from under her sending her crashing to the ground. 

With a snarl Ayane pinned Sakura’s shoulders with her knees as she began to rain down punches.

Just then a commanding voice cut through the tension. "Enough!"

Both fighters froze, their heads turning towards the source of the voice. A tall, imposing figure stepped forward from the shadows at the back of the bar. Ryu Hayabusa, Ayane's mentor.

"Ayane, you dishonor yourself with this fight," Ryu said sternly, his gaze hard. "Stand down."

Ayane hesitated, then lowered her fists, breathing heavily. Standing she shot one last glare at Sakura before stepping back. "This isn't over," she muttered, her eyes burning with unresolved anger.

“It better be over.” Ryu grunted. 

Mark rushed to Sakura’s side and helped her up as Ryu faced them and offered a bow. “I apologize for my brash apprentice.” 

“Urgh, it’s fine.” Sakura muttered rubbing her side.

With that Ayane and Ryu left the bar. 
 Mark hurriedly grabbed an ice pack from the noodle bar's counter, wrapping it in a napkin before handing it to Sakura. "Here, put this on. It'll help with the swelling."

Sakura took the ice pack with a grateful nod, pressing it against her arm. "Thanks, Mark. That was intense. I didn't expect Ayane to show up like that."

"Yeah, me neither," Mark replied, his eyes darting around the now-calmer bar. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Sakura reassured him. "Just a little shaken."

As they stepped outside, the city had taken on a darker, more ominous feel. The neon lights that once seemed lively now cast eerie shadows. Mark's gaze was drawn to a figure in an alley across the street, waving at him urgently. He’d recognize the high tech blonde angel anywhere, it was Mercy.

Mark's heart skipped a beat. "Sparky, make sure Sakura gets home safely," he instructed, his voice firm.

“Ayvai,” Sparky sia din acknowledgement, circling Sakura protectively. "Mark, wait," Sakura said, grabbing his arm. "Stay with us. We don't know what's going on."

"I have to find out," Mark insisted, gently pulling away. "I'll be fine. Sparky will keep you safe."

Reluctantly, Sakura nodded, watching as Mark jogged across the street to the alley. Mercy's expression was tense, her eyes scanning the surroundings.

"I'm glad I found you," she said hurriedly as Mark approached. "There's something important you need to know."

"What is it?" Mark asked, his curiosity piqued.

Mercy glanced over her shoulder, her unease palpable. "I don't have much time. You need to get out of here, now."

"But why?" Mark pressed. "What's going on?"

Mercy's gaze turned sharp with urgency. "Schisse. They're coming. I have to go. You should do the same! Ve, will meet again. Just go!"

Before Mark could ask anything further, Mercy turned and ran down the alley, disappearing into the shadows. A chill ran down Mark's spine, a sense of foreboding settling in as he looked around the darkened city. The once-familiar streets now seemed alien and threatening.

Mark took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. Whatever Mercy had been about to say, it was clear that danger was imminent. The streets were dark and desolate, Sakura and Sparky nowhere in sight, only a few shifty NPC types prowled the streets. 

They couldn’t have gone far though. Mark ran towards where he knew the house lay. Mark hurried home, his thoughts racing as fast as his legs. Mercy’s warning echoed in his mind, and he could feel the weight of impending danger pressing down on him. He darted through the darkened streets, the eerie glow of neon lights casting long shadows.

As he turned a corner, he skidded to a halt. A group of figures emerged from the darkness, blocking his path. The TF2 mercenaries. The entire team. Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper, Spy, and Medic—stood before him, their faces a mix of curiosity and menace as they began to encircle him.

“Vell, look what we have here,” Medic said, his eyes gleaming with a disturbing excitement behind his glasses. “Our little specimen has come to us.”

Mark’s heart pounded as he took a step back. “What do you want from me?”

“Just a little experiment,” Medic replied, stepping forward with a syringe in hand.

“Oh, hell no.” Mark muttered, he knew he wanted no part in Medic’s experiments, he didn’t want to end up as a severed head in a fridge. 

Mark had only one trick up his sleeve as the mercs closed in, a gift from Ezio he kept in his coat pocket for emergencies. A smoke bomb. 

Tossing the device down Mark ran for it dodging the swiping arms and mumbles from Pyro as he ran for the nearest wall that looked scaleable. 

Sniper raised his rifle as Medic pushed it down. “Nein. Ve need him alive.” 

Soldier fired a rocket just as Medic shoved the launcher up. “Dumpkof!” 

Scout smirked as he watched Mark put his parkour skills to the test and head for the rooftops, “I got this loser.” 

Mark leaped over obstacles, scaled walls, and ducked through narrow alleys using what he had learned from Ezio, but Scout was hot on his heels, easily keeping pace.

“Where you think you’re goin’, pal?” Scout taunted, his voice carrying over the sounds of pursuit. The other mercs were not far behind, each determined to capture their prey.

Mark pushed himself harder, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he navigated the labyrinthine streets. He could hear the heavy footsteps of Heavy and the explosive laughter of Demoman closing in. 

Mark made it to a rooftop just as Scout landed right beside him. 

“Happy landings palie.” Scout shouted as he slammed his bat into Mark’s torso and sent him falling off the thankfully low roof he landed with a thud, the air blasting from his body as he struggled to get himself off the pavement. 

The mercs were closing in again, and this time Mark had no tricks up his sleeves. But then in a blur of motion a gree clad figure landed next to Mark and stood to its full height. 

“Chief! Am I glad to see you!” Mark exclaimed. 

MasterChief stood tall, his armor glinting under the streetlights, a battle rifle in hand. “Mark, get behind me,” he ordered, his voice calm and commanding.

Mark didn’t hesitate. He darted behind MasterChief, relief flooding through him as the Spartan faced the mercenaries.

“Stay back,” Chief warned, his hand resting on his sidearm.

The mercenaries hesitated, sizing up their new opponent. “We don’t want any trouble,” Scout said, though his tone was anything but sincere. “Just hand over the kid.”

“That’s not happening,” MasterChief replied, his voice as unyielding as his stance.

Heavy stepped forward, hefting his minigun. “We take what we want.”

Before Heavy could make another move, MasterChief leveled his weapon, his stance unwavering. “You’re outnumbered,” Sniper said with a smirk.

MasterChief didn’t flinch. “Not outmatched.”  

The mercenaries balked. 

“We’re getting paid too much to back down now gentlemen.” Spy stated.

The night exploded into gunfire as MasterChief stood his ground and Mark took cover. 

Fight is on, the TF2 mercs just have their standard loadouts (and hats) Chief is armed with a BattleRifle, SMG, and Magnum. He also has two frag grenades, and two plasmas. Chief has to protect Mark and either kill or drive off the TF2 mercs.  

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