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Rumble 20856 Grunkle Stan vs. Damien Thorn (adult)
Grunkle Stan: 2
Damien Thorn: 1

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Match 20865 Rushuna Tendo vs. Jinny Hex


You Be The Judge
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Rushuna Tendo

Jinny Hex

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The travels of Rushuna Tendo, and her companion. the swordsman, Yajirou Kojima, brought them to the entrance of a quaint, little town, where the Wild West seemed to merge with an old samurai landscape of rolling dunes.

“What is this place?” Rushuna wondered.

“I don’t know, we have never traveled this far west before,” Yajirou answered.

The young blonde gunslinger from the east strolled into town with a carefree grace mixed with a tinge of enthusiasm. She adjusted the strap on her trusty revolver, the Peace Maker, in case any unforeseen trouble was lurking around the corner.

After a few brief moments of scoping out her surroundings she smiled. “Hm, this town looks so peaceful…Maybe I can find some hot springs nearby!”

Yojirou regarded her with skepticism. 

The two walked by the entrance of an old looking saloon. Nearby the saloon was a battered pickup truck underneath the shade of a towering tree. Leaning against it, arms crossed, was a modern day cowgirl with ripped jeans and a wide brimmed hat. It was the great-great granddaughter of the legendary bounty hunter, Jonah Hex. Jinny adjusted her hat and squinted as she noticed Rushuna approaching.

"Well, ain't this a sight," Jinny muttered to herself. "I’ve seen plenty of characters here that look like they stepped out of one of Granny's old stories. But none like this girl. I wonder where she blew in from?”

Rushuna approached Jinny with a smile on her face and curiosity in her eyes.

“Hey there. My name is Rushuna and this is Yajirou. Are you from this town?”

“The name’s Jinny, and nah I'm just passin’ through.”

“You could say we are passing through as well, I’m a wandering senshi,” Rushuna declared.

“Is there a reason you are  just standing out here?” asked Yajirou.

“People watching, it can tell you a lot about a place,” answered Jinny.

Rushuna’s eyes locked onto the classic six-shooter that hung low on Jinny’s hip. She wondered itJinny used it to spread violence or peace and proceeded to try and find out.

“You look like someone who has a lot of stories to tell,” she tried to say casually.

Jinny laughed dryly. “More like someone with a lot of stories to run from.” She paused and took note of  Rushuna’s revolver. “That’s some fancy piece you’ve got there. Can it shoot as good as it looks?”

Rushuna smiled. “Oh, it does much more than shoot. But what about yours? It’s not just for show, is it?”

Before Jinny could answer, a loud commotion from the saloon grabbed her attention. She walked toward the doors and Rushuna followed close behind. They entered and saw three men waving guns in the air and shouting. 

“Everybody down! This is a stickup!” yelled a scruffy man with a wild beard and mismatched boots.

The saloon patrons cowered and dove under tables.

Jinny sighed. “Looks like it’s showtime.”

Rushuna’s eyes sparked with excitement. “You are going to save these people, right?”

The scruffy man noticed the two new entrants into the saloon and aimed his gun in their direction. “Get on the ground, both of you!”

Rushuna raised her hands innocently. “Oh, we don’t want any trouble.”

Jinny, on the other hand, cracked her neck and casually placed one hand on her hip. “You boys might wanna rethink this.”

Rushuna, with lightning-fast reflexes, reached for her revolver and drew it from her holster in one fluid motion. She fired a single, precise shot and disarmed one of the robbers by knocking his gun clean out of his hand.

At that same moment, Jinny whipped out her six-shooter and fired two shots in quick succession. One bullet hit the second robber’s hat and sent it through the air, while the second knocked the gun from the scruffy man’s hand.

After the echo of the gunshots, the saloon was silent. The three robbers, now weaponless, stumbled back in shock.

“Don’t hurt us, we didn’t mean nothing by it!”

Jinny spun her revolver and holstered it. “Well, that was easy.”

“It brings me joy to see that you use your skills to bring peace as well,” stated Rushuna.

Jinny raised an eyebrow. “Peace? Is that what you think this is?”

A few cops dressed as old time sheriffs entered the saloon and arrested the robbers. The patrons slowly emerged from their hiding places and applauded their unexpected saviors.

“Thank you, ma’am!” shouted an old man from the crowd.

Rushuna waved politely while Jinny just gave a casual nod.

“Man, this place is strange,” Jinny whispered. She then turned her attention to Rushuna. “Gotta admit, that was some fine shootin’.”

Rushuna giggled and clasped her hands behind her back. “You weren’t too bad yourself.”

Jinny smirked. “Not too bad? Sweetie, there is no one around that can outshoot me.”

A competitive spirit sparked inside Rushuna and an idea formed in her mind. “Is that so? How about we find out?”

Jinny crossed her arms, “What do you have in mind?”

“A competition!” Rushuna responded eagerly. “Let’s see who’s the better sharpshooter. We’ll set up targets… hmm, maybe from different distances and different angles. We could even add some moving ones for fun!”

Jinny grinned. “You’re on, but I don’t do easy targets. How ‘bout we shoot from the back of a moving horse?”

Rushuna’s face lit up. “Oh, that sounds fun! But I’ve got an idea. What if we ride a water buffalo instead?”

Jinny blinked. “A water buffalo? Where are we even gonna find one of those? Did you come across any on the way here?”

Rushuna giggled. “Well…no. I might have been getting carried away, I’m just so excited to find someone to compete against.”

At that moment the two women were finally joined back up by Yajirou.

“Where have you been?” asked Rushuna.

“I.. I just turned around for a minute and you two were gone. Although.. It looks like everything is fine here now.”

“It’s more than fine, it’s fantastic. Jinny and I are going to have a sharpshooting competition,” Rushuna exclaimed.


“I need you to help get the course put together. We need targets and horses; oh this is going to be great!”

Yajirou groaned. “How did I get roped into this?”

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