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Match 20882 Ren vs. The Unit

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Megastory 25.2



The trinty of former American Presidents sent The Unit to retrieve one of the Thirtreen Treasures of Rule. The acted as rivals to Spalko who was out to claim it for Russia. Being too much for her, Russian sent in the Oktober Guard to out do the Unit and get the treasure.



“They beat us, plain and simple.”Blane reported. “Oktober Guard lives up to its hype.”

“You lost men?” Palmer asked gently.

“No. That’s what makes it so embarrassing. They didn’t even need to get lethal to out play us.”

The playback of that call was presented to the former presidents- Marshal and Whitmore. Palmer, of course, was the one on the call.

“How are the Russians doing it? How do they know where these treasures are?” James Marshal wondered out loud.

“There’s a compass.” the presenter, Captain Black of Section 13 told him. “But that is in the possession of Prince Ren. And he’s not in league with Russia.”

“Well maybe we should start with how we know about the Thirteen Treasures of Rule in the first place.” David Palmer suggested.

“That’s a long story.” Captain Black sighed. “With a lot of passing down and invasions and immigration. The short version is that descendants of those in the know live in America. Section 13 sat on the information until it became relevant. Most of the locations were lost before America even was America but a few have remained where they are for millennia. I’d imagine Russia has a similar story. This was the last location that we knew of. The rest are in the wind.”

“Sounds like we need that compass.” Thomas Whitmore commented.

“Like I said.” Captain Black retorted. “It’s in the Prince of Octopon’s hands. It’s the only thing that can track the treasures.”

“Do we know where he is? Can we get him to work with us?” Asked Palmer.

“We can find him. A soft approach, show a lot of sympathy for what happened to Octopon. The Unit is still in the field. We can have them bring him in.”

“I think I’ll set up some back up in case somebody else gets the same idea.” Marshal offered.


* * * * * *


Concern overwhelmed him as Ren realized just how long it had been since he heard from any of the rest of the crew.

Tula had taken Moana and Kida on the easy mission to retrive the Treasure that was in Atlantic.

Cracker Jack took Ioz, Cole Young, Spike and Danny the Dog to get one in Asia.

There was no way to let them know that Captain Amelia had been killed. They would be further shocked to know that the Legacy was lost to Bloth’s pirates.

Another emotion clutched him as well. Doubt. All of this happened when Ren showed up. He was the key to everything going to hell. How could a walking disaster factory lead a group to victory?

The break away ship The Maru was sufficient for an escape but it wouldn’t sustained them for the long haul. Especially once everyone was back together again.

With no enemies following them, Ren, Sokka and Snow White took port. They needed a few supplies.

Sargent Blane found him first. He thought maybe just talking to him could keep this thing civil. The young guy probably needed a friend.

“I have him in sight.” he reported. “Hold back. I want to try something.”

Ren saw the guy. But thought nothing of it. However, when he saw the same black guy, with a concentrated yet unconcerned look on his face again, he knew something was up.

Sokka and Snow White should be getting back to the ship about now. Since there was no distant commotion that he knew of, he assumed they were okay. He was the one targeted.

“Hey fella!” The black guy called out. His voice was firm but his tone was pleasant. Sort of like those statement that visited Octopon intending to exploit her isolation in some way.

“The handles Blane! With the United States of America. We’d like to help you. And maybe you can help us.”

Ren simply listened.

“People are after the Thirteen Treasures of Rule. We know that you know how to find them. If we work together on this I’m sure we can keep the out of the hands of the more unsavory people around the world.”

“Something you don’t understand. I hear about America. For all the freedom and justice you promote you’re not saviors of other countries. Ocotpon is my responsibility. The Thirteen treasures were ours to give out. They are ours, specifically mine, to collect.”

“I’m sorry that you feel that way.” Blane frowned. “Sadly Octopon is in no position to call any shots. The prince you may be but you’re not ready to rebuild a civilization.”

“You’re wrong. I’m going to show you that I am.”

Angrily, Ren walked away.

“Are we gonna nab him?” Williams asked urgently.

Blane pursed his lips and sighed. “I was really hoping for your cooperation. But now it looks like I’m going to have to insist you come with us.”

At that moment, Ren knew it was time to run.


Fight Parameters:


Ren must evade The Unit and get back to the ship.


The Unit must capture him, without injury and maybe even gain his cooperation.


The Unit consists of:












Any objections, just modernize Ren’s skillset.

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