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Match 20906 Bo-Katan Kryze vs. Bellatrix Lestrange


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Chapter 39: A Wave of Madness

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! A small fluffy, white rabbit hopped across a long wooden table. A thin line of moonlight shined through a dusty old window and lit up the small rabbit. As the small ball fluff continued to hop along the wooden table, the snickering of a woman in dark battered clothing could be heard over the thumping sound of the rabbit's hopping. The snickering grew louder as the woman's mouth opened wider, revealing moldy teeth. She had stringy dark hair that went in all directions. This pale woman stared down at the small rabbit with her demented dark eyes. The fluffy ball of fur gazed up at the pale woman and it seemed as if a look of terror fell over the small rabbit. The mouth of the small rabbit dropped white opened. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! The small rabbit hopped frantically away from the pale woman. Now with a maniacal laughter, the pale woman twirled in circles around the long wooden table as if she were a ballerina. 

Reaching down to her waist, the pale woman wrapped her fingers around a wand. Her cracked and darkened fingernails rubbed against walnut wand that had the core of a dragon heartstring. She pulled out the dark colored wand and continued to twirl around the table. Her laughter grew louder while she continued antagonize the small fluffy creature. The dark-haired woman soon pointed her dark wand at the terror filled rabbit. Breathing out a warm foul odor from her mouth, the pale woman smiled from ear to ear. Her cracked lips gently moved over her rotted teeth before screeching out, "Imperio." The rabbit's lifted off the wooden table and floated into the air above. It's arms and legs became disjointed as the pale woman pointed her dark wand at the fluffy animal. The ball of white fluff started to screech in pain as it spun over the table. Leaping up onto the table, the woman with stringy black hair continued to laugh as loud as she could. 

THUMP! The rabbit's body soon slammed down against the long wooden table. Dancing around the small poor creature, the pale woman jumped back down on the floor. She spun around to see the rabbit trying to crawl away. Bringing her wand up to her mouth, the woman smiled before licking her lips. Staring at the poor creature, she pointed her wand at the rabbit once again. With a crazed filled voice, she shouted, "crucio!" There was an uneasy sound of crunching and cracking as the bones in the small white fluff started to become disjointed. The small helpless animal started to moan while it flopped over the table. The maniacal laughter grew louder and louder with each passing moment. She continued to twirl around the room as if she was celebrating. The warm foul odor that was her breath continued to filled the room with each laugh that she let out. Suddenly, the small stream of moonlight grew dim with the sound of someone approaching.

A scratching voice shouted out a phrase that caused the room to shake. The struggling ball of fur transformed into an older woman. This woman trembled in pain and fear. Her eyes were now sunk with madness as she dropped down onto the table. The scratching voice cried out, "Avada Kedavra!" There was a flash of blinding green light and a rushing sound, as though a vast, invisible something was soaring toward the older woman. The woman's body slumped over on her back and she was dead. A silence fell over the room while the pale woman with long dark haired stared over the lifeless body. That warm, musty air from her breath spewed out as she sighed. Her darkened eyes shifted toward the source of the scratchy voice and she gazed upon the Dark One himself. She wanted to speak but found herself at a loss for words. The Dark One tilted his head while he circled around the pale woman. He glanced down at the lifeless body of the older woman and sighed.

"Why must you play with your food, Bellatrix?" Voldemort asked before putting his wand. 

"I was just having a bit of fun, Dark Lord." Bellatrix smiled.

"I had plans for that muggle." Voldemort said unapologetically while looking over the cold, lifeless corpse.

"I have grown bored!" Bellatrix moaned while sitting down in a chair.

"It won't be long now until the Council decides to reveal themselves. Then we will have complete power of this filth." Voldemort replied while pointing down at the older woman's body.

"I don't understand why you have aligned with those beings. Some are muggles. Filthy and dirty. They don't know true power!" Bellatrix argued.

"It is only temporary, Bellatrix. Once they prove to no longer be of use to me, I will strike them all dead." Voldemort hissed.

"Oh, there's the Dark Lord that I know and love!" Bellatrix exclaimed.

"Now, my dear, I have something for you to do." Voldemort replied gently.

"Please, now more babysitting muggle rodents! I grow bore of them rather quickly!" Bellatrix growled.

"You will travel across the stars. I have received word that you have been requested to cause death and chaos to a senate meeting on a planet called Coruscant." Voldemort said staring down at his followers.

"That sounds fun!" Bellatrix said with a sickening grin. 

After his most loyal follower had departed for the galaxy far, far away; Voldemort found himself along in his chambers. He reached down in his robed and pulled out a communicator from his pocket. The Dark Wizard placed the communication on a small table and pressed a button that was on the device. A holographic image appeared before him of the blue-skinned Chiss Imperial. Despite his disgust about working alongside a no-mag, the Dark Wizard had found enough restraint when speaking with the Heir to the Empire.

"I trust that your follower is heading to Coruscant." Thrawn said while upon the Dark Wizard with his inquisitive red eyes. 

"She has." Voldemort replied with a disgusted look.

"You do not care for my plans." Thrawn said with his head tilted.

"I do not care for you or the other inferior beings on the Council." Voldemort hissed.

Thrawn smiled while continuing to look over the Dark Wizard. "While I may not possess or understand the magic and power that some of you may hold, I can assure you that our alliance will bring prosperity to all of the Council." 

"Speaking of the Council, I feel that they may not like your plan of sending one of my Death Eaters to attack your Galactic Senate." Voldemort replied with a cold smile. "Especially since they have decided that the time to reveal ourselves has not yet come."

"You are correct, Dark Lord, but there are events in motion that will bring about a grand plan that will prove certain victories once we reveal ourselves." Thrawn replied with confident smirk. 

"And if you fail, I hope that the Council grants me the gift of ending you." Voldemort replied with a chilling smile before ending the transmission. 

On Mandalore,

The nostrils of Mandalore's leader started to flare while blood ran cold. After hearing word that all contact and communication was lost with Fenn Rau, Bo-Katan grew enraged. With the Armorer still healing in the bacta tank and a large supply of Beskar still missing due to the actions of that Boglodite, the Mandalorian leader had become increasingly suspicious of the events in the galaxy. After reclaiming Mandalore and the defeat of Moff Gideon, Bo-Katan hoped that there would be bright days ahead for her people and the galaxy as a whole. The Mandalorian leader learned quickly that those bright days were far from a reality once she learned of the recent conflicts in the galaxy. Despite the Cobra Organization's defeat, the remnants of the Empire continued to operate throughout different corners of space. Bo-Katan had a twisted feeling deep in her chest that there was a bigger threat lurking in the shadows. 

"I ask again, Lady Kryze, what do you propose we do?" A Mandalorian elder asked with a snobbish tone.

"You will show respect to our leader!" Axe Woves snapped.

"I have made arrangements to meet with the Galactic Senate." Bo-Katan declared before several in the room burst out into discussions amongst themselves.

"Are you mad?" The same Mandalorian elder asked while leaning forward. "It is against the creed to seek help from other systems! Its weakness!"

"I am aware of the creed." Bo-Katan replied with a grin. "I am also aware that as ruler of Mandalore, I have declared this as our next step. Mandalore was nearly brought to extinction. We have united after what seemed to be an impossibility. I will not allow for us to walk down the same paths as we once did. I will not allow Mandalore to be destroyed."

"Leader of Mandalore? Under your ruling, we lost Mandalore during the Empire and then you allowed the Dark Saber to be destroyed! What could the senate promise us?" The Mandalorian elder asked.

"An alliance." Bo-Katan replied. She heard several high-ranking members scoff at her comments while murmuring amongst themselves. "There is something building in the shadows and we need help. We need to make sure that the Empire does not rise to power once again... And do not forget that I brought our people back together. I led us back to our home while most of you were scattered and in hiding! This is my decision!"

"Very well, your majesty." The elder said before the meeting was dismissed. 

Once the meeting between the high ranking Mandalorians concluded, Bo-Katan walked out of the chambers along with Axe Woves and Koska Reeves. Glancing back at her companions, Bo-Katan could see the uneasiness in the eyes of Axe. Reeves, on the other hand, had a stern and determined gaze. Knowing that Axe would want to discuss her decision further, the ruler of Mandalore stopped in the hallway and turned to face her fellow Mandalorian.
“You do not like my decision?” Bo-Katan asked with a pressing look.
“I will admit that it is rather peculiar given Mandalore’s long history of sustaining itself, but I trust you, my lady.” Axe replied with assurance.
“Good, I do not think that this will go over well with many of our brothers and sisters. With that said, I stand by my decision. I believe that there is a war coming to the galaxy and I do not want to see Mandalore fall again into mediocracy.” Bo-Katan replied.
“What do you want us to do, Lady Kryze?” Koska Reeves asked.
“Try to assure our brothers and sisters that I have their best intentions in mind.” Bo-Katan replied before shifting her eyes to Axe. “Axe, I also want you to send word to Din Djarin. See if he can travel to that far away galaxy and locate Fenn Rau, or in the very least see if he can put an end to that Boglodite.”

"Will do, Lady Kryze." Axe responded before heading away.

"And Koska, keep an eye on the Armorer. Send word to me if she recovers before I return." Bo-Katan said with a concerned look.

"As you wish, ma'am." Koska replied with a nod.

"I feel that I will need to share the news with her personally regarding my decision to ally ourselves with the Galactic Senate." Bo-Katan sighed.

Before departing for Coruscant, the ruler of Mandalore headed to her quarters. She gathered her weapons and gear while looking over at her family crest. The Mandalorian leader reflected on her older sister all those years ago. During the Clone Wars, Sabine had tried to seek a more peaceful path for Mandalore during the war and even sought to have an alliance with the Republic. At the time, Bo-Katan had taken pride in Mandalore's warrior history and did not wish to take part in any of that. After seeing her sister being murdered and all the lives lost since the end of the Clone Wars, Bo-Katan had become burden with regret. With her responsibility of leading her people, Bo-Katan did not want to lose sight of what made Mandalorians who they were, but she also did not want to see more lives lost in another galactic conflict. The former member of Death Watch finished preparing her weapons while walking toward her ship.

She could feel the eyes of disapproval staring her down while entering her ship. Despite all those that would certainly be against her in this decision, Bo-Katan was confident that it would be the right decision for her people. The Mandalorian was accompanied by a few other high-ranking Mandalorians in her journey to Coruscant. As her ship lifted off the planet's surface, the ruler of Mandalore looked back over her home. Even though her face was covered by her Beskar helmet, the warrior smiled while looking over all that had been returned to her and her people. The ship soon left the atmosphere and headed into the endless abyss of outer space. With the buttons and nobs, she used the controls of the ship to enter into hyperspace and headed for the center of the Galactic Senate. The Mandalorian had been in countless battles throughout her life but politics was something that she feared more than any warrior. She did not know what she would be expecting when meeting with the New Republic, but she was optimistic that Mandalore would see brighter days ahead.
While the journey itself was long, it did not seem to be long enough for the ruler of Mandalore. The idea of meeting before the New Republic and the Galactic Senate brought a feeling of nausea to the pit of her stomach. Once the ship landed and the doors to the craft opened, Bo-Katan closed her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. As she stepped out into the city covered world of Coruscant, the Mandalorian looked out at the high rises that surrounded her. She had rumblings that before the war with Cobra, there was a massive battle between a zillo beast and a robotic being known as the Fallen. The Mandalorian heard that there were several casualties as a result of that battle. Since then, she was informed that security had been increased through the district surrounding the Galactic Senate building. The Mandalorian was able to scope out several patrols of x-wings flying around the area and New Republic troops patrolling around. 

Even with the increase in security, the ruler of Mandalore had to make her case that she would not go anywhere without her armor or weapons. These items were part of her identity as a Mandalorian and as a citizen of the galaxy. After many back and forth conversations with members of the New Republic, she was granted permission to attend the proceedings with all of her weapons and gear. She had heard that one of the Senators that helped make it possible was Leia Organa, the Princess of Aldaraan, who was vital in the war against the Empire. The ruler of Mandalore hoped that she could thank Leia personally either before or after the proceeding. As she entered into the massive Galactic Senate building, she heard a sound that she was all too familiar with. There screams and cries that echoed throughout the chamber. Sparks of fire started to spread throughout and flashes of colors swarmed over the screaming crowds.

"Evacuate who you can!" Bo-Katan ordered while glancing back at her Mandalorian comrades.

"Where are you going, Lady Kryze?" One of the Mandalorians asked before she ignited her jetpack.

"I am going to put an end to this threat!" Bo-Katan declared before flying toward the chaos.

The ruler of Mandalore landed down in front of a woman with long dark hair. Bo-Katan realized that this woman was the source of all the chaos. This pale woman carried a wand and had control over a magic that was from a world far, far away.

"I am only giving you one warning, witch, put down your stick!" Bo-Katan screamed while aiming her blasters at the Death Eater.

Bellatrix grinned while turning her attention to the ruler of Mandalore. The psychotic witch started to giggle while pointing her wand at the female Mandalorian. "I killed so many of you little muggles and I will kill you too!" The witch sang before chanting a spell.

Bo-Katan had seen magic before but this was something else entirely. She knew that she had to end this threat soon or else there would be more death and destruction. 


In the classic question of magic vs. technology, who will come out victorious? The battle takes place in the Galactic Senate building on Coruscant. 

Bo-Katan Kryze is armed with all of her usual weapons and gear. She does not have the Dark Saber.

Bellatrix Lestrange is armed with her wand. 

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Well done. I want to give Bellatrix the respect she deserves but it is always hard for me to picture wizards from the Harry Potter franchise fighting other people that are not wand using wizards. I'll have to think on it a bit.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.50 - Yazmal
5.00 - JohnnyChany

FPA Calculation:
2 Total Votes cast
9.50 Total Combined Score
9.50 / 2 = 4.75 Final Rating on the match

Bo-Katan Kryze: 0
Bellatrix Lestrange: 3

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