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Silk vs. Lillith Aensland
Silk: 5
Lillith Aensland: 0

Pumpkin Jack vs. Jack Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Jack: 4
Jack Pumpkinhead: 1

Rumble 20942 Korra vs. Kid Goku
Korra: 1
Kid Goku: 0

Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)
The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

Rumble 20937 The Leprechaun vs. Jolly Roger
The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 20915 Mariko Yashida vs. Shiki (Samurai Shodown)

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The silent streets surrounding a nondescript building in Tokyo seemed at peace, illuminated only by the pale glow of the moon. The building was in actuality an underground gambling club with strong ties to the criminal organization, the Hand, and its reckoning was closing in like a shadow. A mysterious figure soon entered the club in a small flash of light. The figure swept through the members of the club with quiet efficiency and delivered quick, ruthless, judgment with twin blades to everything in its path. The figure was Shiki, the assassin of  the demonic sorcerer, Yuga the Destroyer. The master assassin cut down every patron and Hand operative in the building. The only good look anyone would get of her was of the snake tattoo on her back, a sigil of Yuga’s control over her. Once Shiki was done, she exited the establishment as the only one still breathing. 

Shiki had attacked this place under Yuga’s command. Once seen as an ally by Yuga in his quest to find a suitable host and fully merge the human and demonic world, the Hand had elected to betray him instead once they had received some of his power for their own nefarious means. Shiki was Yuga’s instrument of vengeance. Though Shiki’s mind was clouded by Yuga’s magic, deep down she knew she had no choice in this matter. She was bound by forces far greater than herself, her life an endless cycle of death and obedience.

The Gorgon, leader of the Hand, was soon informed of the massacre. It was just one of several similar quick strikes that had recently befallen the Hand. It was unknown who was behind the attacks, but it was clear they would continue if they were not properly dealt with. The Gorgon could not go on the offensive because he was unsure of the target. The Hand had no shortage of enemies it itself had created over its long time of existence. Even just being a part of the Japanese underworld made it a potential target in a fragile ecosystem rife for violent war.

It was this fragile ecosystem that the Gorgon wanted to put his full concentration on. The Hand had recently resurrected Mariko Yashida, the former leader of Clan Yashida. They brainwashed her and turned her into the Scarlet Samurai. The Gorgon planned to use her to take down the current leader of Clan Yashida, the Silver Samurai. A move that would help consolidate the Gorgon’s power in Japan and something he would need to further complete his master plan. However, all those plans would need to be put on hold until this relentless attack was addressed.

The Gorgon narrowed down the target of the next attack to two possible locations. It was suggested that he add more members of the Hand to each area to protect them, but he rejected this idea. He wanted to lure this mysterious threat in and then crush them, he did not want to dissuade an attack by showing his hand. The Gorgon elected to lay in wait in one of the locations himself and for the other one he would station the Hand’s most reliable weapon, the Scarlet Samurai.  He and Mariko traveled to a remote Hand base near a small riverbank.

“Station yourself there,” The Gorgon commanded. He pointed toward a beautiful cherry blossom garden in the center of the base.

Mariko bowed wordlessly and made her way to the cherry blossom garden, The Gorgon took his leave and the wait began. Mariko stood silently with an emotionless gaze behind her helm. Deep inside her mind was the knowledge of her former life, of her time as the dutiful daughter of Lord Shingen, of her time as the leader of Clan Yashida, even of her time in hell, and of her time with her love, Logan. But, the machinations of the Hand had clouded all those memories now and in their place was only blind obedience.

The Gorgon’s suspicions proved correct when later that night, Shiki made her appearance. As she had done so many nights before, Shiki cut down the Hand’s forces with relative ease. She used her teleport to travel from room to room and slice apart her targets. She utilized her poison spell to briefly torture her victims and even used life drain on a Hand ninja to strengthen herself. With her mission seemingly complete, she entered the cherry blossom garden. The sight of Mariko’s crimson armor gleaming in the moonlight immediately caught her attention. Mariko grasped the katana by her side as Shiki drew near. 

A silent acknowledgment passed between the two women, though neither spoke a word. They were alike in more ways than one, both highly skilled and dangerous, yet devoid of their agency and being used as deadly weapons. Tragic figures trapped by forces beyond their control, and only one would walk away from this garden alive.



Weapons & Armor: Katana (long sword), enchanted Scarlet armor offering high durability.

Abilities: expert swordswoman, superhuman strength and durability due to resurrection magic.

Techniques: enhanced regeneration, sword energy projection



Weapons & Armor: Twin Wakizashi (short swords), light robes for mobility

Abilities: master swordswoman, exceptional agility and speed

Techniques: teleportation, dark poisoning magic, life drain

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Good to see Mariko being used here in her first CBUB battle, and with Shiki no less.

If anything, I would say that fighting against Shiki is going to be no easy battle-- especially considering that Shiki is pretty fast. However, I would think that Mariko, despite her known status as being Wolverine's wife and initially seen as a Yakuza princess... is more than just being a pretty face now that she's taken up the mantle as the Scarlet Samurai. And given her time spent with Wolverine and even her adopted brother, Harada, otherwise known as the Silver Samurai-- she might have a skill advantage to help her out here.

So in good faith... I'm going with Mariko.

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Another good set-up, Johnny, and good match-up of brainwashed kunoichis. A little on the short side, but a very good story nonetheless. 

And man, it looks like you're still the only member to use Shiki in matches so far (who I still say dresses a lot like Psylocke. :D)

Anyways, as for the match, Shiki looks like she may win this based on experience since she was trained since a little girl in combat. Shiki's life-draining ability also seems to be a more potent healer than Mariko's use of Regenix. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - Boratz
5.00 - RakaiThwei
4.80 - Yazmal
4.50 - DSkillz

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
19.30 Total Combined Score
19.30 / 4 = 4.83 Final Rating on the match

Mariko Yashida: 2
Shiki (Samurai Shodown): 4

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