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Silk vs. Lillith Aensland
Silk: 5
Lillith Aensland: 0

Pumpkin Jack vs. Jack Pumpkinhead
Pumpkin Jack: 4
Jack Pumpkinhead: 1

Rumble 20942 Korra vs. Kid Goku
Korra: 1
Kid Goku: 0

Rumble 20938 The Mad Doctor vs. Loona vs. Mother (Sanitarium)
The Mad Doctor: 0
Loona: 2
Mother (Sanitarium): 0

Rumble 20937 The Leprechaun vs. Jolly Roger
The Leprechaun: 0
Jolly Roger: 1

Match 20917 Optimus Prime vs. Skeletor


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A beam of early morning sunlight shines through your window and onto your face. While your eyes slowly adjust to the new day, you look around your bedroom to see clothes and toys spread out on the floor. Pushing off your bedsheets, you twist yourself over and step out of your bed. Stepping around the clothes and toys, you lean down to scoop up some of the heroes and villains that you have become invested in from your overactive imagination. The school week is over and the weekend is officially underway. 

Your parents are doing chores outside the house while you head toward the kitchen to pour yourself a bowl of cereal and milk. Looking over the box of cereal, you gaze upon some of your favorite characters that are painted on the box while crunchy down on the sugary and processed grains. There's a childlike smile across your cheeks as your mind wonders into a realm of imagination. 

After finishing the last remaining piece of that sugary cereal and gulping down the milk, you scoop up your toys once again. You hurry as fast as you can to the television and press that power button. The weekly tradition of Saturday morning cartoons comes on across your screen while you sit back on the floor to enjoy the many adventures of your favorite characters. You sing along with those theme songs that you have heard every single Saturday for as long as you can remember. 

While all this is taking place, there are commercials blaring that advertise the latest toys and games that will add to your grand adventures. As you sit back and hear the jingles of these different commercials, you make mental notes on what you want to ask your mom and dad for when either your birthday or Christmas roll around. Unaware and oblivious of the events happening in the world, you become invested in the adventures on the screen. 

From the adventures of the Real Ghostbusters to see those crazy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, your mind is at peace knowing that you can sit back to enjoy the goodness of your favorite cartoons. While your favorite heroes and villains are battling it out on screen, you are also using your own imagination to create battles and stories with the small articulated figures that you were given over the years. With all the commotion that you are making, your four-legged companion creeps around the couch to see what all the ruckus is all about. 

Your canine pal drools while you use him as part of the ongoing story between all your favorite toys. All while this is taking place, your grumpy feline watches from a high perch in hopes that you will not drag her into the ongoing chaos of your imagination. Every once in a while, your parents walk through the house to get something from their rooms. While walking by, they cannot help but smile at the innocent fun that you are having. 

As your Saturday morning fun continues, you hear the words, "He-man... And the Masters of the Universe!" Your attention turns back toward the screen and you listen to the opening theme song of He-man. While watching the everlasting adventures on Eternia, your ever-expanding mind starts to formulate a new adventure with your favorite toys. After looking over all the house for your toys, you see one of your favorite ones laying on the side table. You jump to your feet and rush to grab the small articulated figure off the table and look over it as if you found the Holy Grail itself. 

Your eyes look over the battle worn figure that is the arch enemy of He-man himself. The powerful and terrifying Sorcerer known as Skeletor has set his sights on taking control of your living room. He gathers his allies that consists of some of his closest friends; Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, Shredder, Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, and Magneto. All them combined take control of a box of small green army men and a variety of toys that belong to your baby brother. 

On the recliner that your dad uses to read the sports' pages known as Recliner Tower, a small group has decided to stand their ground in defending the tower. The GI Joe leader Duke and Snake Eyes have teamed up with Luke Skywalker to make sure the tower remains safe and secure. All was well until Boba Fett flew down in his jetpack. The bounty hunter knocked out Duke with a powerful kick to the face. Snake Eyes tried to react but he was overwhelmed by Cobra Commander riding in on a toy shark. 

Luke Skywalker jumped into action to rescue his comrades, but he was confronted by Darth Vader himself. They engaged in a climatic battle for control over Recliner Tower. As the battle continued, Cobra Commander and Boba Fett teamed up to stop Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker along with Duke and Snake Eyes found themselves trapped in the laundry basket that was now the Mega Prison. 

On the Cushion Bridge also known as your couch, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles team up with the Real Ghostbusters to make sure the bridge remains safe. All was quiet until you hear the theme song for GI Joe playing in the background. While the Joes battle it out with the evil forces of Cobra, the Turtles and the Real Ghostbusters find themselves surrounded by an army of ghost soldiers. Shredder and Storm Shadow lead the armies to face off against the heroes. 

The Real Ghostbusters manage to stop most of the ghost soldiers while the Turtles stand their ground against Shredder and Storm Shadow. Leonardo and Raphael team up to face the menacing Shredder while Donatello and Michaelangelo team up to face the terrifying Storm Shadow. Just when the heroes think that they were going to win against the evil forces, Magneto swoops down with several metal magical rings under his control. In reality, these rings are plastic hollow toys that varies in size and color which belong to your little brother. The Master of Magnetism traps the Turtles and the Real Ghostbusters in the magical rings. Eventually, the heroes find themselves in the Mega Prison. 

Before your imagination continues to run wild, you hear a voice from the kitchen. "If I've told you once then I've told you a thousand times, you need to put your bowl in the sink before going to watch your silly cartoons!" Your mom shouts while fuming in the kitchen.

"But mom, I didn't want...." You plead before being interrupted.

"Don't you but mom me!" Your mother screams while pointing at the sink. "Put your bowl away and then go make your bed!"

As fast as you can, you speed to the kitchen. You grab the bowl that served those sugary grain just moments before and rush to get it into the sink. You keep your eyes on the television to make sure that you do not miss any of the heart pounding moments of the Saturday morning cartoon. Your then hear your mom shout once again to go make your bed before she heads outside to finish some of the yard work that she set out to do. Running to your room, you make the bed as fast as you can. She then yells for you to clean up your room. 

Even though you let out an annoyed groan, you start pushing your clothes and junk inside the closet in hopes that she will not check there. After your attempts of cleaning, you do a quick glance over the room and then head back to the living room to continue your Saturday morning ritual. You watch while your mom heads outside and then turn your eyes back to the screen to see the adventures of the ThunderCats.

After a couple moments of looking over the show, you then remember the dastardly plot of Skeletor and his friends. In this kingdom that you created in your mind; Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, and your little brother's Mr. Potato Head have traveled toward a mysterious cave full of magic and advanced technology. In reality, this cave is actually a bucket of building blocks that was given to you and your little brother by different family members over the years, but that does not stop your imagination from running wild. 

Before the group of evildoers can reach the cave, they are confronted by Cyclops, Wolverine, and Chewbacca. Wolverine lunges to attack the Decepticons but he is thwarted by the mischievous efforts of Mr. Potato Head.  In your best childlike imitation of Wolverine, you let out a growl as the two engage in a battle. Mr. Potato Head loses both of his arms and even his nose. Before Wolverine can finish him off, he is knock unconscious by a devastating blast from Shockwave. 

Cyclops is able to knock Shockwave back with his powerful optic beams but before he can go tend to his fellow X-Men, a surprise attack from Soundwave incapacitates the X-Men field leader. Before Megatron can throw the X-Men into the Mega Prison, he is caught off guard by the attacks of the angry Wookie. Chewbacca is able to fight off the Decepticons only ever so briefly before Megatron calls upon a surprising new ally. From underneath a window curtain, you see your little brother's dusty old hand-me-down of a teddy bear. With your mind racing, you come up with a vast forest that has danger lurking in every corner. The ravenous bear emerges from the forest and is able to knock down the angry Wookie with relative ease. From there, the Decepticons are able to collect the magical technological blocks from the cave to build a vortex to take help Skeletor take control of this mighty kingdom. 

Sitting in front of the television on the TV stand, Skeletor watches over the kingdom that will soon be his. This TV stand has become his new castle. He has a mischievous plan that involves everyone in the kingdom. Before he can finish his plans, he hears his archenemy jumping onto his castle. He-man and Spider-Man are there to stop the evil mastermind, but Skeletor has several tricks up his sleeve to defeat his enemies. Before He-man and Spider-Man can get to Skeletor, the Evil Sorcerer's friends all come together and are able to defeat the two heroes.

With your best Skeletor impression, you order that the heroes be locked up in the Mega Prison with the others. While Megatron, Darth Vader and Skeletor's other evil friends take the two heroes to be locked away, Skeletor activates his true plans for the kingdom. With the magical blocks that were acquired and some of the magical rings that actually belong to your little brother, he is going to take over the kingdom as well as steal the power and abilities of all the heroes and villains. 

"Fifteen more minutes and then you need to do your chores!" Your father announces. 

Your mind begins to wonder who could possibly stop Skeletor now. All the heroes and villains are trapped in the kingdom. Their powers and abilities will be stolen forever. You then hear the familiar words, "Transformers! More than meets the eye!" Your eyes glance back at the television and you see the Autobots battling it out with the Decepticons. After seeing the heroic Optimus Prime on screen, a light bulb goes off in your young childish mind. There is one that has not been trapped in the kingdom that can battle it out with the evil Sorcerer. 

You run over to the side of the room to pick up the Peterbilt truck that could be the key to saving the living room as well as all the heroes and villains. Driving the Peterbilt truck through the magical vortex of rings and blocks, you direct the truck toward the mighty castle of Skeletor. With noises you make from your mouth, you image the noise of that red and blue Peterbilt truck transforming into the courageous Autobot leader.

"NOOOOO!" You shout in your best Skeletor impersonation.

"I have come to stop you, Skeletor!" You reply in an Optimus Prime imitation.

"You are a fool, Prime! I have power over magic and technology! I am the greatest Sorcerer there is! You cannot stop me! This land is mine!" You yell in that same Skeletor impersonation.

"Not today, Skeletor!" You respond as Optimus Prime.

In your mind, the outcome could go either way. A battle between the Lord of Destruction and the Autobot leader had begun that would determine the fate of the living room. With only a couple minutes until you have to go do your chores, you must decide on who will win. 

So, who will win?

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Brilliant setup - one of the best I've read in a long time. It really took me back and I probably played this exact scenario out as a kid. 

And really, there's only one way this could go - Optimus all the way! 

Again, well done. 

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Another great set-up, Boratz! What better match-up for classic toys than in a kid's imagination? 

As for the match, since this is a boy's imagination, he'd probably want the good guys to overcome the odds, so I'd say he'd probably have Optimus win. 

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Great as always, Boratz. Writing in the second person is an underrated and underused framing device for a set-up in my opinion. Although it can be hard to pull off well. You did so here. Another vote for Optimus Prime.

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I don’t give out 5 star scores often but you have truly earned it this time Boratz. Well done.

If the kid is a true 1984 Transformer’s fan then he knows Optimus Prime beats Skeletor’s boney ass. Back then Prime and his fellow were doing op shit like traveling between galaxies and casually moving planets around like it was nothing.

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
5.00 - ThePhenomenalOne
5.00 - Pizza Guy
4.90 - DSkillz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Culwych1

FPA Calculation:
5 Total Votes cast
24.90 Total Combined Score
24.90 / 5 = 4.98 Final Rating on the match

Optimus Prime: 8
Skeletor: 1

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