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Apex Arena - Battle A3: – Mike Banning vs. Barney Ross

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In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked, "Where the f&&k is everyone?" That question led to what is now known as the Fermi Paradox, pondering why humanity has never encountered intelligent life despite the vastness of the universe. But when first contact finally happened, humanity wished the answer had been "nowhere."

The aliens arrived with technology and powers beyond comprehension, annihilating Earth’s defences. Yet, despite their godlike abilities, humanity's defiance intrigued them. Instead of total destruction, the aliens devised a twisted experiment to understand humanity’s unique will to survive.

They chose Earth's 32 fiercest warriors from across time and space, placing them in The Apex Arena—a constantly shifting battleground where only the strongest survive. The prize? The salvation of Earth and a place of honour in the alien archives. 4 groups, 8 fighters in each. Who would stand, and who would fall?

Each warrior stands alone, unaware of their competition, fighting not just for glory, but for the very future of humanity. The Apex Arena has opened its gates. The battle for survival begins now.


Apex Arena - Battle A3: – Mike Banning vs. Barney Ross

Nobody really knew what the aliens were thinking, but they seemed ecstatic. Blood was being spilled in their various arenas; men and women throwing themselves into battle and standing triumphant or dying in agony.

And once again, the Apex Arena twisted in a direction nobody could quite see and the ground shifted as Mike Banning and Barney Ross were transported to their battlefield—an old, rusting oil rig perched precariously in the middle of a stormy ocean. Towering over the raging waters, the rig groaned and creaked under the assault of violent waves crashing against its metal legs. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and lightning illuminated the sky in jagged bursts, casting fleeting shadows across the rusted decks.

The water churned, dark and deadly, with a new threat lurking beneath the surface—great white sharks circling the rig, drawn by the vibrations of the storm. Their dorsal fins cut through the water like knives, eager for anyone who might fall from the towering heights.

Mike Banning stood on the highest level of the rig, the wind howling in his ears as rain lashed against his face. His muscles tensed, his eyes scanning the rig’s layout. The place was a sprawling maze of metal walkways, cranes, and machinery, most of it decayed from years of abandonment. The platform below him was slick with oil and rain, making every step treacherous. He moved with the practiced caution of a man who had survived countless dangerous situations.

Far below, Barney Ross appeared on the lower deck, the old veteran of war barely flinching as the storm raged around him. He cracked his knuckles and glanced up at the towering rig. The metal platforms above crisscrossed like a web, offering plenty of cover—and plenty of opportunities to fall to a watery grave. Ross grinned, the rain drenching him, his focus sharp. This was his kind of fight—dirty, unpredictable, and absolutely lethal.

The rig was a hulking, labyrinthine structure with multiple levels connected by ladders, narrow walkways, and rusting staircases. Massive cranes loomed overhead, their rusted hooks swaying wildly in the storm. Loose chains clanked against the steel beams, and below, the ocean roared, threatening to swallow anyone unlucky enough to slip.

As always, weapons were scattered throughout the rig. A sawed-off shotgun, a wrench, knives, multiple other guns and blades, each waiting to be found by the combatants, even if retrieving them meant navigating the deadly, slippery walkways.

The rig groaned as another wave smashed into its side, sending a violent shudder through the entire structure. Banning steadied himself, his hand gripping a railing as he reached a crowbar. He yanked it free from the debris and spun around, eyes scanning for Ross. The storm was relentless, rain pounding down like bullets as the wind tore at his clothes. This was a battlefield unlike any he’d ever seen—no cover, no backup, just the raging elements and a lethal opponent.

Ross climbed a ladder to the second level, his every step deliberate, his eyes locked on Banning’s position. He moved like a ghost, using the machinery and platforms as cover as he closed the distance. The storm worked to his advantage—the constant roar of the wind and waves masked his approach. His hand tightened around the wrench as he crept closer.

Suddenly, a burst of lightning illuminated the rig, casting everything in stark relief. Banning saw Ross then—just a flash of his figure moving through the shadows. Banning’s instincts kicked in, and he darted toward the nearest cover, a rusting crate, gripping the crowbar tightly in one hand. He crouched low, his eyes tracking Ross’s movement. The storm wasn’t going to stop them, and neither would the rig.

Ross spotted Banning’s movement and moved in for the kill. He leaped across a narrow gap between platforms, landing on a metal walkway just a few feet away. The wind howled, and the rig swayed dangerously beneath him, but he pressed forward, his eyes locked on Banning.

Banning’s breath was steady despite the chaos around him. He waited for Ross to make his move, his body coiled like a spring. He knew Ross was coming—it was just a matter of when. The crowbar felt solid in his hand, and he was ready to use it.

Ross advanced, his footsteps barely audible over the storm. The wrench in his hand gleamed as lightning flashed again, and he closed the distance between them. He knew Banning was close—just around the corner of the crate.

Then suddenly, the violent storm shifted the small platform they were on and it tipped them both down below. They landed hard on the bottom platform, the breath torn from their bodies.

Within moments, both were back to their feet, scrambling around and each finding a gun that had spilled from the crate. At the same time, they both realised that the choppy waters had risen in the storm, the water lapping at the metal rungs and pathways that they stood on. And there, amidst the dark waves, they could see the fins slicing through the water, just waiting for them to make a slip.

As lightning again split the sky, Banning and Ross cocked their guns, and steadied themselves for the battle ahead.


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It's cool seeing some of the characters that I've added get some spotlight. I'm enjoying this Arc for that reason so great job

As for the match, I'm not sure. I am leaning toward Bannings as he has shown some great feats. In h2h, I feel like Banning has the edge but if they both have their weapons then maybe Barney as he has shown to he a quick draw. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.40 - Pizza Guy
5.00 - JohnnyChany
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
3 Total Votes cast
14.40 Total Combined Score
14.40 / 3 = 4.80 Final Rating on the match

Mike Banning: 1
Barney Ross: 5

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