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Apex Arena - Battle C3: Dirty Harry vs Robert McCall

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In 1950, physicist Enrico Fermi famously asked, "Where the f&&k is everyone?" That question led to what is now known as the Fermi Paradox, pondering why humanity has never encountered intelligent life despite the vastness of the universe. But when first contact finally happened, humanity wished the answer had been "nowhere."

The aliens arrived with technology and powers beyond comprehension, annihilating Earth’s defences. Yet, despite their godlike abilities, humanity's defiance intrigued them. Instead of total destruction, the aliens devised a twisted experiment to understand humanity’s unique will to survive.

They chose Earth's 32 fiercest warriors from across time and space, placing them in The Apex Arena—a constantly shifting battleground where only the strongest survive. The prize? The salvation of Earth and a place of honour in the alien archives. 4 groups, 8 fighters in each. Who would stand, and who would fall?

Each warrior stands alone, unaware of their competition, fighting not just for glory, but for the very future of humanity. The Apex Arena has opened its gates. The battle for survival begins now.


Apex Arena - Battle C3: Dirty Harry vs Robert McCall

Death begets death; so the Apex Arena spat out its next two fighters into a place that reeked of death, a living nightmare of rust, blood, and decay. Dirty Harry Callahan and Robert McCall found themselves in an abandoned slaughterhouse, its walls stained with the remnants of horrors best left unspoken. Chains hung from the ceiling, swaying slightly as if moved by invisible hands. The smell of old blood clung to everything—iron-tinged, foul, and inescapable. Whether animal, or human, only the Aliens knew.

Harry Callahan moved first, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the environment. The long-dead victims of the slaughterhouse were gone, but the hooks still hung ominously from overhead tracks. The concrete floor beneath his boots was slick with grease and stagnant puddles of water that had gathered beneath the decaying machinery. A massive steel door creaked in the distance, but otherwise, the place was eerily silent, the kind of silence that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

“Great,” Harry muttered to himself, "just where I wanted to be—right in the middle of Hell." But this wasn’t the streets of San Francisco. No, this was something else entirely, something much darker. He could feel it in his bones.

Across the slaughterhouse, Robert McCall stood still, his sharp mind calculating as he took in every detail of the scene. The slaughterhouse was a place designed for one purpose—death. The hooks and chains, the rusting saws, the decayed carcass conveyors, all told the story of violence that had unfolded here long ago. But today, this place would bear witness to a new kind of bloodshed – that of Apex.

McCall moved with quiet efficiency, his steps deliberate, his eyes scanning for weapons. Knives lay scattered on the ground, their blades still sharp despite the rusted handles. Nearby, a butcher’s knife rested precariously on the edge of a meat processing table, caked in grime but functional. It wasn’t much, but it would do. His breath fogged in the cold air, and he felt the oppressive weight of the place settle on him like a shroud.

The slaughterhouse groaned in protest as the wind outside picked up, rattling the rusted metal and causing the chains to clink together in an eerie symphony. Every shadow seemed alive, twisting and stretching as if watching, waiting for the violence to begin. The overhead lights flickered, casting sporadic bursts of dim light through the warehouse, illuminating the blood-slicked floors and the rusting, broken equipment.

Dirty Harry moved deeper into the belly of the slaughterhouse, his eyes drawn to a hammer with blood soaking the head, his senses on high alert. The oppressive darkness closed in around him, every creak and drip of water echoing like a scream in the night. The chains hanging from the ceiling cast long, swinging shadows, and the meat hooks, sharp and glistening with condensation, dangled like threats just waiting to be realized.

He stepped into a massive processing room, his eyes narrowing as he caught sight of McCall across the way, the dim light flickering over his figure. "So," Harry muttered, his voice a growl. "We finally meet."

McCall didn’t respond, his expression unreadable. He simply tightened his grip on the butcher’s knife, his eyes cold and calculating. He had no intention of speaking. This wasn’t a place for words—this was a place for action. The smell of iron was thick, filling his lungs, the bloodied atmosphere of the slaughterhouse wrapping around him like a cloak.

The machinery groaned, and the chains swung lazily as the two men began to close in on each other. Every footstep seemed amplified, every breath louder than it should have been. The air was damp, thick with the scent of rot and rust. Hooks, rusted and sharp, gleamed in the flickering light as the men approached their inevitable clash.

A small metal crate screeched as it slipped from its precarious perch, crashing to the ground with a deafening clang. The contents tumbled out, two large handguns. Neither man flinched. They were beyond that now, locked in the moment, focused only on each other.

Three. Two. One.



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If this is Robert McCall from the movies, I think I am leaning a little more towards him. He was ruthless and calculating when it came to combat. I mean Dirty Harry is pretty tough and I think it will be extremely close 

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Another good set-up, Culwych. Good job in maintaining the morbid atmosphere, but the story is a little short. 

Also, Robert McCall from the movies could've really been added separately. I've seen quite a few eps of the OG Equalizer TV series, and while I haven't yet seen the Equalizer movies, I've read up a bit on and seen trailers of Movie McCall. They both have essentially the same past job with a similar gruffness, but OG McCall, being less athletic than Denzel McCall, tended to use guns and makeshift traps more than get physical, while Denzel McCall, judging from the trailers, more often goes H2H.  

As for the match, I've only seen parts of the Dirty Harry movies and, as mentioned, read up a little on and seen trailers of the Equalizer films. While Movie McCall is older than Callahan was in his films, this feels more like McCall's element. I doubt Harry would do that well going toe-to-toe here. 

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Match Final Results

Member Ratings:
4.40 - DSkillz
5.00 - JohnnyChany
4.50 - Pizza Guy
5.00 - Boratz

FPA Calculation:
4 Total Votes cast
18.90 Total Combined Score
18.90 / 4 = 4.72 Final Rating on the match

Dirty Harry: 1
Robert McCall (The Equalizer): 5

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